Share your blueprints with Empyrion

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Rammzez_CR73

    Rammzez_CR73 Ensign

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Galactic Space Station-Osiris = GSS-OSIRIS
    GSS- OSIRIS.png After many hours of play, I discovered that the best option to have a base would be a space station,
    which is why I took on the task of creating one, as I am a bit lacking in imagination to create it from 0,
    I make on task of modifying one already created in the game,
    doing it to my liking and with all the necessary things for its defense and its own subsistence ......
    Here is the result....

    The BA that I modify is Dion III ID: 1027 Created by Liftallthepizzas ... ;););)
    A great job on your part and I hope I don't miss any rule by modifying it a little to my liking ... :):):)

    Some statistics:
    48000 Fuel capacity + 22800 Solar Battery Capacity
    50000 Polarized Hull Shield (T2) + 64000 Oxygen capacity

    Baze Size ( W 60x D 102x H 94x ) + Cargo bay ( W 34x D 54x H 20x )

    Artillery turret x 6 + Plasma turret x 8
    Missile turret x 4 + Pulse laser turret x 2 + Sentry guns x 4

    Like this BA, it is really small if you try to park a CV,
    I took on the task of creating one that fits the Cargo bay, but despite its small size,
    it had all the improvements and implements of a large CV size ... In my next post I will bring
    CV_SETH mk I


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    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
    Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  2. Rammzez_CR73

    Rammzez_CR73 Ensign

    Mar 25, 2020
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    CV_SETH mk I
    CV_SETH mk I.png

    What is promised is debt, I bring you CV_SETH mk I, small, compact,
    but with everything you need to meet the requirements of a combat CV and warp travel,
    just the right size to dock in the BA GSS-OSIRIS, with enough power for high gravity planets ......

    Rocket turret x 2 + Plasma turret x 4 + Sentry guns x 4
    Pulse Laser (CV) x 2 + Rocket Launcher (CV) x 2 + Drill Turrets x 2


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    Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  3. Rammzez_CR73

    Rammzez_CR73 Ensign

    Mar 25, 2020
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    Interstellar Space Station - Asgard = ISS - ASGARD
    ISS - ASGARD.png

    After I did the GSS-OSIRIS I said to myself .. Well if I could modify a BA created by someone else,
    how hard would it be to create one from 0 ???
    After 3 days of hard work, here I bring you ISS - ASGARD .... 100% made by me.
    And I was really very satisfied, although I think my hand went a little ...
    It is quite, but quite large...

    Size class ( 29,65) 30
    Baze Size ( W 144 x H 164 x L 184 )

    2 large docks:
    Dock 11 width 68m x height 40m x length 184m
    Dock 22 width 68m x height 30m x length 164m

    102000 Fuel capacity + 34200 Solar Battery Capacity
    50000 Polarized Hull Shield (T2) + 58000 Oxygen capacity

    27 Cargo box + 4 Ammo Box + 2 Furnace + 4 Advanced Constructor + 100 Growing Plot

    8.png 6.png
    6 Artillery turret + 10 Plasma turret + 4 Missile turret + 12 Minigun Turret + 8 Sentry guns

    In addition it is not a simple BA, also I added the GALAXY HOTEL, with 12 rooms and 18 SV loading docks....

    I hope you like it...

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    • 3.png
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    • 17.png
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    • 7.png
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    • 1.png
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    • ISS-ASGARD.rar
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      97.5 KB
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020
    Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  4. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    T12-A - "Skittles"
    Replacing the old "T-1A" model, and taking things into the future.

    *** build in: Alpha 11.5 ***

    T12-A the latest iteration of my original "T1-A" who sat in the in-game Prefab section for quite a while.

    Been offline from Empyrion for quite some time now, and i have found my way back home, with fingers itching to go create new fun things, and to try and update old, to new.

    The T-12, has been re-build from scratch, using Hardened Steel blocks, and armored windows. (for the lights)
    Ditched the front mounted turret, in order to add some protection to the technicals that line pretty much every square inch of the bottom of the HV.

    This is in testing. I mean, the tring drives up a vertical wall, SIDEWAYS..... something, is overdone LOL
    (Yes, i did test this in survival mode... Empty though, but, she does ^.^)

    CPU level 2 compliant.
    CPU effeciency: 100%
    Unlock Level: 12
    Generator strain (Nominal): 48%

    2 Minigun Turrets
    1 Wood harvester (Lawnmover)

    Storage (Volume):
    Ammo: 500
    Ore & Wood: 500
    General storage (in the back): 2x 375
    Oxygen: 400
    Fuel: 2100 (410-ish minutes while cruising using Prom. Fuel Packs)

    Docking (I STILL need to experiment with this):
    1 on the buttom
    1 on the roof

    Hover Boosters:
    None .... not needed in this configuration really.... testing testing feedback is needed ^.^

    Numbers are kinda tight :S
    I'm guessing, that some modifications can be made, and still keep the thing inside the Level 2 CPU border, or even exeed it a tiny bit, and still get a good use of the ship.

    I hope you guys will like this version, as much as you did the old one ♥♥
    Please, let me know about changes that you think is needed, down below ^.^

    Thanks in advance, for the thumbs up for this ever-returning design ♥



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    ion_storm and Germanicus like this.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    My updated Workshop save with everything I have built.
    If you can use or want to modify any of my builds feel free to do so.
    I only ask that you tag me in the credits if you upload them to the Workshop.

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