Small Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I like this ship, small and simple but nice. The only thing I might look into are the rockets. I am not sure, but I think weapons cant be obstructed with a block in front of it. I am not sure about half blocks, but I imagine its the same. I am not sure if this is a rule already in game, or one to come but I know it has been mentioned.
    Runningwithhamster and rucky like this.
  2. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    this is correct. blocks, even these tiny "wall" blocks will hinder shooting.

    edit, you see this tiny wall block attached at the Cargo box?


    it's blocking the inner rocket launchers.

    I had to remove them.

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  3. Runningwithhamster

    Runningwithhamster Captain

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Looks like half slope is an exception ;).
    I think because projectile appears a little bit in front of rocket launcher and so unable to hit collision model of a half-slope block in front of it.
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017
    rucky likes this.
  4. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    sadly again some inconsistencies...
    not sure, one of both are shoot-throughs too, the shutters or the ramps (I think the latter)...
  5. NOLOS

    NOLOS Lieutenant

    Feb 8, 2017
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    кто помнит это Empyrion 2017-10-24 15-20-21-961.jpg
    с право
    а с лево то что сделал я

    Empyrion 2017-10-24 15-21-29-799.jpg

    Attached Files:

    Needleship, jmtc and BunkerBuster like this.
  6. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Long-Range Workshop-Explorer.
    And a heavy Fighter too.



    Long-Range Workshop-Explorer.
    No Z&E Requirements.
    Multiple Constructors and Workspaces.
    Vast amount of Storage.
    Full Roleplaying Environment.
    and... still a Heavy Fighter!
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
  7. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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  8. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    @Pyston NICE! Where do you all get these cool interior and exterior designs from? I hope you nevermind when I borrow me one or two again... :)
    Pyston likes this.
  9. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    It comes from a bunch of sources like I said in the write up. I used to sell high end audio when I was younger, so spent a lot of time at celebrities homes, dealing with speakers that cost more than most peoples homes etc. I have also loved spaceships since I was as young as I can remember, so part of it is just being enamored by spaceships my whole life.

    Just study ships from pop culture and you will see the details. For example the thrusters on the top are really there for decorative purposes. They are put there to mimic the greeble access ports on the millennium falcon. The walls are just basic sci-fi looking walls. The dining room is modeled after luxury steak houses and stuff like that. Just try to draw inspiration from all kinds of sources and don't settle until you know its right.

    EDIT: The magic is for the most part in the new textures. This is why I was arguing with others about the importance of textures. So much can be done if they are applied in a realistic way. Just imagine what a textures "job" would be if it were real and implement that into the builds in a manner that reflects that.
  10. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Nice ship!

    Some things I noticed:
    - the ramps in front of the rocket launchers follow a non-existing signal (WeaponsOnOff instead of WeaponsOn/Off), still works but this may change when the signal names are followed properly
    - Blast shield is engaged when the Blast Shield signal is off. Was it meant to be the other way around (ie. the ramps should follow inverted)?
    - there is an empty room on the starboard (right) side where the armory is on the port side. Intentional?

    And some more pictures:
    Alpha7 building_2017-10-29_12-50-50.png
    Alpha7 building_2017-10-29_12-51-31.png

    Alpha7 building_2017-10-29_12-51-50.png
    Ramachandra, Watcher330, jmtc and 2 others like this.
  11. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Thank you. I like this ship a lot.

    -There are actually two names that are WeaponsOnOff and WeaponsOn/Off. I believe the path is correct because I had to fix it. It would not work with the other name (I forget which one is which, I will most likely update it this morning).
    -I go back and forth on the blast shield. I may reverse it. The argument can be made the other way (how I read it).
    -The empty room is intentional. I call this out in the write up. Its for people to have a space to put in more stuff that they want. Like more cargo, more armor lockers, etc. Think of it as a trunk in a car.

    EDIT: I inverted the signal to the Blast door and updated ship. So now it reads Blast doors off when they are open, and Blast doors on when they are closed.

