Remove radiation from reclaimed base Xeno blocks.

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Kronoss, Apr 17, 2021.

  1. Kronoss

    Kronoss Captain

    Oct 19, 2016
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    In the console Type ents to find the base you are working on.
    Then type:
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienthin AlienThinLarge
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienfull AlienFullLarge
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienExtended2 AlienExtendedlarge2
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienExtended3 AlienExtendedlarge3
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienExtended4 AlienExtendedlarge4
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienExtended5 AlienExtendedlarge5
    replaceblocks <entityid> alienExtended6 AlienExtendedlarge6

    It is important to do all replacements because you might Have a different type bloc behind a player block, and you might not think it worked. This is to remover the heat and radiation from a reclaimed POI. This is helpful to prevent radiation poisoning, and to stop killing plants on grow plots.
    LoneRanger and Kassonnade like this.

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