Starter orbit and starter planet wipe coming on 1+2th August (EU + US)

Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Jul 24, 2017.

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  1. EvilDave 2

    EvilDave 2 Ensign

    Jul 4, 2017
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    Wondering if it may be a good idea to target a different planet every week or two outside of the three planets that will be wiped weekly going forward. As long as players know they can head up to orbit. I think that would help with the problems with the holes in the planets.

    When I read the planet description for Pandora it says that it's the most richest planet in the whole universe. Since it's been mined out that isn't exactly true anymore.

    Kassonnade likes this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I guess they could also make the deposits go down extremely slowly, make them huge, to gain some time between wipes. Maybe the ground could also be made of harder materials to discourage foraging just for fun, or even impossible to dig for large areas...
  3. D3matt

    D3matt Ensign

    Jun 22, 2017
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    I am concerned that wiping every week will make things unnecessarily difficult for new players. Surely we could make it 2 weeks between wipes, seeing as it took nearly a month to start having issues on Eleen, and most players will leave Eleen anyway since it wipes regularly.
    EvilDave 2 likes this.
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Since this request came quite a lot I changed the way of regular wipes (due technical tool reasons) as the following (so wipe every ~2 weeks):

    From there on it is every 1th and 15th of a month at 9AM(GMT+1) = wipe of starter orbits
    From there on it is every 2th and 16th of a month at 9AM (GMT+1) = wipe of starter planets
    EvilDave 2, Kassonnade and Taelyn like this.
  5. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Maybe further down the road it could be possible to limit the scope of the wipes somewhat. Environment (planet mostly) obviously has to be wiped because otherwise holes just keep accumulating. Out of player possessions on the other hand, you can't expect people to play with no possessions. Wipe or not, you have to assume that people will own something - they'll have to have at the minimum a CV or a BA to operate reasonably - so letting people keep one such structure at minimum would seem reasonable. In case of a BA it might obviously get 'buried' when planet resets, but I think people would soon enough learn to build around that (build legs/foundation instead of digging underground). In case someone owns more than allowed number of structures (perhaps defined by size classes), there could be some logic to which one(s) are saved (f.ex. save biggest first, up to maximum allowed size class or such).

    This would let people stay around the starter area for longer (the first time I was playing on server, it took me about 3 weeks to get to point where I felt it was reasonable to move out - and if someone happened to first leg in to server on 13th of month.. well...), and not lose everything they accumulated - they could be relatively unaffected by the wipe unless they had 'disruptive amount' of possessions. A 'casual player' could slowly accumulate resources, build one CV and keep it - and not worry about wipes. Someone who wanted to build a bigger 'empire', would need to move on to other areas.

    By the way - how does the 'unvisited structure wipe' work? If someone goes for summer vacation, and stays disconnected for a couple weeks or so, does that mean that everything they own will be gone when they return?
  6. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Unvisted Structure wipes works aslong no one thouched ur base it will be gone. Any player can reset the timer
  7. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Well you can't trust on the random chance that someone may or may not happen to stop foot on your base while you're gone - especially when in my case my home is CV, not BA. Is it going to be wiped even if it's the structure where I've logged out at? Because if so, then that would leave me stranded in some middle of nowhere place with... basically nothing.
  8. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Yep even if u logged out there it will get wipes after the timer expired and no one thouched it.

    There 35 ppl on the server dont think u have to be afraid it will disapear.
    Otherwise park in a orbit whats more bussy or close to someone then it will Always be thouched
  9. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Orbit doesn't seem like safe idea with space drones about. Since I'm still around starter area, the moon is the only 'safe' area as far as I can tell, and I can't count on someone going around touching my ship there.

    Anyway, thanks for the clarification - now I'll know how it works. Probably I'll end up scrapping everything, feeding it all to factory where it's safe, and forgetting about it.
  10. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    No problem. Someone else asked this on discord a wile back and other player was like what are the coord to your stuff ill go thouch it till your back.
    U can ask a player :) to do that. There are nice ppl around who want to help wile u on holliday.

    Other sollution is indeed what u said. Scrap it put it in the factory. There isnt really any other thing u can do. Maybe the devs should make a go on holliday option =).

