Filed / Tracking Tabs added to end of BlockShapesWindow.ecf do not function correctly with small blocks [8110]

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by Garaman, Aug 12, 2021.

  1. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Build: 1.5.5 3444
    Mode: Creative / Survival
    Mode: Single Player / Multiplayer

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Trivial

    Type: GUI

    Summary: Adding a new tab to the end of BlockShapesWindow.ecf results in the tab not being seen correctly with small blocks. If the new tab is added to the position before the "Corridor Elements" it is visible as expected.

    Seems that there's something about the behavior of how the "Corridor Elements" tab is hidden for small blocks that does not work correctly when extending BlockShapesWindow.ecf. If I place a new tab with only a "Child 0" block directly before "Corridor Elements" it shows up as I expect for both large and small blocks. If I place that new tab at the end of the file it only appears for large blocks, and for small blocks both the tab name is incorrect and the incorrect block tiles are displayed.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    Attached are two files with the following new tab group added:
    { TabGroup Id: 6
      Name: "My Group"
      Icon: "BasicShapes"
      { Child 0
        Shapes: "Cube, CubeHalf"
    The only difference between the two files is the position of this tab and the IDs which are kept in sequence.

    1. Make a backup of the BlockShapesWindow.ecf file in your Content\Configuration folder
    2. Rename BlockShapesWindow_works.ecf to BlockShapesWindow.ecf and replace the file in Content\Configuration. If in game type "shw r" in the console to load it.
    3. In creative or survival equip both a large and small steel block
    4. Bring up the block menu on the large block and observe that you have a new "My Group" entry with a full and half block.
    5. Repeat for the small block and observe that the "Corridor Elements" tab is hidden and the "My Group" entry appears with both blocks.
    6. Now repeat step 2 using BlockShapesWindow_broken.ecf
    7. Repeat the process for the large block and observe that the new tab is correct.
    8. Repeat the process for the small block and observe that the new tab is named "Corridor Elements" and incorrectly shows a thin wall block instead of the full and half block.
    As an aside, I also noticed that if you only list one block the tab does not load correctly. This can be reproduced by removing "CubeHalf" from the _works version of the file and loading it. With large blocks the "Corridor Elements" tab will be missing. With small blocks the new "My Group" tab will be missing.


    Large block tab working correctly with "_works" file (new tab is listed before "Corridor Elements" tab):

    Small block tab working correctly with "_works" file:

    Small block tab working incorrectly with "_broken" file:

    Attached Files:

    Germanicus likes this.

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