Spawn SV blueprint in Survival scenario?

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by Doomtrooper, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Doomtrooper

    Doomtrooper Commander

    Aug 11, 2015
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    I'm just trying to figure this scenario stuff out and stuck on this one. Is it possible to spawn an SV blueprint on a planet in a survival game?
    I see it can be done in a Creative game as a "Fixed" type, but the same command doesn't seem to work for Survival:
    - Type: SV_Player
    Prefab: Drop_Pod
    Mode: Survival
    Name: Drop_Pod
    Pos: [ -10, 75, 10]
    Rot: [ 0, -144, 0 ]
    Properties: []

    The group name, prefab name and file name are all 'Drop_Pod' if that makes a difference.

    The one thing I haven't tried yet, but I'm pretty sure isn't possible, is to try and make it a POI. But I think I read that only BA and CV are allowed as a POI.

    If I can't spawn my own SV in a scenario, can I at least spawn in an Escape Pod already on the ground at a location I choose?

  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Check out the exampleplanet files. They indicate that you can randomly spawn a SV.

            - GroupName: Wreckage                # Group name of POI
              # Type: SV_Player                  # Optional for special type of POI: SV_Player, HV_Player, CV_Player. If not used, then POI is a Base (default setting)
              CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]              # Range of number of POIs of this group to distribute on planet
              DroneProb: 0                       # Probability that a POI is defended by drones
              DronesMinMax: [ 1, 1 ]             # Range of number of drones that defend POI
              ReserveCount: 1                    # Number of drones that will be replaced when destroyed
              TroopTransport: False              # If troop transport will be sent   
              PlayerStart: True                  # Use with first POI if player should be spawned here, use a Count of 1 for such POIs (CountMinMax: [ 1, 1 ])
                - Key: PersonalContainer         # Personal Container
                  Value: "Drill, Chainsaw, BioFuel:4, ConstructorSurvival, OxygenGeneratorSmall, AutoMinerCore:5, Core, TomatoStage1, WheatStage1, CornStage1, PumpkinStage1, PearthingStage1, DurianRoot, RadiationPills, EVABoost"      # Content of Personal Container
                - Key: MapDistance               # Sets visibility of map markers in meters. Optional property to override the default visibility setting.
                  Value: 500                     # Reveals map marker if player is 500m away from object. If set to 0, map marker will never be revealed 
                - Key: MapMarker                 # Sets color of HUD marker
                  Value: Neutral                 # Neutral means the HUD marker is white       

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