FEATURE INFO Spawn, Respawn, Destruction settings of AI Vessels

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. Foofaspoon

    Foofaspoon Commander

    Oct 28, 2019
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    I mean, this has changed a lot from when first introduced. OPV are coreable and then don't despawn, so you can loot them at your leisure. Only now really applies to the reinforcements which still self destruct.
  2. Dirty Bird

    Dirty Bird Ensign

    May 25, 2018
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    A simple tag for deletion once the player has moved off from a few clicks from the wreck is all that was needed, this blowing the vessel up only makes so the player doesn't want to even engage the said vessels. As i said before in other posts this is a dumb move to your player base as it takers away the Prize. Be it material , loot box's or anything else they might want from what they have just won.

    Blowing the vessel up after a player has expended hard earned resources and ammo to take down any enemy ship is just plain wrong.

    I now ignore any such said ship and go out of my way as it's not worth the time to take these on. Due to you can't loot a ship even in 5 min's. Loot containers are hidden all over these ships, and it takes time to collect even Generators, fuel,oxy and the like from said wrecks.

    And the other thing is that said ships keep moving after you shoot out the thrusters. ( Though this was suppose to be fixed ). And haven't tried to even do these for quite a while to to you feature of blowing the ships up.

    People in the game generally get everything they can from the wrecks they have battled to resupply or advance what they already have. Taking this away just futhers people not playing the game as you have taken the Very Reason to battle the ships away.

    these few small ships in the game can't be the reason for servers to lag up anyway they are a very small part of the over all game that really needs to have been optimized from the start of the game Development to begin with , this is a smart option to dev's though does cause a bit more work on their part. Sorry but thats the sad truth on the matter.

    So many little things that could have been added to the game also makes it better for the gamer that plays the game even some things like crouch, which is a common thing in games since the late nineties. Funny they gave this very simple ability to the Zirax. Have seen them crouch down behind consoles in poi's.

    You could make water in the game more then just a simple texture but make it another area altogether that player can both build and source for resources as well as POi's that are underwater. NMS does a beautiful job of this surprised that this has been just brushed over.

    Want more people to play and to BUY the game make it better, Strive for excellence play mechanics quit limiting the player in your game. It's really hard to say this but when modders can take your game and make it better, then it looks like your following the path that some of the big game companies are doing. Which is really sad. Just some hard truths.

    You have some great people playing this game and some Great Streamer's also playing it. Telling people it's my way or no way cuts your player base, when you should be working with them.

    Well said my piece I love playing the game. here's hoping it improves.
    etmoonshade likes this.
  3. svipxp

    svipxp Ensign

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Orbital Patrol Vessels (OPVs) Resurrection is set, but it is not resurrected after destruction.
  4. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    So... just found this topic and am a little sad to read through it. Hoping that at some point the details will continue to change. Ran into a PV with friends a few days ago, managed to take it down (specifically managed to core it... so the ship stopped and crashed but never self destructed) , went down to it and started trying to get in to loot it... weird invisible blocks all over the place. Put in our own core. Ship suddenly sprang to life and jumped back into the sky but didn't go anywhere. Turned it off via the control panel, it came back down but still weren't able to get into it. Eventually just started stripping it down with what little capacity we still had (we'd already pretty well weighed ourselves down with ore) and suddenly got the message that the ship was going to despawn. Wasn't sure why, though I did notice that it happened when I salvaged a thruster, I wasn't certain that was actually the cause, I later confirmed this through experimentation on another one. We all left the encounter really underwhelmed and honestly disheartened. It was a really cool encounter... that in the end... didn't give any of us the stuff we wanted for the effort we put into it. Just some fairly useless salvage.
    etmoonshade and krazzykid2006 like this.
  5. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    For single player in Survival:
    As for the version 1.4.3+ my provisory understanding is that in most cases the statement in the initial thread which is...
    Q: Can I control / capture the vessel
    A: Currently not.

