Please make a customizable lift (for heavy stuff)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by El_Globo, Jun 6, 2022.

  1. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    I would like a standard customizable lift, as the ones you found on the aircraft carriers to move the planes from the hangars to the decks. They are useful too in sort of atomic underground shelters where you can carry trucks and loads of supplies from the ground to the underground levels, like mount cheyenne atomic shelter...

    I have uploaded an example :

    The blue circular blocks are supposed to be the extensible blocks which support the yellow platform, which is customizable (ex 2x2, 2x3, 3x3, etc...)

    The ATM on the platform is supposed to be the lift command to select the level you want to go.

    The RED TRAPS are supposed to be an invisible logic trigger with each a unique ID which are the LEVELS that can be accessible by the lift.

    Once set, the levels should be visible on the ATM block to select the one you want to reach.

    It is just a thought, because I know that the problem would be to define where the lift has to stop.

    I think the way I did enable for example two levels separated by 3 blocks high, and then 10 blocks upper or lower another level. Thios way they don't have to be at the exact same difference level.

    I hope it is clear, since I'm french and perharps my words are not exactly corrects !

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