Could you report it as a game bug? I did an update but only to change the gameoptions file so that shouldn't have anything to do with old saves.
I didn't expect A11.5 to go live so soon. I'll be releasing an update for the scenario today or tomorrow.
Ah. ok. In my case there Three of them and while you are on it... the Dead Planet is no longer permitting BP.
Well i tried to do a couple of things myself to find out exactly what was going on. So I just unsubscribed then resubscribed and now all is fine. BUT.....seems like the Zyrax mining drills where gone after I loaded the saved game, after that. While I was getting the warning in console, whenever I was approaching those POIs and some other's by Polaris, I think it where their turrets, they where shown on map but not ingame. There was only the floating name but not the POI where they were suposed to be.
Sorry typed it the wrong way - it IS now allowing to spawn BPs as seen in the picture. Earlier you got this message
Oh oh. I'll have to test this out. Does it actually allow you to spawn it or did the warning message just disappear? If you could report it as a bug that would be really helpful. This code is still in the playfield file so it should be disabled: # Blueprint factory is disabled on this starting planet. AllowBlueprintSV: False AllowBlueprintCV: False AllowBlueprintBA: False AllowBlueprintHV: False
phew... spawning does not work or rather is not allowed so only the message when opening the BP-Factory is missing
I reported the textures on the dead starter as a bug (not sure if other planets are affected too). So it's going.
Ok. To give you more time I will start my final project - an Endgame CV - which I will build in Creative. Eventually experimenting around with expanding my Space Dock too.
I started another addition I want to try to get in for this update. Something to prepare for real multiple solar systems.
Also had to finish paying my medical bills tonight. (because we here in the US are stupid and don't want universal health care like the rest of the civilized world).
Added a little work in progress proof of concept feature: Spoiler Warpable "suns". Basically it's a planet that spawns right next to each sun that you can warp to. Work in progress of course, and it's just a workaround until we get proper sun playfields. Also binary stars (you can see the red dwarf directly above the yellow star).