Some simple feedback on CPU

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Fractalite, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. xerxes86

    xerxes86 Commander

    May 7, 2018
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    One has to wonder what the definition of "nice" is, when it's used in a statement like this. I can understand terms like, useable, serviceable, capable, but a tier one vessel that is able to move being "nice," not sure about that. Guess it all depends on your point of view.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  2. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    Tier 1 is very restrictive and I can't honestly say I'd be comfortable playing with a Tier 1 CV. Tier 2 is definitely manageable and it's an easy enough upgrade. The CPU numbers still need a bit of adjustment. Both the caps and the individual device requirements.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    No need to wonder and I understand your want of communication/well reasoned arguments. I had recent survival game where, as I mentioned, I accidentally played with CPU turned off but I remembered to take some pics(go figure.) This is Guppy:


    Hard to tell from that pic, but it is reasonably stylish:


    Granted, it is no Jrandal super polished attack vehicle, but it is not bad and serves its purpose quite well. This is the CPU Usage:


    So a whopping 355 above 100%. Frankly, I could probably get rid of the RCS and it would be fine.... which now that I think about it, I really should get on that... I find Tier 2 very accessible and a player can create variety of ships with it ranging from hauling to combat. Guppy tries to be a jack of all trades and does not quite get there, but it is not bad. This also very handily disproves Piddlefoots's assertion that CPU will force all the same type of ship. The flight model without the adjustment sliders coming in A12 does that, but the CPU does not(and the adjustement sliders should be enough for diversity... hopefully)

    You are not wrong about the adjustments needed, but I disagree on the T1 being restrictive. I like the idea of game progression, and it is okay to have Tier 1 force smaller vessels. I will pop back into that ole game where I took the pics of Guppy... This is usually what I need for my tier 1 stuff:


    (disregard the upper and instead look at the lower part of my inventory. Those mats result in a vessel looking like:


    And then the CPU usage is:


    Which makes a lot of sense. Consider; you just started a new single player game. That 5K limit can make a very useful little HV for survival(and that even includes M/V being turned on.) If the argument is; that a player should be able to build whatever they want right out of the escape pod, I would answer; of course not. That is not the point. Even before CPU there was the restriction that a player would need to gather materials for the assembly of the ship, CPU is just another resource in that regard. CPU is there both to challenge builders and to help with game progression(meaning; "because game") and is no different than initially needing to place a core - it is just needing to place MORE cores to get the job done.

    Ole Eleon is considering adding in T5 as well - and that is with the possibility of an unlimited number. So players can eventually build super titan carriers/battleships.

    Really, it is not that bad.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
  4. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I don't have a major issue with T1 levels for HVs and SVs. It could still use some work of course but Tier 1 cap for CVs is pretty low IMO. Something over 200,000 would be preferable. Maybe 250,000? Assuming device CPU is not changed. Blocks use CPU too so it really limits the size of Tier 1 CVs if they aren't equipped frugally.
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Needleship

    Needleship Master of Custom Terrain

    Apr 13, 2017
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    IIRC he _tried_ to do that... but it all got superseded and washed away by the "ship top speed is determined by its mass" game mechanic.
    - That made his physics-based sense of reality explode. :/
    (And he wasn't alone with that.)
    - Please, allow the benefit of doubt. "What is needed for a game" is such a hard thing to determine, sometimes...
    Kieve and Germanicus like this.
  6. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I've poised these questions more than once, but I'll try once more, since people either don't understand, or can only talk around the subject:

    1. What is "Specialization" - define it.

    2. How would you implement your definition of Specialization into Empyrion.

    3. How would you balance this implementation for BOTH PvP and PvE? Remember that both modes of play exist and there are just as many players who hate PvP as there are player who are only interested in PvP.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Specialization defined in Empyrion is simply RESTRICTIONS on building at the moment.

    2 already explained about 6 times on this forum in different places, but ok.

    Like every other flight sim game has in history almost, through the flight controls......I thought that was obvious.
    But right now you literally can not do that with the current set of bland flight controls we have.

    Most games that involve multiple flight controls usually deploy a system that sets that plane or aircraft type in stone. They can be modified to a limit still, but they have there own flight parameters.
    Empyrion deploys one set of flight controls / parameters for CV and SV and one type for the HV.
    It tries to then use CPU to modify those flight controls, the problem with that is they all become the same bland thing and do not respond how, real pilots expect when flying anything at all.
    If there is no relating to it, it will never feel immersive.
    And alot more people have taken to RC flight than ever before, and so there understanding of what flight controls are and do is also improved.
    A huge chunk of players play high tech flight sims, all of those type games deploy the very system mentioned above, none use a system like CPU.

    CPU is an absolute failure in this game for the flight controls, the flight controls are an abomination, an absolute mess and totally destroy any immersion flying had left in it for anyone who has flown anything real ever.

    How would we ensure Empyrions aircraft all have there own unique set of defined flight controls, like every other flight control game does, with its own type plane, like Empyrion did in 2014, in Empyrions case, STARTER BLOCK CORES.....

    The most simple system, the least lag, as CPU calculations and processes constantly running in the backround have shown this current feature simply inferior and not well thought out at all, bad for the game, bad for performance, bad for limiting building, bad for forcing players to build how the developers ''expect'' us to build, this is in an open world sandbox they promoted remember thats now being butchered into some sort of flying spaghetti monster , sound right ?

    Its also the system Eleon used to build teh games flight controls in the first place, so all of you getting upset about that proposal, simply dont understand how the game was built in the first place.
    One defined set for SV and one defined set for HV, the SV controls then had there parameters slightly changed and you have a CV.
    But a set of parameters set and defined for each starter core block is how it was done and how it should still be done for every different type of aircraft in this game.
    That would actually give us true specialization.
    And I bet not a single one of you can prove that wrong, because its a proven thing in other games already, games with many flight control parameters.
    Games like War Thunder.
    Its the FLIGHT CONTROLS being UNIQUE to the plane that makes such games so popular, why Eleon decided to , on purpose, not even try to give the game proper specializtion in flight controls is beyond belief.
    It absolutely stinks of cheaping out, which looks like its going to backfire being CPU is literally impossible to balance to a point where most will be happy.....
    How many months now trying to balance this one stupid feature now, and no end in sight really, ther is just so much wrong with CPU and the flight controls, I cant see it ever not being on the forum boards with complaints and requests for chance.....Ever.

    What we got was nothing like specialization, what we got was restrictions not specialization.

    True specialization would have come with a heap of new starter corees, like the DSV, DropSmalVessel, a ships for carrying HVs to the ground, in its flight parameters extra boost to any thrusters you place pointing down, thats how you truly specialize flight controls in this game or any other flight sim type game, now Empyrion, absolutely does not have that or even that ability under CPU, and will never feel immersive in its flying of anything but the HV in the future.

    The only saving grace thats allowed all of this CPU crap to get away with destroying the games flying immersion, is the fact most people have never flown anything real in there life.
    So they dont truly relate to what real flight controls actually feel like.
    When we can utterly destroy an RC stunt planes flight capabilities with our CPU flight controls it completely defies logic.
    There is no distinction between the flight control set, SV and CV, and CPU does the absolute worst job of attempting to create a difference, is all the wrong ways, ie, penalizing bulders, rather than giving incentive to build more new things on new starter cores, that would have opened Workshop up to many new types of realistic fight controls and ship types, get on workshop right now, try to ignore the 70,000, yep, SEVENTY ODD THOUSAND of destroyed BPs from CPU, that my proposal would have not effected in anyway, and tell me just how many truly defined classes of ship there are now under CPU, see it didnt create one single new class of ship, other than conservative, which is now the same for every single builder in the game.

    Clear a mud yea.