    ...this response is no longer true with the following playthrough and/or if you place your own core and launch the P menu to access containers, fuel tanks etc. In a case in particular, a orbital freighter from the zyrax, I got a '5 minute alert' timer for self-destruction, but going away and returning (maybe after reloading game) will anulate this timer and I could afford to get inside the ship during a long time, eventually found the core, replaced it and took control of the ship. Long after this, the ship is still in place with my core in a unchanged state.
    In another case of a freighter it has self-destructed as planed - but this time I didn't first get away and returned. All this, as said, in Single Player in a Survival game mode.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2021
    Lyceq likes this.
  6. Dirty Bird

    Dirty Bird Ensign

    May 25, 2018
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    I Can't believe someone responded to this very old post. Don't even know if it's still relevant. Haven't played the game in a while due to other things in RL.

    Though what I said here still sticks if the situation hasn't changed. Will have to do a play through and see if it's still the case. though doubt seriously if they changed much of it as most of the streams I have seen show even worst things in the game in some cases though these are with mods. Though after talking with the Dev's of the Mods they said it's the base games coding.

    As i said before if you take away the Prize then "whats the use" of even engaging those ships.

    If you have to log out of the game and back into it to get a result it's really broken.

    If you play for immersion as I do then this is just a game breaker.

    This is on PC and isn't Multiplayer. Nor is it Modded.

    The last big thing I seen was now if your ship gets shot and it hits a Fuel tank or a Large generator It literally blows your ship up. Generators in reality don't explode. Burn out take mechanical damage if you like but don't explode. What I was seeing was a chain reaction that exploded inert blocks all through the ship. Fun to watch but not fun to deal with. Looked like a 4th of july fireworks event lol.

    That by itself was enough to just quit playing the game till it's fixed.

    I remember when they first added the geny damage to the game with the CPU restrictions. I used the factory to bring in a couple of my Hover cars to upgrade to the new standard, they blew up before I could even work on them. Outside of the loss of the matts I farmed for I was greatly surprised when I was sitting in the cockpit reading the control panels to see what I needed to do when the cars exploded around me. This was also a while ago. And I was just sitting in my hanger on my Base.

    Had to take them into creative mode to do the changes. I build everything a Block at a time, no symmetry mode. And generally in Survival. Don't use creative to do much building and find symmetry to be a bit buggy at times. Wished they would put in the blocks needed to finnish some of the other blocks shapes.

    These are my experiences with the game and watching what others have done in the game. A good friend of mine quit playing it altogether due to whats been going on. Just a Note: I only have a few thousand Hours in to the game so still a noob at it i guess. This has been my experiences and a few thoughts that really don't matter in the scheme of things as a Player in the game.

    So good luck and hope you enjoy the game I still love to play it but why i would with these game mechanic's. I might do another play through to see whats changed.
  7. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I also haven't played for a bit, but when I did I just ignored all space ships. As you say, if you can't fully take over the ship after you have defeated it then what's the point in taking it on. Just fly away from them.

    If you are talking about Spanj's video, then yes his ships did blow up. But he did say that this was on an Eden server and not vanilla. In vanilla the ships didn't blow up like he showed. Also I think that the Eden server has now been updated for the explosion change, so all is well again.
  8. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I have to correct an important part of what I said above: Still you cannot control an AI vessel in the sense that you would sit down in the cockpit and fly away, that's (still) impossible, e.g. you get a message 'You cannot control this freighter". There is a simple workaround to make this happen: You make a blueprint of the ship, destroy the present object and respawn the blueprint, all with console commands. From there you go on playing and can fly away (if adding the necessary thrusters).
    However even if you skip this workaround, once you have cored the ship, you can have access to the ship's control menu, empty the tanks, have access to all cargo boxes without wandering around and you can retrieve devices and salvage the ship, that's very handsome to have materials for the blueprint factory.

