Ship Building Feedback

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by CyberMech, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    What horror you presented here on screenshots !!!! Stop building ugly ships and call THIS ships - "Ships" !!! This spoils the experience of the game for everyone from beginners to old players.
    You poop into a plate for yourself and others! Well, isn't it really so difficult to spend a little more time and make, for example the same imperial cruiser from Star Wars?
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    What is the problem ? All I see is that you copied ships, you did not really create something very original. Piling blocks after blocks in a similar fashion is not "beauty" it's just time consuming. Besides that, you can't speak for "everyone from beginners to old players" because... lots of players make ugly ships and love them. That's why the game is fun : everyone is free to make ship as he/ she desires, and for many "convenience" is far more important than aesthetics.
  3. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    These are not my ships that I showed above. I gave examples of ships laid out in the Steam library and suitable for military operations against players.
    And what's wrong with people making fan-made replicas of ships from their favorite movies and TV series in a space game? On the contrary, it is very good. But creating ugly flying toilets is bad, because there is no beauty in ugliness. Would you buy such a monster,
    to fly it to a neighboring galaxy to work, be it a reality or do you prefer a quality product? I think not, everyone wants a new "Mercedes", not a steam "car made of wood".
    Moreover, the example of other people is contagious, so if 1 guy starts eating from a dog's bowl and this is advertised as the norm, then after a while more people will "transform" to dogs. It is basic human psychology to imitate others and thus learn.
    Yes, and do not forget that the more vertices that are not docked, the more it loads the computers of all users who see it, and also gives an additional and useless load to the north.

    Here is one example of my ships, a concept of a heavy frigate with an estimated weight of 120kt. This is one of my very first prototypes of a pvp ship after 500 hours of play.

    And here is a later pvp vessel weighing 220kt, created for my friend. It is only 10 size class, 6 manned decks + hangar and semi-open hangar for 1 sv. Requires about 150k + sathium ingot + xeno = top secret

    "Get creative with your vessel" @Eleon tip on a load screen :) and + and I will add from myself - " will decorate the game and will not scare away either new players or old ones from it". =)
    #Don't make brick! Build ships!
  4. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Everyone has a different building ability. We all start somewhere and some progress faster than others. Chill dude :)
  5. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    JFC, I just gotta ask, what da f is wrong with you OP?

    First off, stop talking about other ships, because compared to a few other builders in this game you're d**sh** too.

    While I may agree that there are some workshop objects that may be better not there. But that's definetely not on you to decide. Especially not if you don't know the backstory of some of this stuff. I can very well imagine a few dozen childrens in different homes and their fathers spending rainy afternoons building the first small spaceship and the father just fullfilling his sons wish to upload.
    And as already mentioned not everyone is a overly talented builder, maybe some also do not want to spend up to 100 hours completing a whole line of ships. Also a lot of people just like efficiency. Or you just were too lazy to read the description which would have told you its a module for something larger.
    And some people just want to have fun in a VIDEO GAME! I know. Crazy idea, isn't it?

    TL;DR: Stop being a pretentious little prick. Either take what you get for free and shut up or do it better and explain in a not-prickish-way how you did it so others can learn from you.

    Pseudoedit: The mods may now crucify me for offensive language.
    justpankey likes this.

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