
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Maybe that's how it is supposed to be, but that's not how it is.
  2. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Guess I got lucky then, as I haven't yet personally seen sugar cane in dry sand or fiber grass in wet sand.
  3. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    Thanks Eviscerator! Very helpful suggestions.
  4. Xakthos

    Xakthos Ensign

    Jun 26, 2015
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    Power is what concerns me most. Everything else seems to do ok but I find myself constantly worried about power as without it the game stops, you lose. There needs to be more sources of it on the starter planet and either last longer or not be used as components in other things like the drill charges (do you drill or power the constructor and if you're out then you're done because you can't drill or construct).
    Eviscerator and Shadefang like this.
  5. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Like a fission reactor with long-lasting fuel rods? Or wind turbines you can put up on hills or on towers in your base. Solar power will hopefully be implemented, as the models are already in game.

    I really hope Eleon Game Studios takes the idea of powerpacks just draining and becoming depleted instead of disappearing, allowing you to recharge them with renewable power sources.

    If the game is ever to focus on exploration and traveling/searching, you gotta be able to automate or at least reduce the need for player control of the more tedious aspects of resource gathering and manufacture.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  6. Kaltonse

    Kaltonse Commander

    Mar 24, 2015
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    I noticed while waiting for fuel packs to craft that they have a fuel value of 20. Are fuel sources other than promethium planned?
  7. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Alright, since I listed eleven, there's nine in game, and the call was for twenty-five, I only have five more ores to suggest. Anything beyond that is a bonus!


    While its use as in making alloys or extracting minerals from ores seems moot given current game mechanics, calcium would prove useful as a nutrition supplement, as well as when mixed with pulverized rock dust to make concrete. Concrete would be an effective and easy to use building material that wouldn't use up valuable metal resources.​


    Primary use is probably going to be in the operation of fusion reactors along with hydrogen isotopes, though it's also quite useful for the manufacture of primitive batteries and capacitors. Also has some utility in the manufacture of polymers and lenses. And, like so many others on this list, it has uses as a chemical explosive, especially when combined with aluminum.​


    Early bullets. As well as rounds specifically designed to maximize damage to unarmored targets due to the soft and dense element expanding on impact. Not to mention the use as radiation shielding, or use as ballast if it is ever required.​


    Once valued as a medium of currency, this rare and dense element is both useful as the more common lead for ballast and radiation shielding, as well as exhibiting superior resistance to corrosion. Gold also displays superior conductive properties, giving it utility in the manufacture of electronics, particularly in those that will be expected to perform in corrosive environments.​


    Though toxic, when alloyed with iridium, osmium makes for an exceptionally dense, frangible projectile for use in chemically powered projectile weapons as well as rail or coilguns. Bit of a niche use for 'top of the line' ammunition.​

    (Bonus Area Unlocked!)

    17. Oxygen

    Technically already in game, I'd definitely like to see this harvestable in atmospheres of planets, gas giants, or nebulae. You could combine it with stored hydrogen as a fuel, or burn it with said hydrogen simply to create water. A useful, if inefficient way to top off your water reserves if you find yourself short between planets/cometary bodies of ice. (Unrelated, but definitely want to see harvestable ice on planets and comets.)

    Also technically in game, hydrogen offers some attractive uses. Though it can be burned with oxygen to create water in emergencies, using it as a fuel would seem redundant. A more intriguing possibility is its use as a lifting gas for statites, exploratory probes, or player-manned exploratory dirigibles. If an atmosphere is lacking in oxygen, there's not even the danger of fire or combustion. When liquified, it also makes a very effective coolant.
    An element used as a base material for a number of ductile and strong alloys, tantalum avoids being redundant due to being rather more compatible with human biology. A very valued element that can be used in the manufacture of cybernetic augmentations as well as components for high performance engines and power generators.
    20. Hafnium
    Primary component of a theorized nonnuclear explosive that still exceeds that of an equal mass of chemical-based explosives.
    Element primarily viewed as useful as a component in composite materials, and ceramic armor. Boron carbide approaches diamond very closely for hardness and resistance to fracturing under stress. A related composite, boron nitride, surpasses even this impressive performance and can be formed into nanotubes like carbon. Unlike carbon, boron nitride nanotubes are insulative instead of conductive, allowing for broader application of nanostructures in constructing armor, equipment, and vehicles.
    A common element, used in the construction of grow pots and hydroponic fertilizers, phosphorous is also an important component in the manufacture of flamethrower fuels, incendiary bullets, rockets, and grenades and in addition to carbon and iron, steel production.​
    wllcapmax likes this.
  8. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    Gonna have to disagree with gold being a better conductor I did a little search and found this.

    what the table in the link shows below.

