Star Wars vs. Star Trek vs. Halo?

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by Axios, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    Star Trek would lose, because it is the more realistic once. And fiction ALWAYS beats realism. Besides...... wimpy laserbanks are such a lame effort for building a ship.... "oh hey, lets draw stripes around the ship and call them laserbanks. Yeah!!!"
    Starwars ships don't need no super effektive shields against those single beam laserpointer wimps. Star Trek...... pfffffff, "Charge Phaser to maximum"...... looks like an electrical shaver, and certainly can not deliver the power they say. :p
  2. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    In your fantasy perhaps. Ever Laser equal how strong is soo lame easy to deflect by a gravety based shieldsystem. (you know gravety bends light yes?) So you can shot with 20 deathstars on a ST ship and the "Laser"rays get simple bend around it.

    Ok natural it is not the best shield... the best shieldsystems we find (in my eyeS) in Perry Rhodan, because of their multilayer / effect system.

    And who talked about the PHASER (Not Laser) Banks? One Save of Photonic Torpedos and your cute little Star Detroyed is poof and gone. (Because no shields against physical objects ohhh)
    Only to make this clear: A PHASER is not a LASER. A Laser uses focussed photons like it is in RL too. A Phaser is a Particlerayweapoin. It works with high focussed Particlerays.
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
  3. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    This is quickly degrading into schoolyard level bickering. Whoever could have seen this coming?
  4. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Oh no fear I said I will not argue with him. I did only correct his wrong statement, one time. When he takes it not and contuines I will notmore respond. I said this yet in the other topic.
  5. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    I was making a joke, friend. It seems sarcasm doesn't translate too well to German.
  6. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Sarcasm is hardly to see in pure text. (Because it lacks the pronouncing and Faceexpression). :)
  7. Arrclyde

    Arrclyde Rear Admiral

    Mar 6, 2015
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    What do you think, my comment is all about? Being dead serious? Star trek fans are always easy to pick on, as well as Ex bax-fans ;)
  8. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    OK, starwars ships are huge but in watching their battle you can see that the big ships are basically only good at firing against other big ships, since Startrek and Halo ships are tiny in comparison they could probably do a Luke skywalker on any of them including the deathstar so starwars against Halo or Startrek they would loose, also a good layer of mirrored surface and their lasers would be completely useless. Startrek against Halo, well phasers are all well and good but in all their ships do tend to explode violently if damaged where as Halo ones tend to be more realistic, venting atmosphere and breaking apart so perhaps they are made from stronger metals, in which case Startrek phasers would probably have a harder time hurting Halo ships but the highpowered projectile weapons of the Halo vessels would probably puncture Startek ships easier and although it might be a close fight I expect Halo would win out.
    So Starwars ships are only good against other large ships so could be easily damaged by smaller startrek and halo ships damaging them,
    Startrek and halo would be close but the startrek ships would probably blow up before causing enugh damage to stop Halo vessels.
    Halo vessels although primitive in comparison are probably going to win overall because of their small sizes and denser structures.
  9. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    There are alot of instances where a large starwars ship fights numerous smaller ships. I.e: venator cruiser vs 3 banking clan frigates. Many starwars warships have different batteries for different purposes.
    Look at the Aclamator Assault ship. It has large batteries for large ship vs Ship, smaller ones as Ship to Fighter l, and even Torpedo tubes for multiple purposes
  10. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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  11. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    The armament of a single Venator-class Star Destroyer consisted of eight DBY-827 heavy dual turbolaser turrets, two medium dual turbolaser cannons, fifty-two point-defense dual laser cannons or turbolasers,[7] and four heavy proton torpedo tubes.

    The only real danger to either Halo or Startrek ships would be the Proton Torpedo Tubes, but the chances of one of those impacting before it can get shot down are minimal and the damage acceptable when you think that all the startrek or halo ships need do really is get close enough to destroy the weapons turrets, as can be seen in a few episodes the shields dont stop solid objects hitting the hull like a burning small fighter. All the halo ships really need to do is keep firing Mac rounds from a distance at the turrets and it will leave the way open for destroying the ship, where as both Halo and Startrek have energy shields which would absorb most of the laser weapons fire and probably provide good protection from the Proton Torpedos too.
  12. Robofan

    Robofan Commander

    Jan 15, 2015
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    Apparently people think that star trek lacks the firepower and ship size to contend with other sci-fi universes...
    You obviously know nothing of Star Trek. Allow me to educate you.
    Ship size... Lots and lots of world ships, planet eaters, dyson spheres, borg complex,'ger , dreadnaughts... Need I go on?

    Antimatter weapons, tricobalt torpedoes (strong enough to fracture spacetime), again the world eater, TONS of antimatter super missiles, and transphasic weapons. AND THE ENTIRE SPECIES: BORG! Assimilating everyone into their own army.
    Plus there's also the transporter.
    I think most of the species in Star Trek would be smart enough to beam an antimatter bomb onto all your ships from other universes and blow them all up from the inside!
    Here's some pictures of big Star Trek ships...
  13. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Yeah I guess I was just thinking of Enterprise size ships but yeah there are some fearsome startrek stuff.
  14. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Star trek Ships do only blow up "violently" when you make it to damage the Antimatter Containment chambers, or make the Warpcore to break.
    General they do too not explode "violently".
    What shipscale and firepower belogs
    this is not so easy to say. Because especial in Star Trek we must decide for: What Time? And What Specy?
    My analyse was now based on TNG time - Federation.
    Sure if we go to the Voyager Timeline we have acess to mutch different nice toys.
    And not to talk about the novels :)
  15. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Well if we are talking startrek and other species then The Borg from Startrek will kick over any one else.... You will be asimilated, your technological and biological destinctiveness will be added to our own.

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