    Right now Empyrion could have,

    jump jet harrier flight control set.
    General atmo fighter flight set.
    Mothership [space ] starter.
    Mining CV starter
    Mining SV starter core
    SV scout core
    SV propeller starter core

    We could have had proper defined flight controls for many different air craft types.

    Anyone who says CPU is better than that system is kidding themselves, and does not understand how games do flight controls for decades now, or how flight should feel at all.
    Go buy a few RC cheap planes and learn is the best advice I can give.

    Dont make idiotic excuses, go and actually try flying for once and get a grasp on what you speak of.

    A cheap RC is under 100 bucks, I DARE you to try and do what we can in our SVs and CVs right now under CPU, with your extremely manouverable RC, and I bet, you cant even come close without tearing off your tail........

    If an RC cant do it, you expect a full size aircraft to be capable of such things, and you call that immersive and realistic or specialized, your kidding yourself.
    A better grasp of E=Mc² is whats really needed.
    Because Empyrion does not have a clue about proper flight controls or aerodynamics.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    CPU and flight controls don't have anything to do with each other.
    There's currently two ways you can fly a SV or CV: like a plane in an atmosphere using rear thrusters and lift, or like a ship with thrusters on all sides and the ability to hover.

    As this post is about CPU, this is getting off topic.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Dude, CPU effects every flight control in this game.
    How can you not see that.
    How can you not also see that the building restrictions created by CPU are what drives people to try and build a ''better'' handling ship, Via the CPU rules, come on dude, what you just said is a total load of crap.

    CPU absolutely does effect your flight controls.
    Go build without CPU in mind like we used to and see how your ship flies, it wont fly in alot of cases even.
    What a strange statement, CPU and the flight control set, are literally designed to effect each other, so your statement is rubbish dude, sorry.

    Cant turn it off, explained that many times, and why that system literally forces builders to play with CPU on.
    Figure that out first, and you will figure out why so many people hate CPU and what its done to the game.
    Name one big time builder on workshop still building everything with CPU OFF ?
    Is there even one ?

    That really says it all about why you dont really have the option to turn CPU off.

    Its a really poor option, and its an even worse ''solution'' for those that dont like CPU, because it actually solves nothing at all and then restricts you from many more parts of the game, like half the servers or any chance of getting a build to the front page of workshop, just forget it, if you cant work these things out, maybe read some more of the bad reviews and posts about it, and instead of posting, its EA or alpha or making other lame excuses for really poor programming, maybe the game should have encouragement for a better effort in the future for such features.

    CPU divided our playerbase like no other feature in Empyrions history, CPU, the worst possible way to effect flight controls, accompanied by the worst system of flight controls possible for this game, just incredible.

    Thats what effect CPU has.

    We already had weight and mass.
    A good way to balance such things, but because the ''flight control set'' tied to the CV starter was a clone of the SV is where these problems really start, had the CV been modified, in its flight control parameters FIRST, so it handled like an actual CV, half of the CPU flight control balances put into this game would be completely not needed.
    Much simpler to do that on the actually flight control parameter set thats tied to the starter core.

    Empyrion chose to WAY over complicate this whole feature.

    All of this could have been achieved much easier, with less PC resources being used, less processing power, less lag, more options and a much better effect and the best bit, flight would have been diversified, we would have many many sets of flight controls in Empyrion and the possibilities for building all sorts of new things , not possible in Empyrion right now without handling stupid, like a prop plane, or real atmo jet, things that some of you closed testers just dont seem to grasp, what we truly lost with CPU instead.

    We absolutely did not expand on the game with CPU, we expanded complexity and restricted build sizes and protocol, of order or process in building, meaning builds will all become similar under the current set of CPU rules.
    How can they not.

    Why dont people think about the repercussions of these sorts of features before adding them, why wasnt the BEST system used, like it was in the first place in 2014, there is really no excuse for such incompetence, dividing our playerbase like that, very un-thought out.

    Questions every single Veteran of this game should have been asking the second CPU was touted as being ''specialization'', yea remember that bit, thats what drove the division, that bit of fake news.

    Prove CPU is really specialisation, show us links to all of the new categories on workshop for all the new ship class types ?

    Come on where are they ?

    There are none and you absolutely know why, because CPU never ever intended to actually bring specialization into this game, just building restrictions, it was made way overly complex to try and hide the fact its not really specialization.

    To this day, we have literally 3 classes of actual ship in Empyrion, HV, CV and SV.

    We have 2 sets of flight controls, one cloned.

    We have 3 flight categories on workshop, HV SV and lol CV.

    Well played CPU specialization, you really diversified this game, not.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I' m getting tiered of this...:rolleyes: *sigh*
  11. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    I shall agree with this statement Wholly.

    I do not agree with this statement in the whole and would qualify that it WILL suck and be Horribly restrictive until they(devs) remove the cpu inert block cost. It might Still suck after that but I havent seen it get a good shakedown in the public since I started lurking here again.

    Agree strongly with the first statement in regards that they are limiting Block count instead of Device count. Got to have engines to shift Mass... Make THAT the restriction FFS. No place in an open world?...I can't agree with that.

    Agreed. PVP influences to make that bottleneck so if they can get on top they can stay on top. Really? Rare and ultra rare containers for the CPU extender craft Items? Are you FLuffing Serious lol. Jackass move there.

    To be Fair Piddlefoot, the Player base did that all on their own. Opinions are offered, Offense is taken at perceived or actual tone, Barbs are exchanged and we are Off to the races. Civility IS important whether the broad consensus agrees or not.

    I Feel this statement on a deep and personal level.
    Kieve, Vermillion and ravien_ff like this.
  12. bluemax151

    bluemax151 Captain

    Sep 17, 2019
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    I agree with the general principle of this. Too much has to be balanced repeatedly because changes effect CVs as well as SVs in basically the same fashion. Not directly related to CPU. Although CPU compounds the issue?
  13. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Leave then.

    Im tired of being told CPU is for specialization champ, when thats a total fabrication.

    I never asked for your reply so dont take it personally, but while CPU is such a **** feature, expect people to complain about it, you obviously dont look at many other forums or complaints about it , lol, you would be soooo sick of it then........Cos there are hundreds of posts about this now, hundreds.
    We have lost literally hundreds of players because of CPU.
    We have lost servers because of CPU.
    We have had a spike of bad reviews right at CPU.

    So how about you just leave the thread if you cant take anymore mate.
    No hard feelings.

    Im passionate about this game just like you, why should I not be honest about CPU ?
    Do you expect less ?

    Unspiration !!!!
  14. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    OMG the playerbase did all of that on there own, what a statement that is bluemax, what a joke.

    No mate, it was a developer decision to make over 70,000 workshop builds redundant , it was a developer decision to completely mangle the games flight controls and you best pay more attention to the cause, not the effect, blaming players for this, is precisely what brings bad reviews.
    It was a developer decision to completely restrict building via CPU rules that are arbitrary and have no basis in physics or anything else nyone can relate too....

    It is absolutely in no way any players fault.

    When you change the game to such a fundamental level, after 5 years of building a workshop , its nothing short of ARROGANT to do that to thousands of players with no regard for that work whats so ever, when the option to do it in a better way WAS available, had been explained many times, a very long time before CPU ever got invented, is easier to program, easier to balance, gives teh devs even more specific control, and creates real new classes of ship, there is really no excuse for going down the CPU road, when a much better system was already built into the game, they just failed to tap into its potential, absolutely incredible.

    I find it laughable that some of you defend CPU over that much more diverse system of true specialization, shows your true colours, just yes men.

    Its like asking for a 16bit CPU over a 64bit CPU, same argument, same amount of restrictions via CPU vs the much more diverse system proposed, years ago.

    CPU is an utter failure.

    Had we ever bee ngiven the option of that other proposal, I would bet anything you like, it would have been much more popular, much more diverse, real new classes of ships, real flight controls, not a mangle mess of bland all teh same, that we have now.

