Red vs Blue PvP: Battle over Aestus

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by Slam Jones, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Good afternoon all!

    Got another video here from this week's PvP session on the Red vs Blue dedicated server (as always, feel free to contact myself of @Brokenshakles if you'd like to join us! We generally accept all applicants, regardless of skill level, as long as they aren't rude :) )

    This week, both teams were contesting control for Aestus, the lava planet. Both teams dispatched a small fleet of SVs to dogfight amidst the asteroid belt. Many shots were fired, and the outcome is still somewhat undecided.

    Since teams were uneven at the time, I volunteered to sit it out and record instead of fight. Regardless, I tried to get good close angles for the combatants, and tried to capture most of the explosions.

    Here's the info, from our Red vs Blue thread in the Multiplayer Meeting Room sub-forum:

    -- Date.................: Sunday, March 13th, at 3:00PM CST
    -- Location.............: Aestus Orbit
    -- Blue Vessels involved: Longswords, Fang,Callendor, Tortuga Mk-1
    -- Red Vessels involved.: Hornet Mk-2s, Scorpion Mk-2s, Venom Fighters, Furian Prototype
    -- Outcome..............: Very close battle, currently undecided pending further damage tallying.
    -- Territory............: Aestus Orbit still contested
    -- Media................: (see below)

    Edit: Grammar, spelling errors, etc.
  2. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Red preparing
    Red VS Blue_2016-03-13_21-48-28.png

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