Fixed Space compound POIs sometimes don't spawn the compound [8100]

Discussion in 'Fixed (Read Only)' started by ravien_ff, Jul 13, 2021.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Build: 3390
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Singleplayer

    SEED-ID: Any

    If applicable:

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: Space POI Spawning

    Summary: Space POIs set to spawn a compound sometimes don't spawn their compounds

    I apologize for this report, it's lengthy and a bit of a pain to test but I hope it gets the needed info across. It has taken me months to track this down and only when I started trying to add the space wrecks from my July POI challenge did I begin to notice the pattern.

    If a space POI is set up to spawn a compound like so:
    - Type: BA_Alien
    GroupName: RadosAuxT1
    Faction: None
    Mode: Survival
    CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]
    Probability: 1
    InitPower: True
    CountMinMax: [4, 7]
    Probability: 1
    Name: [CompoundJunkYardSpace, CompoundJunkYardSpace, CompoundGraveyard, CompoundGraveyard, CompoundGraveyardSV, CompoundGraveyardSV, CompoundGraveyardSV, CompoundGraveyardSV]
    DistanceMinMax: [150, 350]
    Rotate: true

    - Key: MapMarker
    Value: Neutral
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 720

    The compound POIs (highlighted in orange) will sometimes fail to spawn. The chance for it to fail to spawn the additional compound POIs seems to be tied to the Probability set for the main POI (highlighted in green).
    For example, the following POI entry is set to spawn 50% of the time, yet out of those that do appear, it seems only half of them will have their compounds spawned with them:

    - Type: BA_Alien
    GroupName: GhystAuxT1
    Faction: None
    Mode: Survival
    CountMinMax: [ 3, 3 ]
    Probability: 0.5
    InitPower: True
    CountMinMax: [4, 7]
    Probability: 1
    Name: [CompoundJunkYardSpace, CompoundJunkYardSpace, CompoundGraveyard, CompoundGraveyard, CompoundGraveyardSV, CompoundGraveyardSV, CompoundGraveyardSV, CompoundGraveyardSV]
    DistanceMinMax: [150, 350]
    Rotate: true

    - Key: MapMarker
    Value: Neutral
    - Key: RegenAfter
    Value: 720

    This gets worse the lower the probability for the main POI to spawn. The expected behavior is that IF the main POI spawns, then the compound should also spawn with it. Instead it seems like the game is taking the probability the main POI has and also applying it to the chance that main POI will spawn its compound.

    The problem mostly affects custom scenarios now, however I have submitted some wrecks for the default game that use this functionality to have a rare chance to spawn a field of wrecks in space but this sadly does not work most of the time due to this bug.

    Compound POIs are the only way to spawn POIs in a group in a random setting, so it's an important tool for space playfields that this works properly.
    This has taken me months to track down and I think it has actually been going on since at least A12, if not earlier.

    Steps to Reproduce:
    Attached is a test scenario that is a copy of Default Survival with a customized SpaceOrbit playfield for easy testing.
    The playfield has only 3 POI types that can spawn.
    Each space orbit is configured to spawn the following:

    100% chance of 3 Rados POIs.
    50% chance of 3 Ghyst POIs.
    10% chance of 3 Xenu POIs.

    Each POI also spawns a compound of wrecks near it from the July POI challenge. All POIs are set to faction None so they shouldn't be affected by faction territory.
    Simply start the scenario, then teleport to any planet orbit outside of the starting system and use the map command to reveal all the POIs.
    You will notice the Rados POIs will always spawn with wrecks surrounding them.
    The Ghyst POIs will sometimes spawn and sometimes have wrecks.
    The Xenu POIs will rarely spawn and will rarely have wrecks.
    Keep teleporting or warping to more space orbits and it will remain consistent.
    You can see the playfield settings in the SpaceOrbit playfield in the scenario. You can edit the probabilities if needed for testing.

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
    Log and test scenario attached.

    Screenshots showing the issue. In this screenshot every POI should have a compound of wrecks near it, but in this case only some of them do:

    Attached Files:

    mr_road likes this.

    -AKEVA-BANSHEE- Commander

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Thank you for tracking this down and reporting it.
    mr_road and ravien_ff like this.

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