    Not enough people think outside the square here anymore.
    When we have a heap of closed testers promoting and really egging the devs on for such a restrictive system boring build system, the game is becoming lost.
    Has no path.
    Seems like a hap hazard way for devs to do things.

    Im sorry for the person who suggested CPU to the devs, but this suggestion has really divided our playerbase, its damaged the game, ist reputation, its made the game not feel natural at all in flight, I doubt you will ever build a proper flying game with such stupid flight controls, its blatantly obvious to me the flight controls were done in the worst possible way, and it doesnt seem like teh devs are even interested in trying to fix that, which will be a detriment to this game long term.

    Even if CPU stayed, it needs changing, so it becomes an inspirational thing to use over a restricting thing.
    You know new cores with new proper flight controls can still be done and still fix this issue, even with CPU, make it a booster system, rather than a restrictive system.

    But thats just me trying to ACTUALLY improve the game, rather than restrict us all so you dont have to do as much code optimisation cos we all build tiny **** now.
  15. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Here ya go have a read champ.

    TonyMax.Fr has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 12:06am
    WE CAN'T RETURN TO ALPHA 10 ????? WHY ????? ♥♥♥♥♥♥ devellopers....

    LaPeno373 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 7:41am
    total bad update !!!!!!!!

    Set 1942 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 8:35am
    CPU system just ruined our game as we were living on a big capital ship/base and found ourselves unable to leave the system we were in and with no ability to spawn in the cpu things we need to be mobile again its game over for us and a waste of 3 weeks, very unfortunate was good game otherwise and we were really enjoying it, but now unplayable less we start again which we are not going to do, so many thanks for that

    Noobstar0815 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 10:46am
    What happened to A10.6?
    Were there any public tests for A11?

    Warsmith has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 12:20pm
    I'd love to try out the new update, but now my game won't make it past the launch screen...
    Tried validating files, that came back good, but it still won't let me into the actual game.

    EndlessEden has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 4:54pm
    I see no end game mechanic this is intended to create outside of making a larger focus on management and a future focus on Dogfighting (which is pointlessly boring to start with...)
    I loved this game and the /potential/ it had when i bought it... but im literally seeing a vaporware future... Dont jump the shark.

    TonyMax.Fr has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 6:01pm
    This is why i call them "Bad devs" this game isn't going to be more playable at each patchs, it seems the devs don't care at all of this (more bad than Bethesda?).
    I think this glitch game will stay forever in alpha state. At least we still can play at Alpha 9 wich worked good (not 100% but was cool).

    Commander Beaver has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Nov, 2019 @ 9:51pm
    Originally posted by Ash`:
    Goodjob devs, havent played this game for long time year+ this will defenetly make me wan to check it out! :2015holly:
    Neither have the devs, you should have seen the trash they put out when they first broke the game in experimental.

    TH3_W0R5T_0N3 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Nov, 2019 @ 11:36am
    Der größte Mist den ihr je gebaut hab. An
    The biggest crap you've ever made. I was still able to get used to the logistics system, but the CPU system is completely unnecessary - you deprive us of any creative freedom when building. The Alpha 11 will be like all blueprints for the bin if you want to use the CPU system.

    charlieboy.orion has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Nov, 2019 @ 9:34pm
    The new upgrade would make the movement of larger ships suboptimal. Fps completely drops in flight. I was really looking forward to the new update, but if they could just release it with a bug, it was a pity. This makes the game completely useless.

    KyoteiJ30 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Nov, 2019 @ 10:41pm
    Originally posted by UBGE_schrage:
    If I'm not crazy, why does the ship I used in the older version don't move and go up anymore? Did the flight dynamics really changed that much?
    im dealing with the same issue

    pauljvallance has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Nov, 2019 @ 6:55am
    Coming back to EGS after No Man's Sky and I can't bear the really low quality audio and graphics of EGS. it looks bad even on the highest available graphics settings. This latest version I played for 10 minutes and found bugs in the movement when in 3rd person. Pressing A to activate things is dumb as A key is assigned to move left on the keyboard. Some blocks won't place either. This game gets worse with every iteration.

    Ambaire has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Nov, 2019 @ 11:04am
    Have you been active on the EGS forums? There was a very involved discussion in the experimental subforum for CPU. CPU adds nothing for survival. Weight and mass are interesting mechanics. CPU .. is not.

    RadsK99 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Nov, 2019 @ 12:02pm
    Originally posted by UBGE_schrage:
    If I'm not crazy, why does the ship I used in the older version don't move and go up anymore? Did the flight dynamics really changed that much?
    The new SH*** CPU system make almost all old BPs useless, use only very basic ships or degrades the ship in creative first, adding "Tier blocks" work sometimes,

    [OTC]Zero has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Nov, 2019 @ 8:09pm
    1. Still no fix for the planet size bug .
    2. For me the CPU does exactly the oposite of that what it should do , in case of a CV : instead to allow huge ships to cary more equipment than a small CV , it reduces the ammount .
    the idea with CPU isnt bad but the design is worse than hell , now whe need to reduce the equipment of huge CV's again to fit it in .

    Beamoth has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 22 Nov, 2019 @ 9:54am
    CPU is garbage. Please remove.

    solusmoth has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 22 Nov, 2019 @ 10:15am
    loving all the updates apart from this stupid CPU add-on and extenders , they suck and need to be overhauled or removed .

    Morviuz has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 23 Nov, 2019 @ 5:04pm
    Sound idea and concept. S H I T Tier execution. Instead of combating lags, this update create MORE LAGS and most annoying of all EXTREME STUTTERING. Good job dev

    [OTC]Zero has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Nov, 2019 @ 1:02pm
    The idea of a CPU system is'nt bad but the design and its purpose are absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥t , instead of restricting small ships it restricting larger ships , so it does un-balance the game more than before .

    Dimar has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 8 Dec, 2019 @ 11:58am
    I just one question, I was checking out the new prefabs, why are some of them so broke they can't function?

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)=/̵͇̿̿/'̿' has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 9 Dec, 2019 @ 11:00am
    Originally posted by SylenThunder:
    Originally posted by Ambaire:
    They actually added CPU? Why? It's a garbage tier game mechanic with no actual purpose beyond limiting creativity.
    You are free to turn it off.
    Remember, this is a survival game too.
    Cause ppl like this tell you to just turn it off. LUL
    Cpu is a mess for sure.

    xelthor has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 30 Oct, 2019 @ 5:49am
    CPU numbers are EXTREMELY low.

    Beasthammer has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 30 Oct, 2019 @ 7:08am
    Just why we need this stupid plane thingie??? Even in Kerbal space program planes are doomed since how many years?? Are you out of your mind? Getting into something you can't even implement...
    Why don't you focus more on animations?
    Why don't you focus on endgame content a little bit more?
    Why don't you focus on npc - player interactions??
    Why don't you focus a little bit more on weapon and armor customization?
    Why don't you make character customization a thing???
    PLEASE ADD SOME LOGIC to this game!!!

    Tourquilian has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 31 Oct, 2019 @ 12:10am
    There are a lot of things coming in this update that I was hoping for. I had a lot of minor gripes that all seem to be getting addressed.
    ...except for the fact that it's cold in space even in direct sun exposure.
    The CPU implementation makes me nervous.

    Krell has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 31 Oct, 2019 @ 9:30am
    This CPU patch will so make all their dreams come true. I'm seeing this as a pretty much like the move made by SOE 2 decades ago, change your game (SWG) so much it's not remotely close to the Game Sold to patrons prior to the Patch. SWG was never going to be WoW, Pre-NGE it was a unique MMO. Anyways far enough off topic, poorly made decision either way.

