Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Thanks a bunch for the insight, ASTIC, raiven_ff.

    I think I just make a list of my stuff with a script and then use im (i think) to get them in new game. this is more work, but i don't want to risk breaking my future new save. (might as well only get as much as is sane, as for example i have over 2 maxed container controllers of hydrogen fuel cells ;P)
    Myrmidon likes this.
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    This is the way...The "inventory" way!
  3. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
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    What i Experienced was that a Anti matter warpdrive was replaced with a laser gun, and even after removing the laser turret 1x1x3 it occupied same space as warp drive, and there was no way to get something in there, as removing the laser only freed the small area occupied by the laser. So i had "ghost" blocks in place
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes I could see issues like that happening. I recommend just taking blueprints of your stuff and spawning them into the new game to prevent issues like that.
  5. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Yepp the blueprints are the only save way, luckily the game saves them when you create a repair template and with the creation of a factory item
    ravien_ff likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just testing out PE 1.5 with the Dark Rogue start using Medium difficulty settings. It's all gone well so far, other than getting stuck on some of the part-destroyed blocks, but that's a vanilla issue. However, once out of the ship my first goal is usually to take out the patrolling Drone so I can make a run for it - near impossible otherwise in my prior experience. However, despite hitting it over 300 times (I'm pretty accurate) with the AR it's simply not dying. I'm used to it taking a few hits, but 300 rounds - with several solid "eye" hits included - and it's still not dead doesn't seem quite right.

    As I'm testing I've reloaded a save backup from just before emerging from the ship, so will try again, but did wonder if this is intended? Note: I am getting a rep hit constantly when firing at it, so I know I'm hitting it, plus it's doing that spinning thing too of course.

    I do love this start, though it's changed somewhat since I last did it - good changes though - so thought I'd ask in case I'm missing something.

    Edit: Upon reloading the Drone died as expected, must have been a random gremlin.


    Last edited: Jul 20, 2021
    ravien_ff likes this.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ok, a bit more feedback...

    I know this is meant to be the hardest start - likely why it's been one of my favourites - but I'm really struggling like I've never struggled before lol.

    Attempt: Issues killing that Plasma Drone, but that appears to have been a bug as I could kill it subsequent attempts. Death by Drone, I couldn't outrun it.

    Attempt: Killed the Drone, cleared out all the Zirax I could see in the immediate area. Was engaging several Ripper Dogs from a high vantage point, got taken out by a sniper partially stuck in the crashed ship POI model.

    Attempt: Took out the Sniper, and another shotgun Zirax as well as some more Ripper Dogs to clear the immediate area. Breathing room. Started taking fire from who knows where. Died lol.

    Attempt: It appears I was being shot at by a Sniper that was out of visual range. I wasn't getting the tell-tail muzzle flash when looking around. Ended up taking cover on the other side of the POI. I identified the shortest route out of Zirax territory and went for it, running and jet-pack boosting all the way. Suddenly I saw plasma fire raining down near me - another Plasma Drone had spawned behind me near the POI - it killed me.

    I had some other issues too. One direction I tried to flee in I almost immediately got cooked due to insanely high temperatures. This sapped my stamina and meant I could not escape those super-fast Ripper Dogs. Tried another route and froze incurring the same penality to stamina. Managed to exit the Zirax controlled area but there were so many spawns of both Zirax troops and Ripper Dogs that I got taken out from behind by a Sniper I'd not seen, just as I thought I was safe and a couple of hundred metres out of Zirax territory.

    I've never struggled quite so much with this game start before lol. I recall last time I found a few lightly-guarded supply caches, killed one of those tree dudes, collected the odd ore-bearing rock and drilled myself a little cave hide-away and started building. It was a tough start, no doubt, but nothing compared to this. Perhaps I've lost my edge more than a bit, but the shear number of Zirax spawns and the respawning Plasma Drone have made this the biggest challenge yet. I'm just having a breather before reloading a save - there's no way I can legitimately continue from the position I was in.

    Anyway, thought I'd share my experiences with this particularly difficult start that might be beyond me in my dotage lol.

    Note: I'm playing Solo, I suspect things would be quite different with a buddy or two as backup. Can difficultly / spawns be set based on the number of players involved? Something that's a breeze for a small group of three or four players can be a mighty challenge to the lone player.

