Repairing NPC structures can break mission progression

Discussion in 'Backlog' started by Garaman, Jul 5, 2024.

  1. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Build: 1.11.7 4480
    Mode: Creative/Survival
    Mode: Single Player/Multi Player
    DLC Installed: Installed, not active on save

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Trivial

    Type: Missions / Admin Cores

    Summary: If you accidentally (or purposefully) repair a device on an admin cored structure and that device is required to be destroyed to progress a mission, you will not be able to destroy the device and must manually check off the mission step to progress

    Some POIs allow you to repair devices on them even though you are not an owner. This can create issues with admin-core POIs since damaged devices need to remain damaged to be destructable. If you repair one of these devices to full it can no longer be destroyed, same as any other full-health block. At times players will use the multitool to see if they are doing damage to blocks (since 1: admin cores aren't obvious how they work, and 2: some weapons don't damage devices). If their multitool is set to repair mode so that they can see the block HP and they accidentally click they can repair the device to full.

    It seems like you shouldn't be able to repair any structure you don't own. Or, objects that are damaged on spawn should somehow retain their damagable capability even if repaired to full.

    In the example below, the story mission on Skillion can be blocked until the player manually checks off the "Destroy the core" mission step.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    1. Load the attached savegame. This is a new start on Skillion where I have progressed through to the "Deserted Powers - Part 2 (Skillion)" mission. In the save I am standing in front of the admin core at the Collection Point POI.
    2. Use the multitool to observe that the core health is 115/120
    3. Switch the multitool to repair mode and repair the core
    4. Attempt to destroy the core in any way. You cannot.
    5. [Workaround] Go to PDA and manually check the mission step to proceed.
    Note: The workaround is also bugged in that using the PDA to progress the mission does not spawn the drones at the next step. You have to check off the two next tasks to continue the mission.

    Attached Files:

    ravien_ff likes this.
  2. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    Also, there may be other POIs where you can't work around this. Like, if you need to destroy a grate to enter a tunnel, and there is a mission item you need inside there. Repairing the grate would restrict access until you used console commands to work around it
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Yes already had someone break one of our POIs because of this issue too (not vanilla). They repaired a device that was supposed to explode to expose or destroy the core, but since the device was repaired the explosive blocks did not destroy it.

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