    Saturos Zed has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 1 Nov, 2019 @ 5:34am
    I was really looking forward to the CPU system but sadly it didn't turned out to be what I had expected. The hard cap on CPU only limits my creativity and doesn't encourage it. I thought it would just be tougher to build bigger or complex constructs but it simply just makes it impossible. Also I hoped for a more immersive execution of the CPU system using the deco consoles to give them finally some meaning instead of some blocks that can be hidden in the ship without consequences. I will look at this update closely but for the first hours I'm not pleased at all.

    Kiyo has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 2 Nov, 2019 @ 2:33am
    CPU Limits are pretty low and ruin a lot of the nice ships people have spent time and effort making and loading to the community and such. So far CPU In my opinion was an unnecessary addition.

    Whizzdom has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 6 Nov, 2019 @ 5:02am
    excuse me but im sure the title of the game says empyrion SPACE survival ,i emphasize SPACE because your new flight torque dynamics are focused on gravity ??doh is it just me that sees that is backwards space we spend probably most of our flying time navigating it i dont know if you know this theres no gravity there so you implement a dominant feature to the minority bais of gravity in a space game ?. secondly your cpus costs completely unfathamable its like your just trolling us . well all be racing bicycles with kites strapped on them .i support the cpu limit idea its not very challenging building with no limits because anything can be overcome just by adding more but fgs give us enough to build a proper ship with a couple guns .whoever set these game breaking limits should be sent home for a vacation until they can think clearly .this is supposed to be space survival .NOT THE INVENTION OF FLIGHT .

    MurderJunkie has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 7 Nov, 2019 @ 12:21am
    I really feel like theirs a missed opportunity here. We have wings but they have nothing to do with generating lift in an atmosphere? Why?

    Shinoray has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 8 Nov, 2019 @ 9:53am
    Sorry this whole CPU-thingy is cr*p
    Normally i think yeah they will get the right way with an update. And normally you uys do. But this time i fear that you guys will choose a way that will just annoy me so much that i don´ want to play the game anymore. And with the playtime i have in that game this would make me sad and angry.

    Spdgnzls has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 9 Nov, 2019 @ 9:30pm
    if it wasn't for the new flight model nearly making rcs irrelevant, the cpu would make it unplayable... I mean most of my workshop is now unfit for use until I update everything to be cpu friendly...
    The cpu system was a good idea to balance, but in itself is grossly out of balance.

    Sentoki has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 12 Nov, 2019 @ 6:50am
    sorry Elion .. not realy good update this time .
    first cpu system : cpu points from rcs and thruster to high ..

    Schwanzus Longus has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Nov, 2019 @ 2:48am
    Thanks for break a good game.
    Your Cpu system are trash, the most of the Start CVs are over the Cpu limit, even the CVs thats the game gives you are no longer useable.
    I wish i could get my money back!:steamfacepalm:

    RadsK99 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 13 Dec, 2019 @ 5:56am
    really?, more increases to CPUs XD XD, i'm done with this.

    Praetor Shinzon has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 13 Dec, 2019 @ 2:19pm
    As long as i can still disable cpu system, I shall keep playing.

    ShamblerDK has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 14 Dec, 2019 @ 10:28am
    Something broke my ship. It now turns extremely sluggish and I'm still very close to 100% of CPU efficiency. It's the Inheritor for A11 in the workshop. Absolute beauty of a ship, but it now turns as slowly as if it was a capital ship.

    AcerJJJ has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Dec, 2019 @ 12:17pm
    To be quite frank, I've been working on a size class four Capital Vessel for quite a while and I'm not to fond of this new CPU system. I think the CPU system should be infinitely scalable and not restricted to a set point based on leveled tiers.

    Cenobite has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Dec, 2019 @ 12:33pm
    I have always maintained the CPU points per tier is way too low, hopefully over coming patches they balance the issue out more because every tier is way under points, If they brought in crew members to lessen the impact or reduce CPU cost for devices they control it would be good, but as it is now the system is way under powered and is turning people off the game in droves.

    K-Lite has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Dec, 2019 @ 3:14am
    Really CPU 70k for a HV Tank i need 159k not 70k thats ♥♥♥♥ delete this ♥♥♥♥ cpu system. Optonic bridges and matrix with gold ? TO MUCH RESSOURCES

    cheech has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 2 Jan @ 2:48am
    this game just keeps getting more like space engineers. I used to like and play this game until it was ruined

    Dick Justice has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 22 Jan @ 10:23pm
    Was a great game up until CPU was added.........

    Ionstorm.exe has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 22 Dec, 2019 @ 2:20pm
    Really dislike the new CPU Limits - Increase it by 100% Please
    I think the new CPU is so restrictive.
    You cannot even build a Warp SV without having another CPU.
    I think you should double the amount of limits, at least the base limits, and then buff the bonus from other CPU's by 50%.

    OysterRock has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 23 Dec, 2019 @ 8:18am
    it is annoying to run out of cpu building a parking lot, no idea why reinforcing a slab of concrete with steel then requires massive floating point calculations constantly... to me the annoying part is not the requirement but that it points out and demonstrates a lack of rational immersive game mechanics in favor of quick fixes that are not well thought through.

    Pounce has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 23 Dec, 2019 @ 8:40am
    Empyrion by now busted my immersion meter so often i pretty much gave up on it.

    zaphodikus has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 25 Dec, 2019 @ 2:22am
    I'm not convinced it balances in the way that makes a survival game fun at all.

    DeeKay has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 27 Dec, 2019 @ 3:38am
    Is there any way to use those big cvs like galactica, star destroyer etc in creative - or in survival ? Well, i have tested this today, i would need - although mounted every possible cpu upgrade - about 7 times more cpu points. This is ... ridiculous. Ideas ?

    hound has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 27 Dec, 2019 @ 8:32am
    Scarcity NEVER encourages specialization.
    Not in real life and not in a game.

    crimsonedge11 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 27 Dec, 2019 @ 3:32pm
    It's a garbage way to balance a game, IMO.

    Pounce has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 28 Dec, 2019 @ 12:00pm
    CPU stinks because it is an silly way to encourage something.
    Do it over weight or power needed.

    As it is we limit ships to specialisation in an way that makes one leave the greebles out because they suck up precious cpu.

    Antineutron has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 30 Dec, 2019 @ 9:18pm
    What do RCS do now?
    ... except waste cpu space?

    markelphoenix 27 Dec, 2019 @ 2:18am
    Was a click away from buying, until reading about patch 11
    Is it really as bad as people say? Sounds like the devs went down some form of 'balance is king and therefore we must add these things', which seems to have killed the fun for a lot of players. Any articles from the devs on why? Seems like they solved a problem that wasn't there.

    Malcolm Reynolds has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 28 Dec, 2019 @ 11:16am
    I think what hound is saying, is that when you turn off CPU, and the game ignores your less than 100% CPU when making a turn, the subroutine is still being accessed 4-5 times a second, causing unneeded lag in the game, for a feature your attempting to not use. Yes, you turned it off, and yes you can fly a ship mostly like before, but the game is making the calculations, then discarding them in the background.

    Riptid3 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 29 Dec, 2019 @ 1:11pm

    My PVP build prior to 11.0 would now need 138 mil CPU points. That`s what 11.0 has done to PVP Online game play. Oh and for turning the cpu off for online??? You cant as servers run the CPU.

    If you are about pretty design and PVE 11.0 will hardly effect yo. If you enjoy PVP Then you can see why people are complaining about 11.0

    Shadow Delta has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 29 Dec, 2019 @ 5:22pm
    I haven't been too happy with this 11.0 update myself. The CPU system just feels so unnessary. I thought the thrusters providing rotation was a cool idea. But after working with it for a while, it's been driving me nuts. It doesn't seem to matter what I do, the thrusters either provide no rotation effect, or so freaking much that I literally turn in like 20-30 degree increments. This is the feature that has me the most upset because it's also the feature I can't control.