    Edit: I reloaded a backup save where the immediate area (bar that Sniper) was cleared. Upon reloading, there's a Plasma Drone right above me, which wasn't there when I saved! If I could just craft a small constructor I'd be able to dig in...but I've not got enough Iron Ore. It would be nice if I've found some, but all the Cargo Boxes outside around the POI have been empty.

    Edit 2: I destroyed the Drone again (cheat) and saved. Reloaded that save and the Drone is back. I've also noticed that other enemies are respawning upon reload, namely Zirax Troops and Ripper Dogs. I'm assuming this might be a vanilla issue but it's rare I reload a backup (rather than just respawn) unless I'm experiencing issues.

    Edit 3: I managed to get some Iron Ore to build a Portable Constructor and dig-in near the POI. I'm currently mining rocks to generate the Ores I need, while getting toasted by radiation. Despite not reloading, another Plasma Drone has appeared - are they coming in from somewhere else? Should Drones and Troops keep appearing near the POI after the area has been cleared?

    Edit 4: I can confirm that Drones are spawning right on top of me every ten minutes or so. Is this by design to make things super-hard, or is something going wrong here? This would explain some of my struggles as I thought I did a fairly good job of clearing out much of the area around the POI I just escaped from, but I keep being jumped by more enemies that I thought I'd missed. I'm not so sure now. Apologies for the now very long seems I do narratives rather than concise summaries after the event.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
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  9. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just finishing up for the evening so I'll summarise my rambling post above...

    Basically, I'm being severely challenged by what appears to be an excessively short respawn period. I clear the immediate area and, within about ten minutes or so, those recently defeated enemies are back. This includes Zirax Troops and Ripper Dogs but also the Plasma Drone that's defending the POI initially. Note: the Drone is popping in almost right on top of me as I watch, the troops and dogs are spawning in very nearby.

    This does of course hugely increase the difficulty, so if it's intended, well done, objective achieved. However, I feel it's a bit much and I've not known NPC's and Drones to respawn so quickly previously. This raises the challenge to a level that stops being fun. Sure, the odd reinforcement is fine, if they're walking in from further afield. However, with this scenario its supposed to be a crashed Zirax Prisoner transporter with, one assumes, limited resources. Not infinitely respawning Drones and Troops, along with literally HUNDREDS of Troops and Dogs in the surrounding area.

    I think the Zirax territory "claimed" by the crashed transport POI should be smaller and / or far less densely populated with troops, considering the nature of this start. The rapid spawning ideally needs to be fixed too, there should be no reinforcements in this way, just patrolling troops being drawn in, if the player is spotted.

    Anyway, love the scenario, just struggling more than usual with the aspects outlined above.

    Edit (Sorry): Just to add, as a test, I popped myself into God Mode and hovered in the air near the entrance to my underground camp. As I watched - this was over about 2-3 minutes, seven Ripper Dogs and two Zirax Troops popped in right before my eyes. Spawning is a problem methinks.

    Edit again: One last thing, yes, I played a little longer. I've been having issues whereby I place down a terrain placeable item such as the Portable Constructor or Condensor and I cannot use them due to them being another faction. I've not set up my own faction yet. I'll not be continuing this particular save any further, just wanted to play and test a little prior to the final version.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
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  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I have not changed the rogue starters (except for adding more details to the crashed ship).
    So any changes are either just random chance or game changes.

    Yes it's a brutal start on reforged. It's supposed to be. :D
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I wonder if some change in the base game has effected something? I mean, surely it's not intended for fresh Zirax and Ripper Dogs to spawn right next to the player every few minutes?

    I love that it's a really tough start, but enemies appearing as if by magic right next to the player is quite detrimental to the experience. When I've carefully cleared the area around the ship of hostiles and am cautiously proceeding away from the ship scanning for enemies only to have a group appear right behind me....well, the experience becomes frustrating. I'm quite a cautious, tactical player so this is particularly bad, a group of more gung-ho players might well relish the rapidly respawning enemies.

