My point of view is slightly different: So, indeed, if "there is not enough space in the room", it is no longer possible to install a refrigerator, a sofa, a washing machine, ... and a garage for a car in it because = the room has a "limited size". So in the game = the engine and the core - they have their own capabilities, therefore they are limited ... And here I completely agree with you BUT - again I say =====>>>>> look at the game "No Man Sky" (!!!!!!!) That's WHY they did it and accelerate at maximum speed, AND timely rendering of asteroids in space, and at the same time the FPS does not fall, and the ship does not crash into objects that have not yet had time to be drawn ... because they HAVE BEEN DRAWING EARLIER, because so optimization is configured === ONLY ALONG THE TRAJECTORY OF MOVEMENT (!) That's the focus (magic) Hear it please
That's a completely different game, what works for one game doesn't necessarily work for another. None of us know how the game is coded. It's not a matter of hearing it.
I wouldn't want increased speed on planets most of the time. Not even counting the rendering issues. And yes, 100% the terrain renders slower than anything else by a wide margin. Most planets except for large and very large already feel like tiny moons as it is, increased speed in those areas would make them feel smaller. However, in space, I'm like 90% sure that the game engine can handle speed tripled or quadrupled at a minimum. There's no terrain up there, and the other stuff renders just fine at high speed. Granted, yes, you'd have the fun issue of people smacking into stuff because they don't know how to fly. But still. I can all but guarantee increased speed in space is possible. But there are other limiting factors at the moment. Projectiles would need to be balanced for higher speeds as you can currently dodge literally everything that isn't hitscan with just an SV at top speed. So, even if possible, as in not limited by game engine. It'd still require a lot of work. I would still like to see it. Higher speeds would mean stuff could be spaced out more. Currently, some playfields can feel cramped, even if it still takes a while to slowly fly from place to place. The sense of scale in space could increase, which would be an improvement I think.
Here is an example of graphics optimization - when the acceleration mode is enabled: (a conical tunnel along the ship's trajectory (a small part of the screen space) INSIDE of which all 100% of objects will be drawn (!), ... but outside the tunnel = only a small part of the rest of the surrounding space (!) Thus, when accelerating - even a weak PC will have time to draw approaching objects (bases, ships, drones, stones, trees), In fact - such a tunnel will occupy approximately 25% of the screen space! This means that 3/4 of the entire screen space is ALREADY SAVE (!) Therefore, the acceleration of the ship can be increased to 300 m/s (this is only the estimated minimum speed), and at the same time, a weak PC will continue to SUCCESS drawing all objects inside the "tunnel" within its limited power (!!!)
Absolutely NOT ((!!!)) This is your personal desire to fly on a "very large" planet at low speed in order to immerse yourself in the game atmosphere (!) Then for you = you need to create "virtual reality technologies in which you will spend all 100% of your FREE time from work (!) For me, the game = this is ONLY THE GAME, where I spend 2-4 hours after work, before going to bed, but NOT a virtual life (!) ------------- Therefore, = absolutely NO NEED to increase the size of the playing fields even more for the new increased speeds (!) PLEASE - AGAIN read the my #11 messages => paragraf 2) (!) There I'm talking about restrictions = what IF the distance from the player's ship -> to the NPC ship == less than 2.5 km, THEN STOP (or disable) ACCELERATION (!) ... that's why you said STUPID about missiles flying in acceleration mode (!) Once again = acceleration is needed NOT TO FIGHT AT HIGH SPEEDS, but in order to fly from point A => to point B far from NPS ships (!!!) -------------- Therefore - according to your personal desire = you can safely enjoy the process of "manual scanning of a very large planet" while walking or on a motorcycle And most other players = prefer to get from toka A to point B at maximum speed (in the shortest possible time) so that after the game = return to their family, to their children, to their hobby ...