    OysterRock has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 29 Dec, 2019 @ 5:58pm
    there are no 'pretty ships' with CPU and weight and volume, every last point of CPU and every last bit of mass are calculated, no extras allowed, its a very minimized and demanding way to play. An angled block has less hit points, but also less mass, both are calculated in ship design to maximize what one can lift with the engines and equipment one needs to fit under CPU limits.

    gunnulfr has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 30 Dec, 2019 @ 3:01am
    The game needs more content and to stop with the tightening of strange restrictions. It's stifling and angers some players. I just want fun, and everything added should be held to that standard. Was the game more fun before 11? To me, yes. To others, no. To me, it's a real shame this happened at all. But, it's an alpha I suppose.

    Nash-Galactic has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 30 Dec, 2019 @ 3:45am
    Well I cant see where you turn it off but the server I play on has turned it off. I like to build in Creative and its on in there so I build with CPU no problem. My old builds seem to fly if I just slap on a couple CPU no mater where the thrusters are. Just wait till the Devs kill all the builds with buried thrusters like they did for guns then you will hear some crying.

    Gazz has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 30 Dec, 2019 @ 7:17am
    It's Shift-O but... but there are several problems with it.
    a) It is an undocumented feature that is not listed on the control setup.
    b) It DESTROYS your HV's mobility, slowing you to what feels like 1m/s and also floors your pitch/yaw rating.
    It is apparently meant to be useful for mining but it is THE most frustrating implementation anyone could have come up with.
    You built this great mining vehicle... and now your drills are spinning idle.
    You cannot move forward fast enough because this nonsensical "mining mode" slows you down to a crawl.
    At this point the devs are just trolling us.

    Riptid3 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 31 Dec, 2019 @ 10:30am
    I built a pvp cv After 11.0 then when 11.5 came out it ruined it. Magnacarta v2 PVP along with RF-MK4 PVP BUILD options prior to 11.0. Like my faction iv`e now thrown in the towel for this game. Gutted as this used to be my main game. If they change/improve the way they are heading i will return.
    No as I was on SBS for a long time they had this off but restrictions still applied. This server is now dead the day after the CPU update.

    SnowFox317 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 29 Dec, 2019 @ 11:00am
    HVs are useless
    With cpu and w/v on.

    gerald2 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 5 Jan @ 8:34am
    flight model
    What the they did to flight model now??i made little scout sv 2 small thrusters in each direction 1 RCU 2 wings and its practicaly unflyable...if u just touch controlls ship is rotating 180 degree ...impossible to level it or aim at anything smaller than half of the moon :/
    Last edited by gerald2; 5 Jan @ 8:49am — See post history
    < 1 2 >
    Showing 1-15 of 16 comments

    ThumbsUp has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 5 Jan @ 10:38am
    Welcome to Alpha 11.5. None of us like it.

    Shadow Delta has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 6 Jan @ 5:36pm
    The CPU system is meh to me. I don't care for it

    gunnulfr has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 6 Jan @ 7:00pm
    I'm waiting to get bored with my current playthrough so I can start over with CPU shut off. I don't need arbitrary hurdles, that's what the challenges in the game is for- and they are legit not contrived. Retool CPU and make it sensible. Or make all those deco blocks do something- how about that instead? I'd rather have working antennas than CPU.

    Palad1n has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 3 Jan @ 9:12am
    Originally posted by Shadex:
    A lot of the older designs like the Sandhawk were built when RCS were the end all be all and only real requirement for turning. Now that a lot of the roll, pitch, and yaw are based on thrusters more than RCS the older builds don't perform as well often due to thrusters being insufficient or placed too close to the center of mass. As new designs come out or people adjust the older designs you will see all of these classic builds perform better.
    I don't think this has any bearing with the current 11.5, as I built my test SV's with thrusters closer to center of mass, yet they still roll super fast. If devs wanted us to have a better flight mechanic, they would give us additional control over the sensitivity of each direction.
    Currently, RCS gives me faster turn and attitude control, but is horrible for rolling (with or without RCS turned on or even installed).
    Point in fact, we shouldn't require to add mass blocks to our wings or do anything else. Devs made this change, but it is nothing like actual any flight model I have ever experienced.
    I have zero control over my roll speed which is factually something any proper jet, fighter craft, whatever the hell you want to call it, would allow the pilot to control.
    This "feature" is only partially put in and needs to be completely updated with full control over said control systems.
    Overall, the current flight dynamics for SV's are a complete mess.

    Riptid3 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 2:44am
    What are you doing DEVS not good enough
    New patch comes out and once again it seems more of a punishment than an improvement. I mean come on. A great game is slowly being ruined by ideas that seem to take away the main aspects of the game. (Building) Finished my new pvp cv 3 days ago it was fine now after patch i could read Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus in its entirety before my cv has turned.
    Flying Dragon has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 3:58am
    I hate what they have done since 11.Ill have to agree with Riptid3. I have almost 7k hours in this game and loved it until 11. Im just not a fan of the limits put on building ships. Its absolute crap. Dont give this Alpha game speech I been with it since the start so I know its Alpha. The game use to be fun and free and now I absolutely hate what they have done. Just because some of you like this cpu thing I can say for certainty the majority do not. Hardly any of my 50 friends even play this since Alpha 11 except a couple. And a lot of them use to play all the time . Its a big downgrade from the fun and freedom from before. If I want all this over technical stuff I would just go play Space Engineers.
    Riptid3 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 4:05am
    SBS server that had both pvp and pve had numbers of 60 plus every night. Now its 0 to 4 only. This was not a slow drop it was soon as 11.0 came out. if wanted to play a simulation i would go back on DCS EGS has never been a simulation to the degree it is post 11.0. To add when i still built a pvp cv with the Crap Pointless Unit the very next day they punish even more making the cv slow yet again!!!!!!!

    Flying Dragon has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 4:08am
    Only so much you can do with a bag of trash right. Its a challenge to make it look better than it is I guess. Thats what this game has become when the take away the freedom of the building that use to exist.

    Raswayare has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 5:13am
    I completely agree that the cpu route was ... questionable.

    Visual-Voodoo has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 6:41am
    The game is dying and the way the dev's are going with the direction of it is basically the final nail in the coffin for A LOT of players, server numbers are dead, people who were avid fans are now all playing other things.

    4e(IoBek has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 8:14am
    A causal relationship is called. I realized that you need to return everything back one step.

    hound has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 8:56am
    Ive been thinking that a game dev that destroys hundreds of hours of its customers work to promote a lie is really not someone I can get behind anymore.
    When you start out by telling me that it is to promote specialization and is a scarcity--then you are lying.
    It was solely built to help out PVPers that could not get gud. And limit their opponents builds.
    But maybe you can drink down those continual lies and just be happy..or the big one--- it is optional.....nope still running, still causing issues because they have tripled the processes running in the background--
    I also wonder how the fanbois can still get behind a company that had to patch 4 times in 4 days---but that is just me being curious.

    shopdogin has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Dec, 2019 @ 9:04am
    Originally posted by Riptid3:
    SBS server that had both pvp and pve had numbers of 60 plus every night. Now its 0 to 4 only. This was not a slow drop it was soon as 11.0 came out. if wanted to play a simulation i would go back on DCS EGS has never been a simulation to the degree it is post 11.0. To add when i still built a pvp cv with the Crap Pointless Unit the very next day they punish even more making the cv slow yet again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That was was really sad. I was playing on SBS server when they had the mass leaving. went on last night 0 playing from 30 to 0 so sad.