    Its 14days stuff get wiped of if u dont thouch it. If u PM me some info even i can thouch it within 14 days if u like.
  11. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Thanks, but it's fine. That's more a hypothetical scenario, the real issue is different. I just want to be able to not worry about my stuff. I don't want a game to dictate my schedule so that I -have- to do something for it at times when I don't feel like, if that makes sense. And I can't simply offload that chore on someone else, especially when I couldn't say if I'm away for one day or a hundred.

    For a base that's a problem, because the structure persists - and must persist. It's the same problem every game where you can build a 'house' that isn't purely instanced will face. For a vehicles (including CV) it would be a nice option if you could park it on some kind of space station or 'public dock' that would move it away from the game world so it doesn't take active resources, but can be retrieved later. Factory works, but is a crude solution to this - deconstructing a 6k+ ship, brick by brick, every time you log out without knowing that you'll be back tormorrow - is not an option.
    Skavn likes this.
  12. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Fully agree. I wish there were an option for the multi tool to disassemble a whole structure/ship and return all components into your backpack (or maybe drop them in a large container).
    Mortlath likes this.
  13. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    After the wipe today morning, the server message still displays the old wipe settings. Please update at some time. Thx.
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Oh, right. Updated them. Thanks.
  15. ApeX

    ApeX Ensign

    Jun 13, 2017
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    I was thinking of a CV mounted unit that acted as a giant multi tool with the only option being the return of components. call it a tractor beam.
  16. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    A small suggestion about wipe days...
    The original plan was to wipe every week I think. Changing it to two weeks like it is sounds good, but is there a particular reason to keep the orbit/surface wipes on right the following days? The purpose of staggering the dates was to make it possible to maintain your stuff if you weren't ready to leave. But making it the following day puts anyone who wanted to stay into difficult spot.

    Could we instead take advantage of the wider timeframe opened by two weeks schedule? something like...

    1st of month: orbit wipe
    8th of month: planet wipe
    15th of month: orbit wipe
    22nd of month: planet wipe

    This would always give people a window of one week instead of one day to move their stuff around. Well if it makes it more difficult to maintain it's not a huge deal since there's always the moon, just thinking a larger window would better reflect the intent.

    Any construct should be fine (SV, HV, CV, BA) - in some sense BA would make the most sense, but I don't think there's any point to make it more difficult than it has to be. Making it a simple multi-tool option, and feeding the components directly to factory would be one possibility too.

    If it's to be a device though, then 'Tractor Beam' as a device name suggests something entirely different (a device to pull/tow other vehicles), so I'd suggest something different - such as 'Deconstructor'.

    Either way it would probably be a good idea to post this on suggestion forum instead - it would get better visibility there.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  17. (SHERIFF) zbc2004

    (SHERIFF) zbc2004 Ensign

    Jun 15, 2016
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    I could not play the game for several weeks because of work ... now I went in and everything that I had gained for hours of playing was lost ... is there any opportunity to return everything or start everything from the beginning every time you wipe for offline ??? Now i on Valea planet...its not started planet!!!
  18. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    If the structures were not visited for 14 days, they will be deleted. This is stated in the server description. The key is: any character can reset the "not visited timer". So if you manage that someone else will visit your structures, you are fine. Maybe make an agreement with someone who is playing during your offline time to visit your structures once a week (or similar).

    Another "solution" to prevent stuff from getting deleted. Make a blueprint from your stuff and disassemble it and put the components into factory for the created blueprint. This way the items are stored and if you come back simply spawn the structures and you are ready to go. Of course disassembly is cumbersome, but its better than losing everything.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2017
  19. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I don't see any way of getting back what's lost, but if you die you should be able to select 'fresh start' option to start from beginning - I think on your original starter planet.

    Alternately you could try to get survival kit from chatbot, or possibly do the RESET command - not sure if those are enabled on the server, but if so, I think the reset command should wipe your character totally - as if you had never logged into server.. so it should let you start over.

    Chatbot info page:
  20. Miamato

    Miamato Lieutenant

    May 29, 2017
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    Am I safe from wipe on Anovoon?
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