Fixed Polaris mission - Privacy matters [6584]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by spacegal, Jul 15, 2019.

  1. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SEED-ID: Rudra - 818871


    Reproducibility: by judging from the bug type it doesn't seem something occasional but I can't be sure
    Severity: Minor

    Type: quest details

    Summary: this quest seems just scratched. All the hints you have are 'Find location' and 'Locate', plus some dots here and there of course typos. No POI, no radar hint, nothing.

    Description: privacy matters is arguably the first quest Polaris related someone would do. The briefing say to kill some drones, but after 11 kills over the whole planet by flying randomly and no progress, no counter and just two words about this mission: Find location and locate.

    Steps to Reproduce: starting this quest.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: I played games without any tracking system on old 16-bit systems but to have a detail about a quest such as 'locate' and nothing more it seems a little bit too much. Maybe a counter or a progress report could be added if no description shall be otherwise given.
  2. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks I'll check.
  3. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Thanks to all Eleon for this incredible game... and thanks even for checking the other bug about uch mission: the future of mankind is at stake ;)
  4. Travis9x

    Travis9x Commander

    Apr 22, 2019
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    I had the same confusion when I first started doing this quest. However, if you go to the local planet map you may notice a “small wreck” or “large wreck” POI marker that has turned yellow. Your personal radar may also now show a white dot in the direction of said POI. If you get close to it, then the mission should update, and a few moments later about 4 drones will spawn close by.
  5. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Thank you but I've checked it and found anything. I must admit I've still some black squares in my planet map but anyway it would be a bug: if you've not yet discovered a section and doesn't trigger no good. If you've discovered and no trigger no good. Anyway I wouldn't ask for exact location but at least in the description tell us what to look for ;) today after the office I'll double check: please note that now here is early morning :) so I'll write later.

  6. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Hi mr Travis,

    I've triple-checked :) here follows my answers - after the quoting.

    Unfortunately the local planet doesn't have any POI turned yellow: that would've been the standard behaviour of the quests so it wouldn't have been a bug :) I've made all the Robinson missions and UCH-I - broken - and I know what you are meaning about POI suddenly changing color: that's not the case. Of course before opening a bug I've already checked again and again :)

    So first... point of interest ;) for sure this quest behaves differently from the others: is it expected? I don't think so :)

    Second poi: I've just several remaining black squares onto the planet to discover and all of them in the Zirax control zone. I've tried to fly there but my SV is just for light combat exploration and their turrets instead are nasty :) anyway should a quest force you into a war zone definitely I wouldn't give as quest explanation just a 'locate' :)

    Third poi: about the white dot in the radar. You said 'white' dot but the standard dot appearing in minimap for quests is yellow. Are you suggesting that for polaris quests developers changed dot's color? In case we've a double bug because in the minimap I don't have white nor yellow dot :)

    At last I must thank you because now we can confirm this is a bug: now we know that EGS behaves wrongly because at least you had minimap dot and POI turned in yellow and I don't.

    Kind regards.
    Travis9x likes this.
  7. Travis9x

    Travis9x Commander

    Apr 22, 2019
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    Yes, what you're describing is not normal, so I would agree this confirms a bug with the quest.

    To answer some of your questions/concerns, at least from my own experience…
    The quest should not take you to a POI that has not already been discovered, so you should not have to explore new areas.
    The POI it sends you to should be neutral, not in any faction's territory.
    This mission does seem different from others, in that yes, the radar indicator is a white dot, rather than yellow. May be because it's sending you to a location that you've technically already been to before? I'm not sure why this one is different, but it is.
    Lastly, my examples of small wreck or large wreck were only examples. It may send you to any nearby neutral POI, but usually a wreck of some sort.

    You've definitely got a bug here, but I hope some of the experiences I've shared regarding this mission may help you in the future. Good luck! :)
    spacegal likes this.
  8. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Oh man you're not just helping me: I've seen you're some sort of forum expert and above all EGS expert and for sure you're helping the whole community. In my opinion you've the patience to follow the alpha versions evolution whenever I got angry with the game when maybe a minor quest is stuck :)

    I'm not an alpha good guy I'll admit that but I'll try anyway to give my 2 cents :) and people and posts like mine for sure need people like you ;)

    Thank you again and happy playing.
    Travis9x likes this.
  9. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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  10. Travis9x

    Travis9x Commander

    Apr 22, 2019
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    Whoops, seems I did get one thing confused here. The marker in the main world view is white, but the radar dot is yellow (unlike when you place a waypoint marker, and most mission markers, where both are yellow).
    Sorry for any confusion!
  11. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Hi mr Pantera,

    thank you for investiganting. The issue is included exactly in your words: no yellow indicator on the minimap - please believe me when I say 'shortly' has passed from years :) because I killed thousands of drones thinking it was a generic counting quests - and no yellow POI on the planet.

    Now let's proofs talk:

    - generic screen, please have a look at the minimap. Here I was depressed :) and I returned to my base

    - flattened planet screen I:

    - flattened planet screen II:

    - flattened planet screen III:

    Hope they help.

    Kind regards.
  12. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Can you please supply the save game you are using ?
    Go to:
    SteamLibrary\steamapps\Common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games

    Right click on the save file & place your mouse cursor over 'Send to' create a compressed copy of it then drag & drop a copy in your reply box or use the upload a file option.
    If the file is too large use a file hosting site like mediafire, dropbox or google drive then add a share link to it.
  13. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Sorry for being late: I've just finished with the office today :)

    As you guessed the file is too big for the forum hence:

    Thank you.

    Kind regards.
  14. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Thanks I cannot see currently why it doesn't appear.
    Can you try moving towards one of the wreckage near the escape pod & see if the mission progresses ? open the map your escape pod should be close by drones should spawn in shortly after you get close to the small wreckage

    View attachment 62498
  15. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    first of all thank you very much.

    Indeed by following your guidelines the quest has gone into the next step: I flew thousands times over there it's just behind my base but the quest never triggered. Today it has been triggered not instantly but because I stopped there waited and the message about drones appears.

    Anyway I guess we've a nested bug here: the drones - suddenly appeared in the air from nowhere :) - didn't attack me. It seems they were ignoring me I was even able to approach them but nothing... they were facing front and I was approaching from the back but I guess future implies radar as default equipment. Anyway I shot them and the quest now is completed.

    I cannot prevent from thankying you again because the quests system may have flaws but it's there: hope you like working to code quests as much as I like to do them.

    Kind regards.
  16. Pantera

    Pantera Administrator Staff Member

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    Aug 15, 2016
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    Hi just to reply to this the base that should have originally been designated for you to go to was destroyed & the system previously didn't take into account if a player had already destroyed a base in A10.5 it will now take this into account & it should still give you a marker if what you initially reported happens again.

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