I know that, having read your posts here and elsewhere, I'm already aware of your comprehensive ability and skill level regarding the English language. With those observations it's clear that I'm more than likely wasting my keystrokes here. But I'll give you the benefit of... well, I'll just humor you. For starters, you barely read what I typed, and then you made wild assumptions about what I want from this game. You'd do well to not do that in the future. And the irony therein you doing so is that you challenge the validity of what you assumed is my personal desire, while also explicitly demanding your own, over and over. You've not made a reply that isn't some complete dismissal of every other opinion than your own. For reference to my mention of planet size. Remember, these are planets. Not that I'm demanding everything be to actual real life scale, but it doesn't take long to circle an entire planet in this game. The exceptions being the large and very large as I mentioned above. Now compare that to No Man's Sky, a comparison you've already made. Tell me, how long does it take to circle a planet in that game while in atmosphere? Now as for space. Using the boost mode or whatever it was called in No Man's Sky, how long does it take to travel from one planet to another in that game? It takes 10 seconds to go 1km in a CV on Empyrion. So a planet 20km from its moon takes 3:20 to go from one to the other. It's not often you find planets and moons any farther from each other than that. The max distance from one point to another in a space playfield is right around 30km. Half the allure of space is the scale of it. You can get to everything in a few minutes and that's not fast enough? This isn't one of those clicker games you know. You are expected to spend some sort of time earning rewards in-game. And don't talk to me about not having time to play that. I get up at 4 in the morning and work till late a lot of the time. Free time isn't a luxury I'm often afforded. You know what, I followed your advise and read the post again. Wow, it's even dumber the second time. And I normally would outright insult in such a manner, but you called what I said stupid so let's call it even now, yeah? Don't worry, I shall explain why your reasoning lacks... reasoning. The idea of limiting speeds once within range of 2.5km of a ship or POI is dumb because as I mentioned in my post, playfields can get pretty crowded as it is. It's very possible to be constantly within 2.5km of a ship or POI at any given time. Now again, this varies by playfield so obviously they're not all like that. But let me continue. Let's say you get your wish. What'll happen is you'll find yourself in a busy playfield surrounded by ships, stations, and asteroids, and then you won't be able to hit overdrive, and then you'll come back here crying about it and typing more rainbow-essays on how your next fix is flawless and shouldn't be argued, but rather implemented immediately. (Trust me, I've seen into alternate futures and that's exactly what happens.) So IF there were to be an increase in speed. You almost certainly would need to stretch the playfield sizes a bit so things don't get super crowded, which would render the ability to go faster now useless. Now since you seem to be incapable of figuring this out on your own, let me clarify: Obviously a larger playfield would not directly match the scale of the speed increase. I'm not saying let's go twice as fast but also have twice as far to go, as that accomplishes nothing. Let me give an analogy: You're saying it's too slow to drive through the neighborhood, so you want the speed limit increased. But you haven't actually considered all the people, houses, and other cars in the neighborhood. Go look up some videos of people doing 60mph+ through neighborhoods. I'll spoil it for you, they usually end in a horrific crash. What I'm saying is let's not do highway speeds through neighborhoods and downtown cities, instead let's find a way to get some highways to drive fast on. Now, you also said that ALL PLAYERS want what you want. That's 100% false and you know it. In any case, I'm all for speed increases. But if it's done, it really needs to be thought out and done sensibly. None of what you posted is sensible. Speed increases are possible, but not the way you're suggesting it. I think literally everyone else will back me up on that statement at least.
Да, друг, я использую машинный перевод от Гугл (!) Поэтому если какой-то фрагмент текста переведён не корректно = все вопросы к разработчикам ! ========== TRANSLATION: "Yes friend, I'm using Google's machine translation (!) Therefore, if some fragment of the text is not translated correctly = all questions to the developers!" Now as for acceleration... Above - you said that with an increase in acceleration = you need "...Projectiles would need to be balanced for higher speeds as you can currently dodge literally everything that isn't hitscan with just an SV at top speed." ... this is the very STUPIDITY (!). because as I said in my post #11 point 2) == we need acceleration NOT FOR COMBAT, but to quickly move from point A to point B (!) As for the size of the planets or the cosmos ... then I DON'T SEE THE SENSE to increase the size of the playing field for new high speeds (!) If for you personally, in the game, flying 20 km in 3:20 minutes is normal, then for me personally, as well as for many players = it's SLOW (!!!) ... as for me, it would be comfortable to fly 20 km = about 30-60- or 90 seconds (!) Therefore, I ask - to increase the acceleration so that within the existing dimensions = just move a little faster (!!!) ... and suggested an optimization option in my opinion! But , developers can find a better solution ! ... so I tried
Thanks, actually. You've confirmed that I no longer have any further reason to respond. My previous post was a complete waste of keystrokes. So I'll only waste a few more. You didn't answer the questions I asked of you. Nope, you just rambled on with the same demands as before. The only things you did respond to directly... About translations, I didn't knock your English because I thought you used a translator. I knocked it because you butcher it. Machine translation doesn't add all the colors of the rainbow or sudden capslock. You did. But this: This is what confirms you didn't bother to read. Because if you did, you'd find I already covered this in my previous comment. If you actually want to discuss your idea, you're going to actually have to read the responses you get. But if you plan to just keep hammering on the keyboard hoping your idea will be added to the game, well, good luck; you're gonna need it.
