Project Eden (WIP massive random scenario)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by ravien_ff, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I suck pretty bad. So bad I restarted my game and playing Project Eden again. Man those space drones are an actual threat...No longer can I do the power of GO FORWARD and lose them.
    EternalHeathen likes this.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for the replies @Vermillion - I'll keep an eye on the constructor queue issue.

    I'm fairly well established in-game now. I have a reasonably secure base, a basic mining HV - ran out of CPU sooner than I expected on that one - as well as a basic SV with a turret. Considering hitting a POI next, have have a Crashed CV - a good one with lots of thrusters - as well have the classic Titan wreck sections, all clustered together.

    The base attacks are proving quite brutal, but the cannon turrets seems a decent enough counter. The only issues I have are vanilla ones. Firstly, turrets wait far too long when switching targets, which means the base takes a lot more damage than it should. Also, several times now, mid-base attack one of those golem-like dudes spawns right outside my Base and my turrets all instantly switch to attack it instead. This is weird for several reasons:

    1) Why is it a priority, I don't have predators set as a target for this reason, but these dudes are an actual faction now.
    2) My turrets stop shooting at the Drones / Troop Transport in favour of this critter
    3) My turret switch to this target instantly, why can't they do that normally with legitimate targets?

    I know these are all vanilla issues, but it highlights this known problem as...erm, a problem :) It also shows that further targetting refinement is needed. A Troops / Critters explicit option would be cool. As would a simple "if it's an enemy, shoot it" type setting.

    The main challenges this game have been the huge material cost increase of things. Just being able to craft enough Concrete Blocks for my base was a struggle, I had an open air base for an extended period - made me a bit uncomfortable that did lol.

    Not sure if CPU has changed substantially or not, but I've not been able to build the HV I wanted. It's just a very basic one:

    4x basic hover engines, 6x thrusters (2nd tier ones) a minigun turret, a harvest module (trees) and two basic drills. I was going to add two more drills, then noticed I was already over budget. Nothing fancy on this HV, no O2 station, medical, armour locker etc. just the basics. OH, and a detector.

    I'm currently wondering where I might find Cobalt on this planet...I've explored several different biomes, but I've found no surface rocks yet. Hopefully I'll get some time in-game later.

  3. Talondale

    Talondale Ensign

    Jun 23, 2020
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    Finished the Story quest for PE. Is The Dead mission working? I'm at a designated tower for Dead2 planet and can't find a log. Puzzle or broken? What other things are still able to be completed after the Story mission? I know it's a WIP. Got a nice explorer CV and working on a POI killer SV and trying to think what to do next.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yeah inside the little tower there should be a console to use. It can be hard to find the door.

    If you talk to the UCH Researchers on UCH Research Vessels they can give you something more to do.

    There are also a few planets with missions on them, but you have to find them and speak to the NPCs.
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I have had this problem in Eden as well on the harder planets. Their spawn rates are deliberately high(do not change a thing Ravien!) but the base game has no "cushion" of 20m or so around the player. So all the spawn points are active all the time and the critters can spawn right on top of you. I have had this problem with raptors and an Alien assassin on the Alien planet start(which caused me to jump.) All the developers need to so is create a smallish zone around the player in the tens of meters and the problem will be solved and the challenge should still be present.
    EternalHeathen and ravien_ff like this.
  6. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Dude. Dudes. Ho-ly crap. So, I'm sitting at 1442 hours with this game. Paltry number compared to some of y'all I know, but still a fair amount. In all that time, I can not recollect a single time that I've lost a ship in it's entirety, except on purpose in field tests. Tonight, this happened. NewGame_11_2020-07-08_20-22-57.png
    The asymetrical-turret-toting-kinda-flys-but-looks-like-trash sv is dead. I was lost in the vents of the abandoned mining base poi, when i started hearing explosions... Let me backtrack. I was getting my butt kicked through my already busted light armor, died, and accidentally hit the button to respawn at my base instead of in the area. Because I didn't put down a tent, bad planning. I had taken my HV over there since it has more storage, but it had no weapons. Built at that time purely for harvesting/mining. Parked outside with no protection, more bad planning. I hopped into my SV and flew it over to the base, worried my backpack would despawn. Arrived, parked with the turret facing down to deal with any random overseers... again, bad planning.