    Physical Property Gold Silver Platinum Copper
    Density (g/cm3) 19.30 10.49 21.45 8.94
    Electrical Conductivity (S/m) 4.1×107 6.30×107 9.43×106 5.96×107
    Reactivity Series (no units) #2 #3 #1 #5
    Thermal Conductivity (W.m-1.K-1) 318 429 71.6 401
    Young’s Modulus (GPa) 79 83 168 110-128
    Hardness (Mohs scale) 2.5 2.5 4.25 3.0
  9. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    You're not really disagreeing. If anything you look more like a pedant who hasn't fully read my post. I said it had superior conductive properties, not that it was the best. To put it simply, gold is one of the most conductive materials that is resistant to corrosion while being both easily formed and more abundant than platinum. Platinum, which I remind you, is used as a catalyst, so is probably not best suited to use in atmospheres of varying compositions, temperatures, and pressures.

    And you really shouldn't post unformatted tables.
    fractalman likes this.
  10. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    yeah I hear ya :p as for the unformatted thing... when I saw it turn into that I just left it as is and decided to link the site where I got it :D
  11. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Something I'd like to add here.

    I think there should be an upgraded drill that automatically collects the ore chunks. The only reason I suggest this is Sacosium. Gathering ore on planets and moons is fine. Melt the ground, pick up the chunks. In zero-g however, it's a pain (for me). I use the drill only for short periods, since I personally find it hard to tell the difference between the ore I can collect, and the debris. So I shoot for a couple of seconds, back off, check for chunks that don't despawn, repeat 20 times and I might have a few bits of ore.

    So a drill that automatically adds chunks to your inventory would be great for this. Unless Sacosium is meant to be hard to get and this is just one of many barriers. Though since Pre-Alpha 1.0.5, Power Coils are now needed for more items. Before, the only 'essential' part that needed Power Coils was the Gravity Generator. They were also used for Large Generators, but I would consider the Gravity Generator more important personally.

    But now Power Coils are also needed for many of the advanced weapons, which means we need more of it. I don't mind that the ore object only grants 1 unit of ore, but I find actually grabbing that ore to be annoying personally.
  12. OzenRay

    OzenRay Commander

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Neutronium can be excelent to make some High Tech device or use it to build upcomming block like shield or thing like that (Neutronium are in 2 type liquid & solide, liquid dence like plomb but when they are in solide form thier wheigt can rivalise with carbon fibre (a little more that than) Solide well you know use to craft block and High tech crafting. ^^
  13. Kaltonse

    Kaltonse Commander

    Mar 24, 2015
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    I agree with sarcosium being difficult to catch. I have the same problem you do with differentiating the little debris that despawns and the chunks that I can actually collect. I do like that sarcosium is found in small quantities because of the fact that it is used for the more advanced tech which I feel is how it should be. A drill that automatically collects would certainly be cool, another suggestion would be some sort of net that we can build on our SV's that sort of tractor the ore chunks and allow us to come by and manually grab the ore.
  14. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Weight, perhaps, but for the same volume neutronium is incredibly massive owing to how dense it is. And in an non-solid form, it decays rapidly (Explosively). It'd also be almost impossible to use it in any great quantity in a ship you propel with reaction engines.

    Going by current theories, at least.
    OzenRay likes this.
  15. OzenRay

    OzenRay Commander

    Jun 9, 2015
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    Yup still in the game we are at 24 century i think it ok. In the same time i say neutronium because it one of the best ressource in the stargate franchise nothing more ahah but thanks for info.
  16. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Thanks Eviscertor I passed on the remainder of your list to the Dev team, you really did well, Some great ideas.
    mcsproot likes this.
  17. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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  18. Ticonderoga

    Ticonderoga Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2015
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    Given that the planet is to be home to several dozen people, I think the size of the deposit should be increased. For me it was a surprise when the deposit promethium ended after I dug 60 units of a resource. I understand that I must look for other deposits, but if I'm on this planet alone. How soon are out of resources? And what to do next?
  19. leewells2000

    leewells2000 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2015
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    I'm thinking about the future of multiplayer -- that is my guild owning a server and having some 20 of us running about just starting out and trying to find resources. I don't think the starting planet as it stands has enough resourses for more than 2 players to become spacefaring. I think in total there is about 2,000 iron which a base will quickly eat 800 of that. That would leave 2 players with 200 iron to make a SV assuming they didn't waste it on a GV. I would suggest making iron deposits more abundant, but deeper in the ground.

    Drop rates -- I would suggest making this configurable in a difficulty setting.
    Captain_Brian likes this.
  20. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Drop rates being configurable is a good idea, but....planet sizes are going to increase, the game's not currently balanced for multiplayer. With larger planets will come more plentiful resources.

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