    Riptid3 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Dec, 2019 @ 1:19am
    We know its alpha for god sake 1850 hours on EGS Its the direction it has taken thats the problem. A once go to game for me and my faction has been destroyed with 1 update followed by what seems more penalties on a once free to build what you like game.
    The cpu restricts
    Size when before you could freely build a class 1 to 30 now for pvp You would be lucky to have a strong class 3.
    11.0 Took away a huge freedom for building
    SBS had the cpu crap of Yet the PVP CV i once used now was a pile of crap just like the Direction of the game.
    Because even with CPU off the flight model stays, its completely rubbish.
    I built a cv after 11.0 for pvp like i said. It was fast turning 100 m/s in all directions. Yet a new patch comes out and its a pile of crap cv. 1850 of EGS is not giving up.
    But ive had enough and will be looking towards other games that really know how to use the potential.
    m gutted they went down this road like ive said before if it improves i will be back. But ♥♥♥♥♥♥ with the Developers at this point.

    Xerxes86 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Dec, 2019 @ 6:41pm
    Originally posted by Raswayare:
    I completely agree that the cpu route was ... questionable.''end quote''
    I have always said if you have to "heavily modify" a game for it to be fun. It's a bad design, and not much of a game.

    WAZZUUUP! has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Dec, 2019 @ 3:05am
    I blame the American ex EVE players for bringing their spreadsheet mentality with them when they started to play Empyrion instead. :lunar2019shockedpig:

    Stop telling the CAN NOT turn CPU and M and V off.
    You can stop the display and the effects but it is always on in the background.
    It is trashing processes and is causing a lot of problems.
    It is solely designed to increase grind because the devs have no idea what to do and
    It is a horrible implementation from another frikken game.
    So every single time you say--turn it off --you are wrong. You can't it is not optional and we already known the effects and display will soon not be optional.

    Reverend1247 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 10 Jan @ 2:56pm
    Returning player: Best method for building T3 and T4 CPUs?
    As stated, returning player trying to adapt to the changes in the game. It seems like CPU construction is a pretty big bottleneck that's a big hurdle to game progression, and to do so you need to buy or raid the unique parts for them or mine *lots* of gold.

    Rustimus has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 28 Dec, 2019 @ 10:27am
    Pulling all my builds.
    I have just come back from some time away from Empyrion and have just been looking at the new CPU feature. It appears that this new mechanic has broken all my old builds on the Workshop, as the flip from "You need about 100 RCS" to "you need no RCS" is such a massive leap.
    As a result I will be pulling all my builds immediately and have no plans at the moment to repair/release them again.

    Rustimus has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 28 Dec, 2019 @ 11:04am
    If you believe that CPU will be optional on all servers forever like weight and volume changes then you are fooling yourself. This game is headed in the wrong direction. I got 2500 hours gameplay... I'm good with that.
    But along with many other long-time players I am retiring. Rest in peace Empyrion.

    Malcolm Reynolds has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 28 Dec, 2019 @ 11:06am
    I believe the game has been headed in the wrong direction for a long time. I hate all the changes for the lazier players. But that aside, But I still play when I get homesick for my ship.

    [F-13] MasterOfPlans has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 28 Dec, 2019 @ 10:57pm
    All my builds need total overhauls too. Its happened quite a few times since the game launched, most of my builds have been broken by updates and were just never finished.

    Rustimus has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 31 Dec, 2019 @ 10:16pm
    The recent changes to the game will completely break 99% of the items in the workshop and the default items in the game, which were taken from the workshop, created by players with thousands of hours of gameplay like myself who have now quit building btw (Kieve, Pyston etc).. These will break because non-CPU compliant builds are not backwardly compatible.. (and there are 100,000s of items in the workshop, the CPU compliant builds probably make up less than 1%)

    Fishy has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 1 Jan @ 5:35am
    Originally posted by Sabaithal (uh...super saiyan???):
    Originally posted by ravien_ff:
    The only people this hurts are those who subscribed to and enjoy your designs. It's your choice though.
    This. No one likes a workshop designer with a poor attitude. I have plenty of designs on the workshop as well, and I updated all of them, tedious as the process was. I like the stuff I build, and I'm sure a few others do as well.

    The only poor attitude I see is people thinking that workshop creators owe them ♥♥♥♥. If you want to update, good for you. Rustimus is probably tired of people only ever whining about how stuff isn't up-to-date and asking him to fix it. Why should he? You going to pay him for that?

    Frigidman has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 7 Jan @ 8:45am
    In the face of all the toxic responses, you still manage to come out on top as the sane speaker here. Your original post was valid, your follow up valid as well. If I could upvote this, I would.
    Eleon has long lost their way, and have stuck their heads in the sand. Even internal builders have been bailing on them.
    We all HOPE things will turn around in the end for release....... but... yeah. Hope is a dangerous thing.

    crimsonedge11 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 7 Jan @ 1:10pm
    Gonna have to give the recent development a complete thumbs down. I don't really play this game anymore, but I'm keeping an eye on how it's developing and the last few patches have been /facepalm worthy. Maybe Elreon will start turning this game around as we approach beta, I'm still reluctantly pulling for them that Empyrion doesn't turn out to be complete ♥♥♥♥. However, I'm not too optimistic at this point. It really depends on how much we can mod and customize these options. I most certainly will not ever play the developer's default parameters for the game, so playing "the way they intended" is out the window at this point. If they add something I think is just dumb as ♥♥♥♥, at least give me the option to disable it.
    The game runs better than it did a couple patches ago, but as far as the extra content/features, I can't say I'm all that interested.
    Someone who put a bunch of work into designing cool ships is in the right to be ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that Elreon suddenly changed the entire flight/movement mechanics in the game, and some of their vessels just flat out won't work while maintaining their ascetics. We lost some good builders like Kieve.

    Nash-Galactic has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 10 Jan @ 9:40am
    Same hear deleted everything and started fresh some of the old stuff still worked with adding CPUs but had RCS blocks all through them I would like to see them wipe the hole thing.

    Bigfeet has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 13 Jan @ 4:10am
    I understand completely where Rustimus comes from. Was going to do the same thing myself, instead i've just changed visibility off public. If the broken flight mechanics change back to proper manouverability speed (roll/pitch/yaw)for SV's so that i might actually enjoy gameplay again, i will happely update to my pleasure. As it stands now there is no reason for it. Not getting my hopes up high considering the devs attitudes, but who knows a miracle might happen. Too many brown nosers steering this in a direction i very much dislike. A pitty but nothing new under the sun.
    Been on this boat for far too long.

    Eddie Krueger has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 17 Jan @ 10:08pm
    CPU usage inconsistent?
    So, I've got a base. Whoa! With stuff in it, even. And suddenly I noticed I went over the Tier 1 CPU load limit, although I added nothing since the last time I checked. I only 'moved' stuff (turrets) around with the multitool.
    Furthermore, if I manually add the CPU statistics of devices listed on the "Devices" screen, it's slightly above 61000 instead of the 81k+ showing on the "Main" screen.

    Posted at CPU update.
    Martin has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 19 Jan @ 11:20pm
    Wow.. Congrats.
    On actually managing to make the game WORSE.
    Thought I'd come back and have a look.. omg.. you've finally set a standard. The game is now worse than original release.

    Priest 19 Jan @ 11:44pm
    I was away for a good year too. And i see many changes, 95% the good kind until now.CPU.....

    Not Lancer has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Jan @ 12:12am
    Nuh shields update was actually amazing
    So sad it got negated by the monstrocity that is CPU update

    Shadow Delta has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 20 Jan @ 10:53am
    Yeah, I'm not happy with this last update. The game was great before then. I hate the CPU system

    Krell has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Jan @ 4:07pm
    Game lost it's fun for me, in my opinion, with A11 forcing CPU limits on the Official Servers, yes I could just move server to an off/off one. Combined with forced Mass/Volume restrictions on the same servers. Neither with an Off Option since the server rules are set in Stone, yea nice there is a Off Toggle for all other servers. The Excuses and reasons to add both are incredibly laughable. Increasing micromanagement almost always lessens enjoyment, both did so amazingly on a level of "never played" I can't even imagine.