    That's when I got lost in the vents. The explosions started, those angry red dots on my radar laughing at me as I scrambled to find my way back to my vessels. Cussing and sweating and expecting to arrive to a steaming pile of busted vehicles and loot, I emerged to see 2 heavy minigun drones decimating my sv. I tried to fight them off... but there was really no chance. They killed me fast and went back to wrecking my sv. I grabbed my backpack, hopped in the hv, which had taken some damage but hadn't taken focus fire, and rushed 6km to my base. Got inside, turned on my guns to deal with the overseers that were following me in ( They spawn in packs around my base)... aaaaaand base attack.

    Fought that off, ripped off all the mining gear, strapped two turrets on the hv with duct tape and made my way back to the poi. I killed those drones so hard that I think I heard the drone base roaring in the distance. I then had the bright idea(that I should have had originally) to shoot the hell out of that ramp in front of the underground entrance and park my hv in the poi. Only turrets in the hv, so I accessed one, and proceeded to... blow up my own cockpit. Bad angle. I ran over to the sv, imagining the double whammy of more drones showing up while my hv sits there cockpit-less with it's innards exposed, and multitooled it off. You may have noticed I did not mention putting a core in the sv first. That's because I didn't think about it.

    I opened the console, typed im, hit enter, and then calmed down. This whole damn experience was AWESOME! People talk about emergent gameplay with a lot of games, but I really can't remember any games in recent memory giving me this kind of gameplay, really worrying about that vehicle you put so much effort into. Well, some effort, in this case, I mean I was already planning on ripping it apart and trying something different because it was horrible. I turned the item menu off, manned up, and ran around this alien hellhole mining surface rocks, making a portable constructor, a cockpit, and then fixing it.

    All in all, a lovely night of horror and eventual victory. I still didn't get any damned titanium rods, which is all I'm missing to make a cpu extender, but I did get some nice t2 weapons and heavy armor out of it. And what I needed to build a flamethrower. A FLAMETHROWER!
  7. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    I'm convinced there is something wrong with the drones at this point.

    I found a crashed CV guarded by a single drone while scouting in an SV. Killed the drone and then circled the area at about a 1km radius just to make sure I wouldn't be interrupted then set down and started salvaging the CV. Not five minuets later I hear an explosion and turn around to find a heavy minigun (I think) drone had blown off one of my SVs thrusters. Luckily I happened to have a rocket launcher on me.

    Its not the first time something like this has happened to me in a12 either. I had almost the exact same thing as you happen to me while looting an abandoned factory.

    I wish I had been paying more attention to what the drone I initially shot down was. I have a suspicion that dead drones are either respawning or new ones are spawning in close the the player. Just wish I could catch them in the act so I could bug report it.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2020
    EternalHeathen likes this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    New ones can come in from a nearby location (drone base I think) and reinforce the area when you destroy the previous drones. Depending on the settings in the playfield, they could send several waves.

    There's also randomly patrolling drones that can wander by.
    EternalHeathen and Vermillion like this.
  9. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Isn't this just troop transports? When this happens you get an blaring alert about inbound reinforcement that is kind of hard to miss. Never had additional drones sent in as reinforcements except when attacking zirax PoIs directly but never when attacking individual drones.

    Not likely when I did a sweep of the surrounding area of around 1km radius and found no other drones. "Wandering" don't tend to actually move around much unless you argo them.
  10. I wish that's how it actually worked. It's how it used to work.
    Now they just spawn in a few hundred meters from the POI and then approach. They no longer actually come from a POI and have to make their way over like they used to, at least not in my experience.