    Perhaps it's not a Project Eden change, but something has changed with the spawning of hostiles on this start. As mentioned, I tested the spawning by going into God Mode and hovering mid-air - about 5 metres up - over my initial camp location and enemies were rapidly spawning in within 10 metres of my location. When I started moving, this spawning became worse. I wasn't encountering existing Zirax patrols, fresh patrols were spawning in front, left, right and behind me as I moved.

    I'm hoping others can share their experiences testing this start to see if they see the same spawning issues. I just started a fresh game, default options other than turning on CPU and Weight/Volume.

  12. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I just tried a fresh start - default setting bar CPU and Weight - on Roggery. There was a large Drone patrolling the crash site area, it killed me seconds after crashing the pod. I could see it as I fell in the pod and it made a bee-line towards me. I turned away of course, but it still arrived at my location the moment I hit. I'm not having much luck lately, am I? Lol.

    Edit: I tried again, same start, new random seed - there are TWO large Drones patrolling the crash site this time lol. The game hates me.

    Just to be clear, this means the player cannot benefit from any of the things in the crash site biome - so wrecks, deposits etc. as well as the mission-related stuff - until they return much better equipped. I don't object to this in principle and I have managed to flee those two Drones...will keep an eye on spawn rates going forwards.

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2021
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I'll have to see what can be done about those drones at the crash site.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Cool. I think Drones "investigating" a pod crash might be sorta cool. I.e. grab your stuff an run, then they'll wander off after a short while. But having them "spawn camping" so to speak, maybe not so much. Though I did manage to escape this time, the starting area is a no go until I have better equipment. Something like a Rocket or, to a lesser degree, Plasma Drone can be fought with relatively basic equipment. However, the insta-hit nature of Drones with Miniguns makes them a biggest challenge for the on-foot player.

  15. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    maybe something like this
         # Removing dangers from touchdown area
         # (Area will be re-poplated further down in the file)
       - SpawnAt: [START]
         Radius: 400
         RadiusRandom: 0
         RateMultiplyerCenter: 0
         RateMultiplyerEdge: 0
         AffectEnemies: true
         Color: "0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7"
       - SpawnAt: [START, JunkT2]
         Radius: 80
         RadiusRandom: 0
         RateMultiplyerCenter: 0
         RateMultiplyerEdge: 0
         AffectFriendly: true  # (Some creatures are not 'too friendly' e.g. AlienBugs01. Have to removed, too.)
         Color: "0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.7"
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Drones don't use the same spawning as creatures so that wouldn't work. :(
  17. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    whats about a
            - GroupName: NullPOI                # PLZ KEEP THIS POI! - - Used for 'security' spacing of POI
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]             # (The parameter 'SpawnPOIAvoid' does not work well if it is defined as a combination of START and a POI.)
              SpawnPOINear: [START]             # (NullPOI acts still as 'POI', is used instead of START.)
              SpawnPOINearDistance: 10          # (Due to the fixed shape of the Crashsite and the nonexistent size of NullPOI, this POI should never fail to spawn)
              IsImportant: True     # (Will not have any spawn problems, just to be sure. Should spawn immediately, so no loss in performance.)
              DroneProb: 0
              DronesMinMax: [ 0, 0 ]
    will this work?
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    No. :( That would just mean that specific POI spawns no drones for itself, but it won't block any other drones.
  19. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Merde :-( - looks like Eleon still has a to do here
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well if they could just make better documentaion of the existing features and possible tweaks it would help a lot. Maybe this could be solved by changing something in the specific drone's behavior in the EClassConfig.ecf, in the AI tasks, but testing this is tedious and unreliable.

    There are the AI tasks defined in the first drone's parameters :

    /* AI properties */
    /* AITask-1: DroneFindTargetIfHurt */
    /* AITask-2: DroneAttackTarget */
    /* AITask-3: DroneHuntAfterLostDetection, param1: 50 */ <<< how will drone "hunt" ?

    /* AITask-4: DroneRangePatrol, param1: 50 */
    /* AITask-5: DronePathPatrol */ <<< does this when lost contact ?

    /* AITask-6: DroneSentryPatrol */

    #AITarget-1: DroneDetection, param1: "Player,BA,SV,HV,CV", param2: EntityShipSV

    But to know exactly what each of these mean and what behavior they encompass or how the AI "cascades" down a task list is not explained anywhere.

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