Reforged Eden Scenario

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Vermillion, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. Banditman

    Banditman Ensign

    Jun 9, 2021
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    I've actually grown fond of the fact that you can't just find potential refit ships everywhere. You have to hunt for them. Makes it a bit more satisfying when you do actually find one. However, one thing that I think would be quite cool and definitely fits the Reforged scenario would be the ability to use the CV repair kits that you normally hand to disabled NPC ships.
  2. The issue is that using the changemode console command can cause serious bugs and sometimes they are permanent. IE, that quick 2 minutes of using that command has the potential to ruin your save.

    Alternatively you would have to take a blueprint, then load a creative save and remove it, then take another blueprint, go back to survival save and destroy the original, then finally use sbp command to respawn it from the blueprint with it removed.
    Much easier to just use an explosive device, IMO.
    Sup likes this.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    While I'll bring up the console to help fix issues - pretty much essential still - I'll not go into creative mode as it takes me too out of the game, if you get what I mean. I have doctored designs of my own in creative from time to time, but that's very rare. Going to try explosives to remove the NPC spawners and see how I get on. Failing that, creative mode it is - I do agree that it's not really a cheat to do this as spawners should either just vanish when the POI is cored, as I suggested above, or be able to be seen by the multi-tool at least. I'd favour them just vanishing when Cored personally.

    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Just use the replace blocks command. Much easier, no creative mode needed. Only works single player though
    Sup and Thor'sHammer like this.
  5. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    What I did was note my save date/time, create a new save and open it in cm. Fix issues, Alt-O to save the blueprint then delete that session. Explosive blocks are much easier but CM lets you see ALL the spawn plates ... Many paths to Gramma's house ...:D
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Ooo, I forgot about the replace blocks command, not used it in ages! I used to tinker more, now I'm just a player, using the console for generally quick fixes when things go wrong.

    @krazzykid2006 - thanks for the tip. In the past I have BP'd an in-game ship, doctored it in a separate creative session before bringing it back into the game, destroying the original, so it's certainly a viable approach. I just don't like leaving the game and doing that if it can at all be helped.

    As an aside, I'm CONSTANTLY losing items from a linked toolbar, lost two of the second largest thrusters last night. They were on my linked bar, I switch to use the Multi-tool, switched back (hadn't moved) and they were gone from the bar and gone from storage. I'd be lost - or have rage-quit long ago - without the console. It's the main reason I don't do Multi-player as I'd have no work-around for bugs like this.

  7. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    I decided to check from scratch - I created a new game, found a Patrol vessel, looked at its reaction, left the game, reloaded it - after a few seconds the PV disappeared (it disappeared as a visible object from the list of objects too).

    PV disappeared

    As for its AI - PV practically does not move, sometimes it turns very slowly to the right / left. Its missiles fly slowly and for a rather long time - you can circle around it, pursued by a cloud of missiles.

    PV rocket duel
  8. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    I checked it in the vanilla version of the game - PV disappears in the same way. Went to post to the bug thread :D
  9. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I'm trying to get the CV cruise missiles working on planet... (I need more firepower as I play solo)
    Why doesn't this work: (in Config.ecf)
    { Item Id: 3160, Name: Eden_TurretMissileCruiseCV_Weapon
        AllowAt: "Space,Planet"
  10. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Config.ecf is not up to date anymore.
    Changes must be made directly in the script \ game configuration files (Items \ Blocks \ etc).
  11. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    OK, thanks.
    but it's very confusing, I did change the other RE weapons in Config.ecf to AllowAt Planet and it worked.
    I guess it won't work with the new ID range then?
  12. Mirosya

    Mirosya Commander

    Dec 9, 2019
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    Part of the ID for items \ blocks \ etc is generated dynamically and it would be possible to pick up these IDs, but for some reason the normal processing of Config.ecf has become inconvenient for developers and they force you to directly edit large configuration files. Something else works in Config.ecf, some does not, but in fact, work with Config.ecf is closed in the future.

