There are probably new pieces since this was originally posted. If anyone wants to add more screenshots of new stuff, please do. I took screenshots of all the deco items so we could pick them out by picture because many times the names don't tell us what they look like. I thought this might be useful to others who are making planets. Also a couple of notes: Fantasy Plant1 and 2 glow in the dark! FingerSponge causes CoQ error RocksmallA02, RocksmallC01 (in biome) cause CoQ (but not in MainBiome/SubBiome section) AkuaBush1 AkuaBushRed AlaskaCedarBare AlienBush01 AlienBushRedFronds AlienPalmTree AlienPalmTreeHarvested AlienPlant02 AlienPlant04 AlienPlant05
AlienPlant07 AlienPlant11 AlienPlant11Blue AlienPlant14 AlienPlant20 AlienPlantMushroom1 AlienPlantMushroom2 AlienPlantPod2 AlienPlantReef2 AlienPlantSpike1
AlienPlantThorn1 AlienPlantThorn2 AlienPlantTube1 AlienPlantWorm2 AlienTreeBlue AlienTreeBlue02 AntlerTree AridRock01 AridRock02 AridRock03
AridRockBrown01 AridRockBrown02 AridRockBrown03 AridRockYellow01 AridRockYellow02 AridRockYellow03 BaldCypres BaldCypresFall BlueSpruceWinter Boulder1
Boulder2 Boulder3 Boulder4 Boulder5 BrainFungusSnow BulbShroom BushGreen01 BushGreen02 BushWinter01 BushWinter02
BushWinter03 Cactus1 Cactus2 Cactus3 CattailWinter ChineseBanyan ClusterShroom CobraLeavesPlant ConfettiMoss CoralBig01
CoralBig08 CoralStone03-05 CoralStone04-03 CornDogBush CrystalsPyramidBlue CrystalStraight DeadTree01 DeadTree02b DesertPlant20 DesertRock1
DesertRock2 DesertRockLarge DesertRockMedium1 DesertRockMedium2 DimpleDomeSnow EggPlant FantasyPlant1 FantasyPlant2 GasEmitter1 GasEmitter2
HollywoodJuniperDesktop HollywoodJuniperDesktopBare Hydrilla2 InsanityPepper ModRocksBrown01 ModRocksBrown02 ModRocksBrown03 ModRocksBrown04 MoundzTree Mushroom2
MushroomBellBrown01 MushroomBellGreen01 MushroomTallBlue02 OmicronPalm OmicronPlant OmicronWaterleaf OpuntiaCactus PixieStalks PixieStalksSnow PulpitFungus
RealRock1 RealRock1Water RealRock2 RealRock2Snow RealRock3 RealRock3Snow RealRock4 RealRock5 RealRock5Water RealRock6Snow
RealRock7 RealRock8 RealRock8Snow RealRock8Water RealRock9 RealRock9Water RealRock10 RealRock10Snow RockA01 RockA01Snow
RockB01 RockB01Snow RockGreySmall02 Rocks02 Rocks02Snow Rocks03 Rocks05 ScalyPods SeaWeed02-04 Snakeweed
Just totally awesome! Interestingly, when I have been creating planets some of the above I have copied/pasted from original 'official' playfields only to have them come up with a null error when teleporting in as test..... So whether there have been name changes or Eleon have removed some, I'm not sure. Awesome series of posts though. Having done what you have for space orbits, their asteroid fields, resource asteroids, and space bases etc., I know how time consuming this sort of thing can be .. Andy.
That is really a great work - I respect your time and dedication you put into this! Our Emp Playfield Generator needs still a lot of work but later you should of course also be able to place decorations like you wish on a planet. We would come back to you and ask for permission to use them maybe. Anyways thanks for sharing!
This will go well with my master sheet pinned on the forums, i might reccomend maybe posting the file list there as well and i can make a mention at the top for you.
Still in use today =) linked it from my Planet creation guide