RED vs BLUE: Weekly PvP, Massive Battles, and more! All are welcome!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Slam Jones, Feb 10, 2016.


Red or Blue?

  1. Red!

  2. Blue!

  1. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    ohh that case, pure "Furian originals" CV's (that's the completed ones):

    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  2. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Free resources for us! Thank man :)
    Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
  3. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    No problem, looking forward to donating some 150mm and 160mm rockets real soon. It's out of the goodness of my heart.
    Tyrax Lightning and Furian like this.
  4. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I knew it, before we knew when the alpha came. the traders gonna try to overthrow the other fractions... that was my idea if I decided to go rouge.....:(

    but I'm not! Red is my color, it's in my blood (literally) it's the colours of my motherland (our flag)...well there's not really anything making me leave red... I'll do what danes do best.... fight till there's nothing left to fight with... and if/when that happens I'll go back to sabotage.....demolition o_O
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  5. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    (In case you can't watch the video:
    "I hate these filthy neutrals, Kif. With enemies, you know where they stand, but with neutrals, who knows? It... sickens me.")
    (Also if you've never seen Futurama, it is literally my favorite show ever. Worth a watch if you like sci-fi at all)

    Well if you need any Laser Charges or Plasma Charges, I got you covered! The Kobold is equipped to deliver 12 of the former and 9 of the latter per shot. Maybe we can get together and trade?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  6. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    that's gonna heat up real fast
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  7. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    oh, you dont know do you? you instigated me to create the worst possible nightmare a group of less than 10 guys would have to fight against, and i left you guys a present too. So enjoy your popcorn for now, but when im done with our Citadel your popcorn will turn sour!

    And I'm not going to be fair :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. MechPilot524

    MechPilot524 Captain

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Okie dokie, we'll see.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  9. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    on another note... thank god for creative mode... gonna take me forever to build a platform for my ships :O even in creative (because of damn SI - that shows us that in the future they are getting worse at SI not

    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  10. N99024

    N99024 Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Yeah, i feel that Mountain bases will be a lot less common, because of SI alone
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  11. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    btw feel the need to provoke... is this a bit to much or just right :rolleyes: damn I better go to bed before it turns real bad

    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  12. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    Sorry, was going to reply earlier, but I got so ticked off yesterday that someone destroyed a base I had been building to run a small event for my team, ticked off a lot of GMT as well, so if we find out who......

    Yes, we where having issues with the meteors, but after the update they started raining.

    Though on the lighter side of GMT news, Sunday the guys hard work may get to pay off. We are building our store front. We only have two escort corvettes, and a couple of small escort SVs in our corporate fleet currently. Mostly what's been running around are lightly armed and armored merchant vessels. We have no true Merc operations to speak of, so I'll talk to the guys and see if they want to free lance, you have to pay them, the GMT Corp is not reimbursing them for their personal ships at the moment. But, Dry Dock will be open for some repairs after any battles, just bring the promethium pellets. Wonder why we mine so much Iron?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well I never authorized any attacks on GMT and I'm sure BNS is in the same boat. Besides, 90% of new players are getting funneled away from RGC and BNS anyway... we've got like 3 active people each, tops.

    There is, however, one faction that has expanded very quickly, almost unchecked some would say, and which has members online basically constantly (guess which one). Perhaps they have a few members who are purposely sabotaging what they can?

    What/where was the base anyway?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    GMT knows what the Base is for and that it had nothing of value currently in it, and a GMT base next to it was destroyed as well, but that ones OK, it was a PvP base. The POI was Missile Silo on Jotunhiem, it had ships next to it marked as event and a SV was taken, it was set to Private with PvP protection, so someone may have been hacking or something. They tried to take Wailing Dawn, but the backpacks scattered around her said they weren't that lucky, and the few bullets she took was a click with the repair tool.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well then we undoubtedly have a hacker in our midst. With a little checking of the output.log file, I'm sure we can start narrowing down the culprits. If I can get a copy of the log (or access to it) I can help figure out who it was. if you have a timeframe of when the attack occured (ie between X and Y time) then that'll help narrow down the search. Chances are it occurred when few people were on, which makes it easier to identify who it was.