    My initial thought was that blast doors would always be closed, and only opened when dining and taking in the sights, this is why I had it reversed but I can see your reasoning based on the namesake (blast door) and what people are used to in pop sci-fi. :)
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017
    monktk likes this.
  12. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    @Pyston Awesome ship dude, love the way you did the kitchen stove too with constructor !
    Definately a 1 of a kind vessel.
    Great use of textures and structure and the parallax technology really brings them to life here !
    monktk and Pyston like this.
  13. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Thank you. I got the burner idea from Kieve, but I used a different circle for the burners. It just made sense to stick a constructor in there for the ability to make food and the cool window. The one thing I think we are sorely lacking is tech windows, computers, tech screens etc. I will probably wear the constructor out. I wish we had some tech screen textures. But ya, the new parallax tech and the new textures are what allowed this ship to be made. Without them it just would not have the same appeal or feel. Thank you for the comment.
    monktk, Furious Hellfire and rucky like this.
  14. Furious Hellfire

    Furious Hellfire Rear Admiral

    May 3, 2017
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    You are right, some backlit textures of various tech screens and panels would be a great addition at this time, I like the new look constructor with its panel, as you say though, it's the only thing we can use atm as a decent deco tech panel !

    Bring on the tech screen textures I say !
    monktk and Pyston like this.
  15. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    I cant agree more. But imo I would like to see stuff have a function. People LOVE interactivity. Being able to walk into a ship, or a base and interact with it as if it were real life is what really immerses a lot of people. Of course there needs to be a game play reason for them to exist, but imo its stuff like that, that brings people back.

    I also think interactive elements that are based in game play helps to balance the game in regards to pvp and pve. For example if we NEEDED a reason to make bed rooms/quarters, a reason to have showers (which we do now :), a reason to make a kitchen (which we have) etc then it forces both playstyles to come closer to an agreed philosophy on ship design (to a degree) in that they both must have these elements to operate properly. This is part of the reason I dislike the PDA. I felt it was more immersive to have to interact with containers, fuel, o2 etc. Could those elements be refined? Sure, instead of clicking on all the fuel cells separately, introduce a "fuel door" element that one would interact with to fill all fuel tanks. Same with o2, etc. I know many disagree with me in this regard and the devs are going to do what they are going to do, but I never felt that fueling my ship was tedious, it was part of the experience and it made the ship feel more real. Now, fuel is so easy to deal with its just meh. Hell if anything force us to make a fueling depot, we need a base now to spawn vehicles why not a fueling depot?!?

    Kind of like in the old vanilla wow, hunters had to feed pets, craft ammo. I preferred this to the "magic ammo" and never hungry pet mechanic of today. But its not my game and a dev is going to do what a dev is going to do.
    jmtc and rucky like this.
  16. Mysh

    Mysh Captain

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Pyston, monktk and ion_storm like this.
  17. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    So here's my first workshop item. I thought I'd start publishing some of the things I've been making.

    This a SV I've called the Pegasus (which joins probably around 50 other vessels called Pegasus so its in good company XD ) it's designed as a small run around vessel used for speed and the fact its cheap to replace. I think I've used this in pretty much every game I've played since building it around 6 months ago.

    There's a bit of room for additions to this, you can remove a couple of blocks either side of the gatling gun to add rocket pods etc, and space behind the 02 station for a constructor.

    Workshop_2017-11-03_13-28-12.png Workshop_2017-11-03_13-28-39.png Workshop_2017-11-03_13-28-53.png Workshop_2017-11-03_13-29-22.png
  18. Pyston

    Pyston Captain

    Dec 20, 2016
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    Nice. You have quite a bit tucked into that ship. Nicely done!
  19. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Lol yeah its got a fair bit. I'm still waiting for that hit that causes a catastrophic chain reaction! XD
  20. Sasquatch

    Sasquatch Captain

    Dec 14, 2016
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    Siege Inc. and Pyston like this.
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