    But for all this it's essential to be able to avoid the self-destruction, my method in the last post above tells you how. Because important I thought it's ok to 'necro' this thread.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2021
    Lyceq likes this.
  9. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    What about adding an option to the start of a game, tick box for how long you want ships to hang around before they de-spawn.

    Let the player decide.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  10. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I did mention this in post #33, but I think they don't like the idea.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  11. NightmareNight91

    NightmareNight91 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2015
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    Why do they despawn so quickly, also why cant we replace the core to prevent despawn, boarding would be such a fun mechanic, I would love to board a NPC vessel and be able to claim it as my own.

    Just yesterday, i shot down a planetary CV and by the time i was done stripping turrets off of it, it just vanished...so lame and a waste of ammo and time.
    Spoon, Alhira_K and stanley bourdon like this.
  12. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Apparently the servers were littered with loads of them, so they did a blanket change to make them despawn for everyone.
    Not the best of solutions as giving people an option in settings would have been better.

    That's why when I was playing I left them alone. Was just not worth the time and recourses to battle one.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  13. That was never true.

    Any decent multiplayer server limits how many structures a player can have, so they were never "littered with loads of them".

    On top of that, once players remove the core it despawns soon enough ,as per the server settings, since it is then an uncored structure.

    There was never any need for this ridiculous despawn timer they added. Servers already had the tools they needed to prevent it.

    The only servers that got littered with them had only themselves to blame....
    So the devs decided to punish everyone (including SP) all because of a couple servers that weren't using the tools they already had at their disposal to prevent this in the first place.
  14. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    I stand corrected.
    We all got penalised over the incompetence of a few.
  15. NightmareNight91

    NightmareNight91 Ensign

    Oct 9, 2015
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    I do hope the devs will reverse this change, it really ruins any point in going after NPC ships, I just ignore them now. Simply making it where if the core isnt replaced within say 5 mins or so the wreck could then poof out of existence would have been great.
  16. Hector G

    Hector G Commander

    Sep 26, 2017
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    Haven't read every single post but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop destroying ANYTHING when a player defeats and cores a POI/Patrol Vessel/anything. I am guessing that generators blow up when a POI is cored because of CPU/admin core being removed? Coring a POI or CV and getting to keep anything remaining is one of the most satisfying things about the game. Salvaging and restoring also a big part of the appeal.
    Remove the timer. Reward players, don't punish them.
    stanley bourdon and Alhira_K like this.
  17. Vulkyn

    Vulkyn Ensign

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Empyrion fed my childhood lego passion, i would destroy ships and look for them simply to REBUILD them.

    All the issues of multiplayer server lag has nothing to do with single player.

    This takes away a HUGE part of what makes Empyrion single player so much fun, i am a very unhappy panda
    Spoon likes this.
  18. Vulkyn

    Vulkyn Ensign

    Sep 9, 2021
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    Oh on top of that , almost ALL wrecked ships are now bases ?!?!? No more salvaging and rebuilding !!
    Seriously a huge hit to those who loved the fixing joy on Empyrion ....
  19. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    The wrecked ships on planets have to be classed as bases, for them to be partially in the ground.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's funny, I've been on some planets where pretty much all of the wrecked ships are indeed genuine CV's that can be repaired and flown away. They cannot be buried in the terrain as @Spoon mentions - I can only imagine the "physics" fun that would ensure if that was attempted lol. But I'm pretty happy seeing genuine CV "Shipwrecks" available for salvage / reuse. I've found several genuine CV's in space too.

    Note: in my current game start, it's a Reforged Eden game and rather than picking one of the standard planets, I randomly scrolled around the map and teleported to the first habitable planet in a distant system I found. I wonder if the distribution of genuine CV wrecks is more prevalent at some distance from the starting systems, or simply pure RNG (aka seed) based?

    I love finding genuine CV wrecks and have a likely unhealthy obsession when it comes to making them mine. My main mobile base CV - which its self was a POI I captured - has been customised to allow me to carry other large CV's to recover them back to base. Fun gameplay, but my base got a bit cluttered with them lol.


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