    I certainly don't want hackers in our server any more than you.

    Right off the bat, I haven't heard anything from the Tradesmen faction. Also, I remember another faction being formed out of people that had spawned on Danube... it was like something like Compania de Elites (pardon my horribly mangled Spanish) and I know they had at least two level 20s in the faction, ergo they seemed capable of getting there at least.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning and WarMachine like this.
  16. WarMachine

    WarMachine Captain

    Oct 25, 2015
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    I worked with Broken to see if we could find them, but to no luck. But the other faction's base is next to ours and we let them keep the POI out of friendship, and build our own station, they where one of the first groups I checked, I didn't even know other factions besides them had gone to Jotonhiem in the last 24hrs before it got ransacked.
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  17. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    I'll be back in active mode soon :)

    regarding the direct attack on GMT - that's not in the best interest of anyone. the only thing Red would do is protect their own planet and the resources on it, nothing more... if you find the scumbags that did it, we won't give them safe harbor, we'll even help flush them out at give them the punishment deserved by their actions!
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.
  18. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Well I've spent a lot of time looking at output logs when I was running my own server for about 2 months. Unless it's changed significantly, I should be able to narrow down a list of suspects, at the very least. I'll talk to Shakles and see if I can't get a copy of it somehow.

    As for me, I've entered Jotunhiem orbit a few times to test out the warp drive and check out the situation. I only entered the atmosphere once, and I just sorta hovered for a minute and checked out how many POIs there were (where I was, at least, I could see 5 or 6 in plain sight o.o), but I couldn't tell if/which was intended to be used for the event. I only hung around for a minute or two before departing again.

    I may have fired on an Alien Station in orbit (I think Migotzu is there?) but nothing with faction tags, GMT or otherwise.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Coop is a fellow GMT Clanner who has taken up residence near my House & we've done a bit of Duo Mining together. She's reported to me that her CV & SV got griefed through the Offline Protection while she was logged out in or around Jotunheim. Truthfully I have no clue what her CV or SV look like.

    With that said, it was a Mega Derp on my part thinking a GMT would be running around in Red Colored stuff like that... I'm still trying to get used to the fact that on this Server we need to mind how we color our stuff. >_<

    I have no clue what it looks like, but if this is the proximity of Jotunheim, that might be hers. She said it was so screwed she didn't even bother to R&R it up & 'left it for the wolves'.

    I think so because one Play Session the Monsters were bugging out & screwing up my ability to Hunt & the next they were working right & I was able to Hunt again. :)

    Of course. Think what Species this is you're talking about... not an intelligent one that's for sure. :p

    All of a sudden i'm tempted to try to make a Mounaintop Base just to see if I can. :p (Not sure when yet though.)

    Got a usefully large buildup of Concrete anyway, might as well do something with it. :D

    I'd say it's perfect. :D

    I'm cool with Free Lancing, & I think it'd outright be most optimum for me with my damn unstable RL with not often open & free Weekends. (Especially once I can finish powering up. I'm not a fast dude.)

    Also, we mine so much Iron partially cause Hardened Steel is expensive but very worth it, partially cause "Hear me build!!!", partially cause we're bound to get to taking lumps in the future & better to be able to Sustain better then not better, & partially cause Danube already has Iron Meteorites! ;)

    Counterpoint: BECAUSE we're the Faction the Faction Choice Menu at start recommends to beginners, & we're getting an influx of New Peeps, it's bound to happen that damn Griefers & such will choose OUR World to enter the Server from. GMT is not responsible for the actions of the Factionless. I seriously doubt there's any Griefers inside our Faction... would YOU wanna piss off a guy named WarMachine? :p

    The "Tradesmen Faction"? Oh, ya mean those 'other guys'... I had already forgotten they existed. They seem viable suspects to me.

    Also never heard of "Compania de Elites" before, that'll be good for me to know about. Is it even ok for them to be Basing on GMT's Home World? Isn't this the kinda thing Danube Beta is for?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
    Furian likes this.
  20. Furian

    Furian Captain

    Feb 9, 2016
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    that was one hell of a post! nice one there
    Tyrax Lightning and Slam Jones like this.

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