    Not Lancer has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Jan @ 10:19pm
    Originally posted by Sabaithal:
    Good lord....
    Ok, first. Everyone here is well within their right to their opinion an such, and with that said there's nothing wrong with disliking CPU, or any given system for that matter.
    But some of you seriously need to get over your victim complexes in regards to the things you do not like.
    Nuh it's just really frustrating that the entire update is literally just more grind

    ⚛ℤ℮ι†ℍα℮r℮⚛ has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Jan @ 11:18pm
    Well CPU is good and bad. Implementaion? Really bad. What could it have been? Awsome.

    rphillips1986 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 25 Jan @ 12:48pm
    CPU for BA
    So CV I can build to great excess and still be under 10,000,000 CPU points but a large but still reasonable BA very quickly exceeds the CPU limit.

    VulcanTourist has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 25 Jan @ 4:35pm
    EVEN STAIRS DEMAND A CPU POINT. That is not a decision made by a wise person.
    Eleon are masters of the arbitrary. It's how they "fix" absences or inconsistencies in their original design plan.
    And why would Eleon do that? They're trying to force a particular way of playing the game... AGAIN.
    Why does inert hull create a load on the CPU? Why do stairs create a load on the CPU (yes, they actually do)? The entire scheme is an arbitrary contrivance. Despite claims, it is not intended to foster specialization; that is the rationalization for the dull-witted.

    Priest 3 hours ago
    Why have disabled items still CPU usage ?
    Makes zero sense

    B〄F Altonator has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 25 Jan @ 10:53pm
    What the hell happened? Recent mostly negative reviews?
    This is one of my top fave games of all time.
    I haven't played it in a few months though, what change brought all this hate?

    Momo has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 25 Jan @ 11:49pm
    In my opinion, the CPU update was poorly introduced by devs. When the CPU update was introduced, you needed items that were almost impossible to find. Many players blamed devs for introducing these items in order to make money with some servers. I don't know if it's true but it killed a big part of the community because it was nearly impossible to build ships of tier 3 or higher.

    Antineutron has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Jan @ 12:22am
    think it should be mentioned that this new cpu items, while craftable, take like 5 minutes to craft one which is ridiculous (simply crafting time *after* first crafting about 50 computers and electronics dependency components etc), and you need like full asteroid of gold ore (not to mention other rare resources) for building enough for 1 ship with t4 cpu. so yea, not fun

    Priest 26 Jan @ 1:01am
    Well.... love and hate the Cpu, RCS and storage changes (since 2018)
    Its easy to feel offended when stuff no longer works.

    gunnulfr has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Jan @ 2:22am
    Also the devs were never very clear about why the CPU changes were done. That seems to still be a point often brought up by people. Still today there are people complaining that aiming in SVs isn't good at all. Slow Q<->E rotation in SVs seems to be a complaint often heard.
    The flight model is also not entirely liked. Personally, for me it is a combination of all of the above. I still have hope they can turn it around but I am debating whether to uninstall it for now or roll it back to A9 or A10 while I wait for a change or some additions.

    Antineutron has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Jan @ 2:25am
    reasons for cpu system are simple, its to reduce size of ships to reduce lag and hide the fact that game runs badly including on nasa pcs, while saying its for "ship specialization"

    Werric has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Jan @ 3:07am
    To answer the OP - IMHO it was the introduction of the CPU limits and the spiraling minimum requirements that caused the recent wave of negative reviews.

    VulcanTourist has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Jan @ 4:06am
    Originally posted by rphillips1986:
    Neither system is all that terrible but CPU still has some issues
    No, the CPU limit system REALLY IS that terrible. It was a bad idea implemented for all the wrong reasons and then misleadingly sold as "specialization".

    Killdozer has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 17 hours ago
    stagnated development, people gave it chance after chance only to be let down time and time again.
    it most certainly is the cpu system garnering hate now as steam hides ''off topic'' reviews by default limiting freedom of speech in the process.

    altrego9920 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 7 minutes ago
    Personally I would say there were multiple problems, from the cpu system being a complete trashfire that limits the ship designers, as well as removing 95% of all ships from the market. The absolute bold face lie of why CPU was implemented. The deletion of posts that critisize eleon or the CPU system in any way. The extremely obvious army of upvoters with ooo 100% perfect game posts of bs. Utter lack of communication from Eleon with real reasoning and not a canned bs response.
    There are a lot of players who want this game to succeed, sadly, by most metrics of any rational person the devs do not seem to want that. You could almost have an entire book of all the suggestions people have given to replace garbage CPU both from experimental and live versions, and quite a few were amazing ideas, then you see both the devs and the army of fanbois descend upon the ideas screaming the devs are perfect you should worship the devs blah blah blah....
    The utter lack of progress for anything meaningfull in the game in order to focus on extremely trivial items or worse yet stuff that is purposely making people leave. Massive bugs that have been in for quite a while if you read the official forums, are ignored.
    There is literally a laundry list of reason for the bad responses now and people screaming that players are just entitled and since they only payed X amount but played for X amount they should treat it as a god tier game!

    kevin398_727 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 31 Dec, 2019 @ 1:34am
    I'm sorry but CPU in RL I understand it needs to make the pictures but steel blocks in game??
    I capped a abandoned Bunker just now and when the core went in and I saw the specs I nearly croaked. 600k in CPU for the steel blocks the building is made of?? Needless to say the CPU for this building will never be close to being has a T1 CPU in it, and needs just over 1 Million in CPU mainly because it needs it to count the blocks its made of??? to me thats silly, there are no reasons for a CPU hookup to a steel block and if they arent connected...why does it count against us? unless I strip the building to the ground and take out everything inside even a T3 CPU will never run it, so not going to Graphics yes, it does need CPU but in a game that supposed to play like reality...or at least truly makes no sense to me. Blocks are not computerized.

    AcerJJJ has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 Dec, 2019 @ 12:35pm
    CPU System Issues
    I posted this in the discussion in the recent update, but hopefully to make this more prevalent, I'll post it here.
    Here's my two-cents on the cpu system:
    To be quite frank, I've been working on a size class four Capital Vessel for quite a while and I'm not to fond of this new CPU system. I think the CPU system should be infinitely scalable and not restricted to a set point based on leveled tiers.

    AlabasterSXS has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Dec, 2019 @ 8:15am
    The CPU system isn't bad, its just implemented wrong. There should be no cap on the number of CPU you can install on your ship.

    Sabaithal has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 26 Dec, 2019 @ 11:13am
    I do actually agree with Alabaster on that one. The main purpose of CPU as far as I can tell it to limit progression, so that you can build in tiers rather than easily skip a bunch of steps.
    And the cost of high tier-CPU isn't exactly cheap. The cost would be a better discouragement from building larger ships than a tier-4 cap.

    bubbajohn1500 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 27 Nov, 2019 @ 4:46pm
    Lets Just say this is silly... If I wanted this much Headache I'll play something Else... There Goes all my Small Compact Designs...

    Augustous has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 2 Nov, 2019 @ 5:27am
    10.6 Concrete blocks using CPU time.
    My sidewalk, driveway and block walls do not suck up cpu time on my pc. The Idea that concrete or armored blocks in a base would suck up cpu points is silly.

    altrego9920 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 21 hours ago
    Personally I would say there were multiple problems, from the cpu system being a complete trashfire that limits the ship designers, as well as removing 95% of all ships from the market. The absolute bold face lie of why CPU was implemented. The deletion of posts that critisize eleon or the CPU system in any way. The extremely obvious army of upvoters with ooo 100% perfect game posts of bs. Utter lack of communication from Eleon with real reasoning and not a canned bs response.
    There are a lot of players who want this game to succeed, sadly, by most metrics of any rational person the devs do not seem to want that. You could almost have an entire book of all the suggestions people have given to replace garbage CPU both from experimental and live versions, and quite a few were amazing ideas, then you see both the devs and the army of fanbois descend upon the ideas screaming the devs are perfect you should worship the devs blah blah blah....
    The utter lack of progress for anything meaningfull in the game in order to focus on extremely trivial items or worse yet stuff that is purposely making people leave. Massive bugs that have been in for quite a while if you read the official forums, are ignored.
    There is literally a laundry list of reason for the bad responses now and people screaming that players are just entitled and since they only payed X amount but played for X amount they should treat it as a god tier game!

