Share your Planets

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by Kaeser, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. lalan47

    lalan47 Ensign

    Aug 24, 2016
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    Hi,i figured to make it work with the rescource and poi and beast thank you and can you tell me what is your favorite one ? I add lut playfield and it looks great
  2. EliteSniper 524

    EliteSniper 524 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    no need so send the file the only file i have changed was the sectors yaml to change the locations and the planet types that wouldn't work, half worked out of the box the rest wouldn't .this is the sectors yaml that i have changed, but the templates are untouched all of them just as i downloaded them.
    remember i changed the planet types so it would load try to change them to your ones !!

    Attached Files:

  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Ok I see you used many of the Vexray planets so is very likely they are outdated as many improvements have been introduced since he posted those.

    My suggestion is to compare them whit the corresponding actual version, that is, if it's a desert planet compare it with the latest version of that type of planet.

    You can identify the type by the "PlanetType:" tag in each playfield.yaml file.

    Remove all that are not working and introduce them one by one after comparison. Use Notepad++ to ease the task
  4. EliteSniper 524

    EliteSniper 524 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    yes im going to strip them down one by one with the corresponding planet type and see how i go ill start in the morning as i spent all day on reconstructing the whole solar system i think there are 88 locations in total, so its a lot of work and i really want those planets. thatnks ill let you know if i have any luck
  5. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Hi All! It's my first time posting and seeing what Vexray did eventually inspired me to post some of the stuff I've been working on for a while now. Have to shout out to Vexray as I may have gleaned an idea of two and incorporated them into my designs as I moved forward, so thanks Vexray.

    This will likely be a small series of posts as I have good handful of planets so I'll dedicate one post per planet. If it warrants a roll up, I'll create a thread similar to what Vexray did.

    I've made a number of progressively challenging survival planets, but I'll start with the one I geared toward Akua's difficulty level.

    Welcome to Baldur. It's modeled after a North American tundra.

    This is Baldur's Moon. I kind of envisioned it as having lots of stress on it due to tidal forces causing the crust to rupture.

    I've attached the yaml files and a suggested sector configuration. If you test more than one of my planets you will find they are all in a straight line for easy access. Spreading them out a bit is suggested for server play but not required.

    Feedback is welcome. I'm always looking for ways to improve.

    Attached Files:

  6. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Continuing my trend of starting planets, welcome to Buri. It's about as oppressive as I could make it. I had someone comment that it would make a great place for a prison.

    You won't find much to eat on Buri because it was designed to be a challenging survival planet. However, if you look hard you can find a smattering of seaweed and algae beds near the lava pools. Keep in mind you will have to choose whether to eat the seaweed or turn it into biofuel. The algae beds can be used to generate O2 and water.
    POI and drone settings are similar to Ningues, so you may find yourself running for our life from one of the large minigun drones.


    Everything required for your first set of ships is on the planet. There are no moons on this one.

    The yaml and suggested sector configurations are attached.

    Attached Files:

  7. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    My final planet of my tour of starting planets is Surtr. It's the most devilish starter I've design to date. It's actually a three body starting system. The main planet is a vast sandy wasteland of a desert. Just sand as far as the eye can see.

    On the planet you will only find iron, magnesium, and promethium. The rest you'll have to cobble together from down drones or the odd base you manage to raid. It won't be easy though, drones and POI are similar to Masperon.
    Food is scarce but not quite as bad as Buri. At least on Surtr you might find the odd Overload to hunt if you feel up for the challenge. Seaweed is still scattered around for a quick snack or biofuel. Algae beds can be found on the tallest peaks if you need a water source.
    Surtr also has two moons where you will find everything else you need to build ships once you can get there with whatever pile of junk you manage to cobble together.
    Surtr Moon Alpha is a dirty ugly pile of mud. Some things live and grow here so it's not all bad.
    Surtr Moon Beta is a bit of a contradiction. It's a rocky icy planet, but there are wells of geothermal heat in the form of lava pools that help provide a means for things to grow.


    I've attached the yaml files and suggested sector configuration.

    Attached Files:

    martian101, Lhetre, Pantera and 2 others like this.
  8. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Now that the starter planets are done with I have an intermediate planet. I describe Volkvangr as a dinosaur jungle. It has all the things in it that make you ask the question "Why did I come to this jurassic world?!"
    The vast jungles and swamps have plenty of dinos in them.
    The grass is quite tall ensuring the dinos can often be heard well before they can be seen. Perfect hunting grounds for the careful predator.
    Volkvangr's moon is simply a barren and icy world. No life, just a vast sea of ice and a little water.
    I've attached the yaml files and the suggested sector configuration.

