Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Regarding the XP gain from various things, also keep in mind that if the individual XP gain is below a certain threshold it will NOT display on the HUD while you are getting the XP.

    I can't remember the exact cutoff the devs set it to but if it is below a certain value it will not be displayed.
    You will then have to keep going back and forth to check the player info screen and keeping the exact value in mind to tell if you are truly gaining XP or not.

    I mention this just as something to keep in mind if you weren't aware.
    Your games progression difficulty setting affects this as well. Lower/harder progression settings result in lower XP gain per action, which could push it to below the HUD display cutoff value. Therefore making you think you aren't gaining XP when you are.
  2. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Good point re: XP message threshold, I am aware of that one though. I was checking the actual XP number Under Stats. That said, since that one POI last night, each POI I've salvaged this evening - same MO, take out existing Core, place Salvage Core - HAS granted XP just fine. I think the lowest number I've seen displayed on the HUD for experience is +50.

    As an aside, I just encountered a POI with TWO Cores! I entered, took out the Core, then couldn't access Fuel and O2 Tanks, nor place my own Core. Then found a second Core, weird! Are there "dummy" cores? The object I destroyed looked like a Core, said it was a Core, and took 4 shots with the Shotgun to blow like a regular Core.

    Edit: Oh, it was two similar POI's - same base POI, different damage levels and orientation - that were overlapping. I've seen this in the past, but not for ages.
  3. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I thought on Dread there was a mission that activates that tracks how many POI cores you destroy, and grants you lots of XP as that progresses? Or was that Purgatory? I get those two starts confused a lot.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes that's on Dread.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hmm, I've had no such mission... I'll check the PDA next time I'm in-game.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Sorry to interrupt, but I would like to ask a question regarding the weapon systems. A torpedo launcher is already introduced in the scenario, which I recently doing extensive testing and I like it a lot.

    My question is how difficult is it to introduce and EMP or Photon version of it. Like there are two types of cruise missile launchers, regular and EMP, why not have an EMP or Photon version of the torpedo launcher to inflict damage to the shields?

    It is a wonderful weapon system for CVs and also there are many creators building Star Trek replica ships.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    I think I'm lacking in imagination of late. I've just enjoyed a moderately challenging game start on Dread. It's been fun building up a base, getting a basic HV and progressing all the way to a decent "Mobile Base" class CV and leaving the planet behind. However, now I'm free to roam, I've sorta gotten a bit bored. I visit other planets, stock up on some of the rarer resources, salvage more wrecks, visit the odd POI, but the appeal has lost its edge since those initial "survival" hours.

    Now, I know this is a me thing and RE offers lots of activities, but I'd like to ask what things you all enjoy once you're at this stage of the game. Are there any particular systems (star types) you like to visit? Are there any particular mission chains you enjoy? Which order should things be undertaken? My CV is a great mobile base, but it's NOT a combat ship.

    I have in the past built additional specialised CV's, SV's and HV's for particular roles, they can be fun. However, while I can park HV's and SV's on a "carrier" type CV quite well, it's a pain to have to carry specialised CV's around in the same way. I wish we had the ability to assign AI to our vessels and have them follow us around... that's a pipe dream though methinks, as things haven't really progressed in that regard from since I first played years ago. I still hope to see "AI Blocks" able to be placed on Vessels one day, giving them rudimentary autonomy. That goes hand in hand with other Factions having the same abilities of course. I long for the day I see an Assault HV group and a wing of SV's heading towards my base...that aren't piloted by other players.

    I will say, I'm sorta done with doing POI's on foot, I just don't enjoy them any more and so often run into some glitch or another. Had one the other day on a tiny POI. Melee enemy rushed me, I jet-packed clear over them with ease, landing ten metres away. I turn to face them, about to shoot them in the back (they were still facing away from me) when their attack animation plays and I'm down to half health with various space herpes. I killed them, they never turned to face me, but I was done at that point.

    So, for me, perhaps exploring and "Nuking POI's from orbit " (aka building a "Ground Pounder" CV like I have in the past) is more my thing.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You could try finding some of the new combat, mining, or exploration sites in space in neutral territory.
    Obviously not the combat ones until you've got at least a combat sv.

    But really you have to make up your own goals. There's missions you can do, but it's all optional.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I think I get a little overwhelmed by the various options. I usually have a great time just doing my own thing, especially the early game survival stuff, and then get a little lost once out in the universe proper. I'm inclined to continue to explore and see what I encounter, but knowing which mission chains people like to follow when fresh off the starting planet would be interesting.
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Decided to potter around my current planet, topping up on resources while I decide what to do next. Encountered a weird issue though...