    VulcanTourist has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 16 hours ago
    Some of us aren't so dense as to believe that what is forced in Creative will forevermore remain merely an option in the game's titular mode of play. No, they force it in Creative because they want to ensure that everything published to the Workshop going forward is supportive of it, so that when Eleon feels the time is right there will be nary a whimper from the peasantry when they also force it to be enabled in Survival with no option at all to disable it.
    They're playing you, and you're not sharp enough to see it. My lot is with the Jacobites.

    RadsK99 has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 11 hours ago
    Originally posted by altrego9920:
    Personally I would say there were multiple problems, from the cpu system being a complete trashfire that limits the ship designers, as well as removing 95% of all ships from the market. The absolute bold face lie of why CPU was implemented. The deletion of posts that critisize eleon or the CPU system in any way. The extremely obvious army of upvoters with ooo 100% perfect game posts of bs. Utter lack of communication from Eleon with real reasoning and not a canned bs response.
    There are a lot of players who want this game to succeed, sadly, by most metrics of any rational person the devs do not seem to want that. You could almost have an entire book of all the suggestions people have given to replace garbage CPU both from experimental and live versions, and quite a few were amazing ideas, then you see both the devs and the army of fanbois descend upon the ideas screaming the devs are perfect you should worship the devs blah blah blah....
    The utter lack of progress for anything meaningfull in the game in order to focus on extremely trivial items or worse yet stuff that is purposely making people leave. Massive bugs that have been in for quite a while if you read the official forums, are ignored.
    There is literally a laundry list of reason for the bad responses now and people screaming that players are just entitled and since they only payed X amount but played for X amount they should treat it as a god tier game!
    Agree, i quit playing this game, was my favorite (have 1800+hrs), i made many cool ships, that always share in workshop, now i delate them, anyway i understood that is not my game, and devs can do what ever they want, they lisen only the "good" critics and don't care the ideas or other points of view as you said, so i let it go, was so sad, anyway, maybe Dual Universe will fill that empty space, lol, unfortunately that game is P2P. All games are having some issues that make them not perfect, some correct it, some sink ... and sadly looks that this is a second one.

    bbfloyd has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 1 hour ago
    I'm not a full time advanced player, I'm a very casual player that comes and tests very basic easy starts every 6 months for a few days 'till my ADHD drives me off, and dev's have seriously f'kd this game up for casuals like me. Which probably means f'kd up for for new first timers too.
    Two reasons: the motorcycle, less powerful than a Vespa scooter, lighter than a Hibachi BBQ, is now less agile than a 1200 pound GL1800 Honda Goldwing, and has greater stopping distance than a single engine twenty car freight train. Multitool charges in a "easy" start planet are not "easy", and ain't even "medium", your choices are: leave the planet, or pick which alien race you want to supplicate or alienate.
    Devs f'kd this, now CPU, and so the hate must follow.

    At the CPU update...
    Venom has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 23 Jan @ 7:28am
    Flying bricks everywhere!
    The thrusters are too powerful, and armor afflicts movement too little.
    In multiplayer, players create spaceships with so many layers of armor without consequences, and you are forced to do the same to survive, the result is an entire server (or at least the PvP section) full of flying bricks!
    My proposal is to make thrusters less powerful, or armor heavier (perhaps making the individual blocks more resistant).
    It's just my opinion but being forced to put layers and layers of armor completely destroys the visual impact given by "the creativity of players in ships design" which is one of the most beautiful things in these games.

    I also propose to add the thruster damage. Walled thrusters are a shame...

    Not Lancer has Empyrion - Galactic Survival 2 hours ago
    Last CPU update was nothing but more grind. Kinda sad considering that the game already had grinding problem with poorly designed tech tree.

    So erm, following ?

    It only took me 10 minutes to copy all of them, so imagine if I do a slow detailed

    No one should take anything in here persoanlly, this is truly about the game, I really dont have an issue with any single person, even if you were the one who suggested CPU, I just dont agree with it, at all, because its restrictive, and thats been shown to be true.
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2020
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Great. Now copy paste the 80% of reviews that are positive.
    Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  17. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Well, I suppose you tried, you certainly used a lot of words, but you didn't really answer the questions.

    What I was able to distill from all of that is, that to you, Specialization = Flight Control

    I can't make the connection, no matter how hard I try.

    To me, Flight Control means How You Operate a Vehicle.

    And for me, that's Pull Back on the Stick ("S" if using a keyboard), to climb/gain altitude. Push forward ("W" on the keyboard) to descend. Left and right ("A" and "D") apply some manner of lateral movement, and "Q" and "R" (for me, I use "E" to Jump) Roll Left or Right.

    Of course, there is also the Mouse which can control direction and pitch, but.. bleh.

    But none of this has anything to do with anything I think about when I think "Specialization".

    In my mind, Specialization is defined as being suited for a specific task, and less apt at performing other tasks.

    As an example:

    A fighter craft is heavy on the fire-power, carries a good bit of ammunition so it can fight, likely features a shield generator to endure a prolonged battle, and is lacking in cargo capacity, passenger seats, or luxury items.

    A mining craft is really good at mining, has a lot of cargo capacity, and little in the way of weapons, probably lacks passenger seating, and is light on other luxuries.

    A Scout craft is likely light on weapons, heavy on maneuverability, light on passenger space, and may not have any cargo room at all. It's task is to see what is out there and report back after all.

    The mechanical process of how these types of craft are operated (the "flight control") is almost entirely irrelevant.

    Aerodynamics has nothing to with Specialization. Seaworthiness has nothing to do with Specialization. Being painted bright pink has nothing to do with Specialization.

    So I have to assert at this point, based on the responses I've seen, people simply do not understand what it means to Specialize.

    Since they can't comprehend that, they're not going to be able to explain how they would implement it.

    I find CPU does do quite a nice job at keeping us purpose-focused.

    Sure, it kills a lot of the PvP designs centered around exploiting certain game mechanics by preventing people from putting 200 RCS's and 600 generators in their ships as Missile Bait. You will never convince me this was ever a "good" or "clever" design, just a mechanical exploit.

    Yes, it does challenge those who do not grasp the concept of Specialization when designing a craft of their own, by preventing them from simply loading up 4 of everything.

    And most importantly, this invalidates a huge number of old workshop blueprints, many of which have since been abandoned by their authors. This is not ship design though. This is usage. Using a non-compliant design isn't a fault of the game, it's a fault of the player and the designer.
    ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @piddlefoot Your wish gets in some way fulfilled - even when your are quoting me and draw me back here:rolleyes:

    I add you to my Ignore list.

    Thanks for the advice

    Have a nice Day;)
    Asmodan and Vermillion like this.
  19. hound

    hound Captain

    Sep 15, 2016
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    specialization = Flight Control here i will explain using small words......every single core has flight controls possibly tied to them--so your CV core vehicle should not fly like a SV core vehicle
    Germanicus I thought you left? is never too late, the devs can ride their bad decision down in flames if they like...Avorion is out and a few others are coming, we can just focus on the numbers continuing to drop , since obviously with 12's BORING features coming out there won't be any recovery.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    ravien_ff likes this.

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