Here again - each of us expressed HIS POSITION regarding "acceleration"! That was the discussion! ...but only we couldn't come to a consensus... --------- just look - do you also want to get a big boost like me?! at the same time, you say that for a big rooting - you need to increase the size of the cosmos, or the planet, in order to maintain the scale of the cosmos, for enjoyment ... then this is absurd, because then nothing needs to be entered !!! Just leave it as it is for now... But then - FOR WHY someone REQUESTS to introduce a large acceleration, and the other - NOT AGAINST that they introduce a large acceleration ??? For what ?! ........ Even if the developers give us an acceleration, find a way to intelligently optimize it, create all the conditions for the correct execution of the acceleration (to avoid artifacts or collisions with objects) = then ... what then ?! Someone will ask to INCREASE the planets and space even more?? ... no need ! We will leave the sizes of locations AS IS NOW! And acceleration - to do on the basis of the MODULE = engine accelerator! Then = within the SMALL sizes of space and planets = each player will be able to make his own choice = either fly WITHOUT acceleration as it is now, even over huge planets ... or fly with acceleration through all locations - both small and large! and in terms of the "density" of the number of objects in space (filling) - oooh, don't worry there are not so many of them that a blind crashes into them For this you have a SCANNER with which you first scan the surrounding space, SEE all object markers, and correct your flight path ... as for other objects - for example, individual rocks in space, in orbit around the planet - they will have time to be drawn from afar, as I suggested the idea in my post #24, and you will always have time to change course to avoid a collision
Quick note: all the optimizations you proposed (whether they are useful or not) are actually engine-side optimizations. Empyrion devs are very unlikely to even try changing Unity's code. Yes, Unity's source code is published online. No, a team of 1.5 people would not try to mess with Unity. They have their hands full trying to develop a game already. And let's be honest: it's not like there is nothing left to do even in the implemented part of the game.
So, I did a natural experiment in solo: turned on god mode, and flew at maximum speed to see the result of the graphics: (my laptop is already ancient ... 2015 (!) The video card is already weak for modern games ... but at the same time - FPS did not sag much! ... I understand that on SERVERS - FPS will sag much stronger, since there will be a streaming download of textures and drawings of POI and NPC ships (!) ... Results of local testing in solo, in god mode: on the planet - I flew 25 km in 68 sec. At the same time, the whole landscape was drawn ON TIME, and I even freely flew OVER THE FORESTS at a low altitude in space - I flew 25 km in 60 sec, while: - my personal BS of the 2nd size class - was drawn with a small delay at a distance of 500 meters, and was completely drawn at a distance of 164 meters! all objects = rocks, asteroids, POI bases, NPC ships = had time to draw ... BUT ... I had = "Decoration distance == CLOSE" in the settings, so the result was bad! But when I set "Scenery Distance == FAR", then even on my ancient laptop, in which the GForce 950M video card == even the largest space station (POI) = managed to draw completely from a distance of 1.5 km (!) and then I said = WOW, IT WAS GREAT There were no problems! I have never crashed into an asteroid, or a POI, or an NPC ship All the orbital rocks - I could see very far away, and therefore I flew FREELY in space without colliding with anything (!!!!!) Therefore = according to the results of the test ON A WEAK laptop = I boldly say = that Acceleration, at a speed "like in God mode" (separately for planets and space) = YOU CAN BOLDLY include it in the game !!! And also - IF "such afterburner (acceleration)" is active, then increase the "Distance of Wildlife" by 3-3.5 km! (... and you can also create a separate option = set the "Decoration Range" for the afterburner, regardless of the "Decoration Range" for the game itself!) In addition - the afterburner itself = has a short duration (a few seconds), so ONLY the PVP zone will remain to be balanced, and the conditions when the Player's ship approaches the hostile NPC ship (!) To be able to activate "afterburner at such a maximum speed" - I propose to create a MODULE for installation on a ship! this module will be responsible for activating the maximum afterburner !!! Therefore - each player will be able to make a choice - whether or not to install such an "accelerator" on his ship (BS or MS) ?! .... and also - I'm really READY TO BUY such an option for a symbolic 10-15 $ !!!
Not true. Flying at the fastest speed in God mode will result in POIs not rendering until you are on top of them, or already through them. Look, people who are far more knowledgeable than you or I have said why your ideas are not feasible. By the way acceleration is not the problem. You can already make a ship with a very high acceleration in the game so I'm not sure why you're asking for higher acceleration. I think you mean maximum speed but it's important you use the correct terms so your points are understood.