    I've found a Large Copper Deposit and I'm mining it with an HV Mining Turret. I'm removed loads of copper material - it's the correct colour for a copper deposit - and all that's being returned is Stone and Graphite, no Copper what so ever. I've taken quite a large chunk of the "copper", yet it's still at 100% and no Copper has been returned.

    Basically, a marked Copper deposit that looks just like Copper (colour) yields only Stone and Graphite when mined.

    Edit: Something is a bit screwy on this planet (Varnished Barren Moon). I mined out a Promethium deposit (no issues) but the rock underneath it is using the copper colour rather than regular rock.

    Edit 2: Also, does the Ore Scanner not work any more? I found a Tungsten deposit, drilled for a while in HV seeing nothing. Went out in person with the T2 Laser Drill and still nothing showing. Wondering if it was a bug, I went Godmode and sank beneath the terrain, and there were load of chunks literally a metre to two below me. I recall issue with the Ore Scanner not working when in an HV Drill Turret, but I thought it worked ok in person.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2023
  11. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    You have encountered duct tape. Tungsten and silver deposits are POIs and don't work with the ore scanner. I believe the Empyropedia states this in the resource section.
  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, it's one of those. When I saw it was regular "nuggets" of Ore, I thought those worked with the scanner now.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Random one... Experience gain after Level 25... Once we reach level 25 and the XP bar (oddly) fills all the way up again, we stop gaining XP. More critically no more unlock points are gained, outside of mission rewards. Would it be at all possible to allow for unlock points to keep being gained? Perhaps unlocking the level cap above 25?

    I just want to carry on doing my own thing - it's what I enjoy most - but still have the option to unlock some of the extra stuff. I generally save all my unlock points, spending them very deliberately, so I can unlock some of the late-game good stuff before I need it, but would like to keep gaining XP/unlock points organically through play.

    We've been promised an improved tech tree for years now, but I suspect we're stuck with what we've currently got. So, within that constraint (I don't have to find stuff and research to unlock things) I'd like to be able to continue gaining unlock points through regular gameplay. Is that an option? Could the game be modded to keep granting XP / Levels / Unlock point through regular activities?
    GoldDragon and malrose1 like this.
  14. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Not possible, that's why there's unlock point rewards in missions and items.
  15. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    But there is a console command to revert to level 0. Is that impossible to implement though a mission and/or via PDA? The unlocked points could be kept of course.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Then you couldn't use anything you've unlocked I don't think.
    Myrmidon likes this.
  17. Qball47!!

    Qball47!! Ensign

    Oct 6, 2023
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    Hey folks, quick question. Any way to bypass or reactivate a mission step in RE? I inadvertently destroyed a critical console with my Multitool in a mission and now cannot complete it.

  18. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Not a guaranteed fix in all situations, but I've fixed a similar problem in the past by regenerating the structure that I managed to mung. To do this you need elevated privileges (like admin) so normally this approach is only available in single player or MP games that you host.

    To raise your privileges, edit the \SteamRoot\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\admincontrol.yaml and grant yourself level 9 access ... your steamid can be derived by looking in the \Saves\Games\<GameName>\Players directory for the numeric id value as a folder name. Once you have these godlike privs you have full access to console commands (access with "~") like "regenerate <structureid>" where the structure id can be figured out using the "di" debug information viewer while looking at the POI involved. For an idea of things you can do type help at the console prompt.

    This will reset the whole structure back to the beginning so you would need to run though everything again. As I said, this hasn't always worked for me, but it is one way to get past the problem of making important widgets available again.
  19. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Correct. I forgot about that.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Thanks for confirming. So, we'd need the devs to "increase the level cap" so to speak to allow regular play to grant additional unlock points. Fair enough.

    I suppose it could be cheated with repeatable "Kill 10 Zirax" type missions? What other regular activities might be counted and rolled-up into a mini-mission? Critter hunting? Plant picking? Rock mining? I just want my regular gameplay to continue rewarding me. As I mentioned, I like to do my own thing and not have to follow certain longer mission-chains just to unlock a new thing. If the mission chain unlocks a specific thing, that's cool, but not general stuff that I could unlock if I'd just saved my points.

    As mentioned, this does show how the current levelling system needs a rework. I suggested, years ago now, some sort of gather material (raw) and then research that material to discover its properties, learn how to refine that material, then leverage those properties to research new devices / blocks. Would need quite a bit of thought and likely a rehash of recipes. Basically, no more picking plants = learning to be a Rocket Scientist as we have now lol.

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