    I believe this changed the same time that base attacks were changed to magically spawn in a few hundred meters away instead of coming from the drone base like they used to.
  11. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    I bet you know, but you can adjust the drone presence in the settings, from "high" to "off". I always set these to high for increased fun. When I was salvaging the crased cv what I wanted, I shot like 12-15 drones in the process...
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I do love the increased critter count and that they are more aggressive, them popping up right next to me though isn't quite as run. I do try to play cautiously, scouting an area etc. I even constantly move/look around when chopping down trees - I never just stand in one spot. So, it's a little frustrating when I've confirmed the area is clear - for as far as it's possible to see - only to get jumped.

    I think critters etc. of course have to spawn based on player presence, but they need to spawn in anticipation of a player moving in a certain direction. I.e. they spawn out of visual range. Hopefully this is something that will be refined by the devs at some point.

    Regarding Drones: I've found that around certain POI's a downed Drone is replaced quite quickly, almost go caught out once. I'm guessing the Drone Base is nearby and POI's have been configured to have lots of reinforcements available. I like this.

    Oh, I found a totally cheese way to defeat the MUCH tougher base attacks in Reforged Eden. It seems that I'm a total Drone magnet, even more so than normal. So, Drones WON'T shoot at my Base while I buzz around them in an SV. I've never seen Drones totally ignore my Base before when doing this in the past. Sure, I might distract one or two - especially if I shoot them - but for all of them to basically forget my base, even though it's shooting them, wasn't expected.

    It's still vanilla issue that plague Base attacks though as my turrets often have a large delay before they start firing, and an equal delay before they switch to the next target. I've taken more damage due to this than the harder foes. I have ample defences, they just don't fire properly. I do hope the devs can get to the bottom of the turret delay issues. It affects everything with turrets. I was circling a Drone for over a minute last night, waiting for my SV's Turret to wake up.

  13. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Question about the Trader faction. I've been in the Traders HQ, the Research lab and one more I can't remember the name of it. The HQ is a huge POI... And I didn't find anyone in the building to interact with, nor in the other mentioned POI-s. Is this purposely? I assume these are WIP and maybe story related in the future, especially the HQ with that prison like room on the main floor. :)
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Those are default POIs so however they have them set up.
  15. Apollyon

    Apollyon Lieutenant

    Dec 17, 2018
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    Ahh okay.) I'm not sure about the default stuff anymore 'coz I play only with the PE scenario. :D
    Germanicus likes this.
  16. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I love stories like this. This is also why I always carry a survival constructor and tent with me regardless of the circumstances. That way no matter what happens I can always get back on my feet.... unless a certain black pyramid of doom and death and all things bleak murders my vessel on a planet with no resources... then, well, that is a game over. Which I also love.
  17. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    I think you mean PORTABLE constructor, Fractalite, since the Survival constructor is in your suit.
    Germanicus likes this.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I do the same. Last night I actually forgot I didn't have a Tent and PC with me - I'd left them back at base as a spawn point (no medical etc. yet) and the PC was busy making Concrete Blocks and Bio-fuel. I'd been on a bit of an exploring and mining run and had acquired a few resources that were weighing my basic HV down a bit. Then I encountered a wreck I just had to loot and recover some materials from. I ended up setting up a little camp to process the raw ores I'd acquired into ingots to free up both space and weight which then allowed me to salvage stuff from the wreck...having slept through the night to speed up the ore processing.

    Totally invaluable having the basics with you at all times. Getting close to being able to build a CV. Well, I can build the devices for a basic one, but need to secure more iron for the blocks. Reforged Eden really increases the material requirements for things, yet slows down the ability to get them making for a longer lead-time for CV's...and pretty much everything else too.

  19. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Question regarding Reforged Galaxy... My Kriel Empire reputations has been steadily dropping over time and I've just hit "Unfriendly" with them. I've had zero contact with these guys - they have no territory on the "Odd Temperate" starting planet that I've seen so far. I've basically done none of the actions listed that would reduce my standing with them. Is this a reforged thing?

    ravien_ff likes this.
  20. Inappropriate

    Inappropriate Captain

    Mar 17, 2017
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    Kriel start as hostel. Your rep is going up.
    ravien_ff likes this.

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