    P.S. I tried to suggest some alternative in the forum suggestion thread, but this is not a quick thing
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2021
  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    @Scoob the pirate barge isn't backwards, it has 2 control stations, one facing each way. Just use the other one instead.
  14. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Oh, so "forwards" is relative to cockpit placement now, rather than initial build direction like it used to be? I recall, ages ago, placing the Pilot Seat facing in the opposite direction to the original placement would lead to weirdness. I.e. press "w" to go forwards and ship would be super slow, not respond at all or fly the true forwards based on how the ship was built, rather than the direction the Pilot's Seat faced. I guess that was changed at some point and I just didn't notice, as I only ever place one Pilot Seat that faces the right way :)

    I'll move the one remaining Pilot Seat to face the other direction and re-test. I've only flown this CV once and have been refitting it over the past few sessions. Apologies for the incorrect report.

    @Mirosya - you video shows it perfectly, the PV must simply be despawning. It appears to be falling foul of the cleanup logic designed to despawn disabled vessels. The ship does not appear to be moving, so evidently something is wrong.

    Note: I've see the message pop up from random space CV's that I've not touched. I've simply gotten close, they've rendered in, and the self-destruct message pops up.

  15. Banditman

    Banditman Ensign

    Jun 9, 2021
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    Pretty sure it worked that way as far back as July, even in vanilla now that I think about it. I built a ship with two cockpits - one "normal", and one facing backwards for a salvage turret. It worked fine both directions. I honestly never even thought about it until I was browsing this thread.
  16. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    @ravien_ff - I did some tweaks to the Pirate Barge CV to ensure it emerges from Warp facing forwards. Forwards is not relative to Pilot's Seat placement when emerging from Warp. While a CV will now respond perfectly well in normal flight, based on which Pilot's Seat is being used, this is not true of warp jumps.

    I.e. based purely on thruster placement - so "B" for backwards-facing (forward thrust) and "F" for front-facing (reverse-thrust) - if I'm in the Pilot's Seat facing true forwards, I will emerge from Warp flying forwards. If however I'm piloting via the backward-facing Pilot's Seat, while regular flight is fine, I will emerge from warp facing backwards - relative to that Pilot's Seat - coming out of warp.

    No big deal at all of course, but, while flight is much improved over earlier game (back in Alpha days) versions, emerging from warp still follows how the ship was built, with it emerging from warp facing true (as designed) Forwards.

    This is undoubtedly a vanilla thing, but thought it worth clarifying as, irrespective of Pilot's Seat placement, there is a true forwards and backwards consideration when it come to emerging from a warp jump.

  17. With a backwards cockpit:
    When you warp the ship is placed with its forward direction facing forward (forward relative to the original starter block).

    It will fly normally with a backwards cockpit, it will just have its compass directions wrong (unless they fixed this and didn't put it in the patch notes), and it will emerge from warp "backwards" (actually forwards, just backwards in relation to your backwards cockpit).

    That is all working as expected.
  18. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yep, that's what I was trying to communicate in an overly verbose manner lol.

    On an unrelated note...

    While exploring a new planet - looking for Zascosium - my scanner pinged a Crashed Capital Vessel POI (nothing new) and a Shipwreck POI. The Shipwreck POI looked just like another "Crashed CV" type POI, except I noticed a Drone (guarding it) bumped into it and... it moved! This thing appears to be an actual CV! Nice.

    Just need to deal with 480c temps (I can't lol) and 41.4 rads (no chance) and a large Freighter hovering nearby as well as loads of Drones. This will be fun... I want this CV!

    ravien_ff likes this.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You can capture and fly that freighter too, just make sure you have a plan in case it falls out of the sky.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I was going to hover my retrofitted Pirate barge for the job, I've built a deck on it to carry CV's :)

    Talking about the Pirate Barge, I've gotten stuck again modifying it due to invisible "NPC Spawner (Thin Plate)". I can mark them on my HUD but I cannot use the explosive trick on these due to surrounding equipment. I popped into Creative (CM in console) expecting them to show up - I've seen them as a little mannequins on other builds, but I very rarely use creative - what am I missing?


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