Server Owners beware - Racist Bigoted Trolls

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Thoder, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. Thoder

    Thoder Commander

    May 20, 2017
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    Recently we had a group of 5 friends join our server and display racist bigoted behaviour.

    They named their Faction "NiggeruFaggimus" [NoG]

    After receiving complaints from players about them I tried to contact them to let them know that we do not tolerate such behavior. They refused to communicate with me over a period of 2 days. After receiving more complaints I was left with no choice but, to delete their Faction and ban them from our server. Once banned they finally decided to communicate with a single message. THeir profiles show Canada however, the message they sent was Russian. Below are the message and translation.

    Ваша мать - толстый кит. Надеюсь, вы получите полиомиелит, так как ваша смерть принесет пользу всему обществу, вы бесполезный негр

    Your mother is a fat whale. I hope you will get polio, since your death will benefit the whole of society, you are a useless nigger

    Here are their Steam user ID's. I encourage all server owners to ban these ID's to save yourself the trouble they will cause to your decent players. I felt it was my due diligence to let everyone know.

    TyTries - 76561198067659535
    Dusk - 76561198079743813
    Orgasmodan - 76561198087891579
    Penguin Knight - 76561198079479987
    Toe Fluff - 76561198126075555
  2. FARMLAND - the_mahler

    FARMLAND - the_mahler Lieutenant

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Thanks for that information.

    best regards


    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FARMLAND Empyrion - IP: - You are welcome!
    Steam Group: FARMLAND - Empyrion Server

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