    Attached Files:

  9. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Dagr is another intermediate planet. The general theme is one of volcanic islands. I tried to mix an air of wonder, danger, and beauty.
    It looks fine during the day, but I think it really shines at night.
    I've attached the yaml files and a suggested sector configuration.

    Attached Files:

  10. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Quite an assortment @Celdorak , your off to a good start there, and I see we share some ideas in common, I got Buzzel an icy world and Lut a desert planet somewhat similar to yours.

    You running a server, or just your own single play?
  11. EliteSniper 524

    EliteSniper 524 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    these are amazing but again the same problem as with the vexrays the latest version brakes these, i removed my sector and playfields and they both vexray and these turn out a crash to desktop or internal error, i have had a quick look but im unable to figure out why !! ^^
  12. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    @EliteSniper 524

    Ok mate you definitely are doing something wrong because these work just fine, tested them myself.

    Here what you need to do....

    Just follow the steps in this tutorial, and it should work just fine.

    Also use Notepad++ to edit the sectors file as any space in the wrong place will give you a crash....

    And very important the name you use in the sectors file as biome needs to be exactly the name of the folder where the playfield.yaml file is

    In the case of the Dagr planet of Celdorak "Custom-DagrPlanet" and "Custom-SpaceAsteroidsFewPvP" are the names of the folders where the playfields are.

    - Coordinates: [ 0, 0, -20 ]
    Color: "0.04, 0.3, 0.37"
    Icon: "Circle"
    - [ "0, 0, 0", "Dagr Orbit", Custom-SpaceAsteroidsFewPvP ]
    - [ "0, 0, 0", Dagr, Custom-DagrPlanet ]
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  13. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    Mostly single player, however I play on the Knights of Valtiel Elite server and they are using some of these planets.
  14. EliteSniper 524

    EliteSniper 524 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    hi guys im not sure whats going wrong, 1 question are these templates are ok for mp i have done a reinstall of both the test server and the client and can connect to the server i run on a diffrent computer and to the test server on this one so ill go to the shops and start again ty for all you help and i so have to get this working.
  15. Celdorak

    Celdorak Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2016
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    The templates work the same in both single player and multiplayer, so it should work for either. It's also been tested on both.
  16. Dinkelsen

    Dinkelsen Captain

    Aug 2, 2016
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    Fantastic planets! I really like the idea of limiting the resources on a starter planet to iron, magnesium and promethium!

    For my last game, where I wanted to test a few things I chose something akin to Surtr as starter planet but since I did not want to play on a desert planet again, I used the Baldur visuals. Edited the resources to behave as on Surtr and added my personal collection of POIs. It is a very interesting playthrough at the moment, the beginning is tough, but as soon as you have a flying cockpit (or better, a complete SV) you are set. Since the lowest tier of my POIs has no anti air defenses that helped as well.

    Interesting enough, the most limiting resource is cobalt, because it is used in metal components which is used practically everywhere. Wouldn't have expected that. Salvaging the first POI helped a lot, especailly since the yellow containers can yield rare ores. Of course, as soon as I have an SV, I could go to the moons but I wanted to experience this situation a bit longer. Even thinking about removing the moons and relying on resource drops to build my first CV. Should be possible. (Of course this only works in SP)

    Also found out that sentry guns are deadly when guarding the outside of a POI that is located in a forest... You simply can't see that damn thing.
    Celdorak likes this.
  17. EliteSniper 524

    EliteSniper 524 Ensign

    Nov 3, 2016
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    hi guys i would like to thank all the people who helped on getting my second server up, you guys may of seen my server pooping up here and there, we have nice and stable sever and thanks to you guys and some of the fantastic work you have done to contribute to the server, i haven't had time to list the people and who created what, but im working on a web site for this as the steam groups are not very good, the server is UK grumpy old men, the group is E-G-O-M the same name you can find the ymal files in our group if you would like to come and see your work in a live server and ty to you all again.
    ps i would have posted the files here but its to big when zipped.
    martian101 and Kaeser like this.
  18. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    I'll surely have a look, old and grumpy myself.... :p
  19. Our Grid

    Our Grid Captain

    Nov 2, 2016
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    Thanks to all who have posted up their worlds! I'm pretty techie and implement well, but not much of an artist, so it was nice to be able to mix and match these to suit our server.

    This was worth a chuckle, and actually I'm sure it runs quite good. :D
    Celdorak and Kaeser like this.
  20. StoneLegion

    StoneLegion Captain

    Oct 20, 2014
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