Seed: 759511631 Random number generator aka hand of god, never stop to amaze me. That's the view after capsule landing: Double Titan parts from the start, perfect for Hard settings
500015 A3.0.0.54x Drone base and Xenu spaceport are intersecting (or vehicle port; I renamed it and forgot). Makes a cool base where you can punch through and farm in the drone base at your leisure. Omicron hard mode, not so hard here I guess.
Ever been to Vegas? 777 has a nice clumping of resources all around the lake you crash near. A Titan part isn't far off either. Although, be prepared to hike a bit for some copper!
It's the seed for the random number generator. Since the random number list will always be the same, you call it once at initialization and every time you randomize it will be random, but predictable. So a program will always draw the same random numbers with the same seed. So it's not just for procedural generation, it's every aspect of the program.
I have found a number of fun seeds that drop you near valuable POI's, but none more awesome/hilarious than 9849679
The seed I am currently playing on has incredible starts in both Omicron and Akua. The seed is 861604. Here is the starting Omicron descent; if you look closely at the mountains you will see the tippy top of the Xenu_Powerstation: And then Bizarrely, the seed also plays out well on Akua, with the Guardian temple right nearby on a mountaintop no less!
I have come across several nice seeds since my last post, but none nicer nor more hilarious than 396513 on Omicron: And if you are wondering, yes that is a Xenu Power station and not a Radar.
Seed 2969 - good starting place for Omicron. Escape pod comes down within sight of the Transportation Hub. If you walk towards it, you'll have found at least one of each major resource before reaching it, and there's an unknown structure xenu vehicle port nearby too.
Got curious and tried to input a negative number. It works and generates a different world from the positive number.
For fun I used my birth year as a seed - 1965 (yeah, I'm old). I landed about a hundred meters from a Talon Temple. Remove their core and add mine (inside the temple room, more protected) - instant base! Don't really need 11 medic stations, but that's fine. Nice loot in some of the containers there too.
As an Omicron starter, this one is great. The abandoned factory will protect you from the laser blasts from the neighboring POI; lots of drones for exp and parts delivery plus more .50cal for the pea-shooter; instant epic weapon (I got a an epic shotgun, which is nice because you can make shells in the survival constructor), no-risk loot containers in the first section of the factory (epic shotgun makes a perfect door opener, of course). Plenty of troop transports dropping off bad guys with more free deliveries outside the protective wall. Almost too good. ;-)
For a masochistic start try 22102016 on Omicron. You will come down in a twin lakes region surrounded by a massive mountain range. That means plenty of oxygen and water, but no resource nodes nearby. Also didn't find anything to eat nearby. The Abandoned Factory isnt far to the NE. Haven't found any part of the MS Titan yet. Would have restarted with a different seed but I wanted to "transfer" my old 3.x save to 4.0 and so could rely on console commands to get me ahead.
I'm finding seed 900091 on Akua to be interesting. A couple of the POIs are close enough that they can provide supporting fire against your SV. Also, the Drone Base is on top of a mountain with a decent field of fire.