
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    b) No, I totally understand. I just think that if one is stupid enough not manage one of the most important resources in the game maybe it SHOULD be game over. As it stands now the penalty is you go back to a backup and loose progress and try again. IF something is done in game I'd say if you die when your pack re-spawns there is one fuel pack in it.

    As far as mining being tedious, I find waiting for daylight tedious, but it is part of the game :).
    Eviscerator likes this.
  2. Nezbert

    Nezbert Ensign

    Oct 6, 2015
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    I partly agree but still think a good game needs to keep frustration low nowadays as people tend to run away from games pretty quickly. If a casual gamer looses hours and hours of playtime to such a thing then he will be frustrated. Also, sandbox games are played a lot by kids. Your backpack idea is fine - just no dead ends please :)

    I solve waiting for dailight by "chasing the sunlight" with a sv and explore/mine as long as the base is in the dark
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    All I can say is 'oh well'. And be freakin' patient. It's an alpha, the devs are gonna put in renewable power sources like solar panels eventually.
  4. Nezbert

    Nezbert Ensign

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Sorry no native speaker, did not intend to sound impatient.
    Just wanted to give feedback on the current state of the game and put in my thoughts :)
    I am not sure if solar power panels would be the solution as you could not craft these without power i guess. Imho mincecraft did it well as you can start with nothing and work your way up. I can understand if you want a more 'hardcore' expirience though.
  5. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    OK, how about this. Assuming that you were not the only one on the ship (initially destroyed in the premise and from which you escaped) you have the probability of finding additional escape pods, perhaps a special type of object that can't ever be made flyable, but has most of what you original did. Unfortunately, a Plant Monsters got the crew member but he/she'd not had time to take the materials within the pod. (You have the nicer "flyable" escape pod. It's good to be the Captain!). Might even be that the game detects somehow you are in an impossible situation and spawns one, you just have to find it (and it might be underwater!).

    I don't know how minecraft does it, never played it :). I think once and if they introduce solar panels it would be even less of a problem.

    So, what methodology could one employ, having nothing available, to get a fuel pack? I'd be interested in hearing ideas. I just am resistant to magical appearances that can't be justified by the premise of the game. But some preferably tedious method to produce a fuel pack might work for me.

    And to carry this one step further, what if your last constructor is destroyed? Doesn't this put you in a similar situation (this happened to me)? I can imagine a number of game ending situations, should we have a way out of all of them?

    And believe me, I TOTALLY understand the frustration of a dead-ended game having had it happen. But maybe at some point it has to happen and you simply have to start over or load from backup.
  6. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    How about an I admit defeat button.Flags you as deadbeat survivor and crashes a supply pod on the planet (minimal gear to be determined). You have to find it and live with the shame
  7. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    :D Works for me!

    Actually, if they add the possibility of a fuel pack to the drone drop that might also give a player an out, provided they can take down the drone.
  8. phat420man

    phat420man Ensign

    Sep 15, 2015
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    2 things for me on this category. One is I'm rather annoyed with my ores disappearing. It would be GREAT to be able to at least go through a whole drill charge without having to stop 3 times to pick up ore and make sure none of it disappears. And 2.... Would like if the POI's for fully mined / empty ores on the map would either disappear, or be markable as mined clean so i quit going back to discover my massive holes! OK sorry 3 things... how about a 1 shot craftable jetpack upgrade for those oh crap moments where you're stuck in the bottom of a cleared hole and outta charges to dig yourself off. Call it like Ironman's 1 off from the second movie... it works once then you gotta craft another, but it's powerful enough to get you out of the deepest hole.
  9. vsyeung

    vsyeung Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    it's actually quite hard because this is a survival game with an advanced tech backdrop. Some peers in the genre (a certain dino-taming game comes to mind) allows you to literally fist your way up - if you lose everything, you can still use your bare fist to knock down some trees to create that first ax. With the first ax you can slowly build yourself back up. It's not going to be fast, and in many cases, other than nominally being the same game, it's practically like starting another game.

    How you fist your way up in a space-traveling game is perhaps much harder.
  10. Ex3mpt

    Ex3mpt Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2015
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    I fell in a hole once made by my rocket turrets in front of my base, didn't have my mining tool. Pure fluke I made it out.

    I agree on removing depleted resources, irritating to fly to a source and find it already mined out
  11. vsyeung

    vsyeung Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    for now strip mining it seems like the way to go
  12. Roadie

    Roadie Ensign

    Oct 22, 2015
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    Has anyone brought up reverse engineering?

    Right now we have it on a Macro scale via destroying a part with the repair tool, but what about on the micro level?

    There have been times I wanted to make a part but was missing that one metal component. Now It would have been nice to just disassemble the reactor piece and get the components back rather than go out and mine more iron or cobalt for one the peice I needed. What if I lost my drill and could make another one if I could just take this one thing apart I put together earlier.

    I often hear of people running out of fuel. Tisk Tisk but it would be nice to be able to take some drill charges and make a fuel cell again.

    I think reverse engineering would add another path of getting things done and is often used in the survival genre. Also If i recall correctly the astronauts have had to do it in RL to extend their CO2 scrubber or something on one of the Apollo missions.
  13. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    I made a suggestion to this end here.
  14. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    That's...scrapping, salvaging, reclaiming.

    Reverse engineering is a separate concept in which you take apart and study technology that you don't understand with the goal of discerning its workings and being able to reproduce it.
  15. boller1989

    boller1989 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2015
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    - Fuel cells act like batteries, means that they are rechargeable

    - Alternative power sources on bases and BIG ships, for example solar cells, wind turbines or nuclear fusion power plantsRe

    - Ressources refuel automatically after a certain period

    - Dismantling of set objects, like crashed ships etc., takes to much time and the "remove and repair-tool" has to low ammunition

    - Alternative Materials, for example concrete made out of water and rock dust
  16. Leatherneck

    Leatherneck Captain

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I'd not mind having concrete, considering we kind of have it already with the Filler Tool. Would be good to conserve Iron on a BA foundation and exterior, but also offer some medium of protection from the elements.
  17. Blackmonk

    Blackmonk Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    On the starting planets would like to see things just as they are. However as we approach random gen planets, it should be like the wild west, anything and everything goes. Some planets have a lot of nickel / iron and not much else. Others may be a real haven for silicon and little of anything else. This mimics real life. You don't find certain minerals just any old place. Alternately, the deposits too can be random gen and you don't know what you get till you dig. Maybe nothing, maybe lots. Could be offset with technology that detects probability of certain ores and minerals. Of course there is always stealing from the aliens....
  18. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I would like to see Random creatures
    mix an match
    • Traits
    • Attacks
    • Defense
    • AI patterns
    • Agro

    What is safe on one Planet may be dangerous on a different planet

    As For Minerals
    I like the planet/mineral not to be map to certain patterns and mixed deposits might be interesting too.
  19. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Based on the description for the 4.1 release regarding meteorites, I see a potential problem. They state that once an ore vein is reduced to <10% the marker is removed from the map. If the marker is removed, and there is ore left, how would one find it to finish mining it and therefore trigger a meteorite? Is there going to be an upper limit of ore left where a meteorite can be triggered. Maybe if every ore vein is <10%?

    Any devs want to answer this? :)

    Personally, I'd like the markers to stay until all the ore is gone.
  20. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    I'd like to see ore veins sometimes spawn underwater. Why would they not?
    Blackmonk likes this.

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