The Problem with Turrets

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scoob, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I have not had any problems with my last few games. In fact, I would say in some ways, things have improved from past versions of the game.

    Could it be a CPU thing? As in, CPU of your computer? My 5950x EATS this game. OM NOM NOM NOM NOM!!! To the point where I think my graphics card decides to take a nap, maybe have a sandwich and some cookies while giving me over-the-shoulder advice about how to combat certain enemies.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  2. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    You, my Friend are f'ing hilarious. Does it offer you Mustard as well?

    I've got a 3900X & 2070 Super. I keep threatening to optimize them and there's always something else to do. {Sigh}
    Fractalite likes this.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I see the exact same turret behaviour on an old (but great) 2600k as well as on a newer 3900x system - both using a GTX 1070. CPU is mostly asleep during play, Empyrion doesn't seem particularly demanding on newer hardware. Game is totally GPU-bound, so I need to turn a few things down for the 1070 to cope.

    The issue with turrets doesn't seem to be a lack processing resource issue, though it did suggest that something was perhaps overflowing when it used to degrade over time. Now, being able to see the issue moments after loading, I've not a clue what's going on. One moment turrets might be responding perfectly - though they're always a little slow switching to subsequent targets - and another time they'll totally ignore a valid target for 30 seconds before firing - which can mean severe damage or death of course.

    Also, it's not like it's just one turret failing, they'll all pretty much fail at once. So, if say five out of seven total turrets all have a valid firing solution on a target, it's not like just one fails to fire, they all do.

    There's no real pattern to when they'll fail or when they'll work fine, other than the previously observed degradation over time.

    @Fractalite - I see you're enjoying your new PC :) I've been waiting so long for a new GPU (no availability for non- rip off prices) and will need a complete system update when I do at this rate lol.

    Fractalite likes this.
  4. MoronWMachinegun

    MoronWMachinegun Ensign

    Aug 5, 2021
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    Does it track at all with if you were sitting in your command chair when you logged off? Maybe the distance measurement for turrets is wrong if you are/aren't in the command chair when you quit?
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Not something I've consciously checked. I rarely log off while in the Pilots Seat on a CV, usually standing around somewhere else, like in the Constructor area or hangar bay, or perhaps the base I'm parked next to.

    I did speculate whether the Bridge position on this CV were a factor - my Pilot's Seat is placed on the top, about a third of the way back from the front of the vessel. I know player position impacts turret firing. However, that proximity issue is secondary to the turrets firing or not when I've been the same spot the entire time.

  6. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    This brings up an interesting line of thought. Could the number of blocks between you and the threat affect detection? I used to run around in the Storyline starter HV (not now possible ... gggrrrrr) with an open cockpit.

    If I slapped a turret on it it had fairly good detection. Lagged sometimes but not like I'm experiencing now with a closed cockpit design that's got more blocks in front: The Rigoletto SL -

    Great little HV for early / mid gameplay. Except the target recognition lag on the turret ... but not the designer's fault. It's noticeably worse now, not sure exactly when that started, it's always been there but I'm noticing it more now.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I parked near the Abandoned Bunker (Reforged Eden) last night and was being lasered by the several laser Sentry Turrets. These turrets aren't targetted by player Turrets any more - in part to avoid the "turrets shooting Sentries inside the base" issue. However, this particular POI also has some large turrets inside, a few POI's have this feature, so my CV's turrets were drilling into the heart of the POI to take these out.

    As mentioned earlier, LoS does exist but it only recognises terrain or other blocks as obstructions. Any blocks on the target BA/CV are invisible as far as the LoS calculation goes, hence why my turrets were firing.

    There used to be an option for player turrets to target the "Core" - and ability NPC turrets still retain - but that was removed due to how easy it was to find the Core on any structure.

    Lag issues aside - and I'm in no way lessening the importance of having responsive turrets here - the LoS targetting needs to be improved to check for blocks on the target structure / CV / HV / SV blocking LoS. It's frustrating how current turret targetting always knows where my Generators etc. are, and it's equally frustrating when my turrets are focused on a closer object such as a large turret deep inside the structure, rather than the turret actively shooting me that's slightly further away.

    Turret functionality really needs an overhaul.

    As an aside, I gave up using "Tank" HV's - which are dead cool to build - ages ago and they become pointless when turret lag occurs. Rush in using a super tough HV that should make short work of the couple of turrets on a POI. Then spend 30 seconds plus trying to dodge fire while your turrets do nothing. Prior to shields one hit could readily mean death of course as those POI turret knew exactly where the HV's internal vulnerabilities were...

    MoronWMachinegun likes this.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    You know, how Turrets work is darn weird... here's something I'm watching right now in-game...

    I added some Cannon Turrets to my CV to aid stripping Bases and enemy CV's of their turrets. I'm parked outside a POI with internal Large turrets, so the starboard Cannon Turret - the only one with even close to LoS - starts shooting through the POI to get to one of those internal turrets, nothing surprising there. However I've noticed that, while under AI control, this Turret never pauses to reload. I'm watching it and I can see it taking 100 rounds from the Ammo box every minute or so, but it never stops firing. Loading times are noticeable when using the turret manually.

    Another thing I've noticed is that entering / exiting the Control Panel glitches the turrets. After watching the aforementioned Cannon Turret firing constantly while I was in an external view of my CV while also in the Control Panel viewing the Ammo Box, I exited the Control Panel. As I did so the Cannon Turret paused for less than a second, turned slightly, then resumed firing. At the same time one of the Minigun Turrets and a Missile Turret - neither firing, one due to no LoS the other is space only of course "twitched", turning slightly before aiming approximately at the internal large Turret on the POI. Ever time I go in and out of the Control Panel, several turrets "twitch" and any that are firing - just the Cannon currently - pausing in firing for between just under one and three seconds. They are NOT reloading in this time, confirmed and observed no reloading taking place via Ammo box.

    This makes me wonder if Control Panel interaction can make this obvious twitch occur on demand, does it have a longer term effect (that session) with Turret responsiveness? I.e. the more the player uses the Control Panel the more likely Turret issues are to occur? Total speculation on my part, but accessing the Control Panel is directly interfering with Turret operation.

    Note: as a test I've been repeatedly going In / Out of my CV's Control Panel. After doing this about twenty times or so, that Cannon Turret is taking longer and longer to start shooting again. It's target - that internal Large Turret - is not dead yet, but each time I exit the CP, it's taking longer to fire again. It's up to six seconds at the longest. I'm simply going into CP waiting to see if the turret pauses or not (so about two-three seconds) then exiting the CP. Upon exiting the Turret often just won't fire for a bit, but not always. So, things are happening with turrets when accessing / exiting the Control Panel, but they are not particularly consistent.

    MoronWMachinegun likes this.
  9. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Interesting observation. I HAVE noticed that I just didn't remember it while posting here, but now that you say it I know I've seen that.
    Glutton for punishment.:p:D

    But appreciated

    Yep, I can confirm that's you. (Just in case you were having some sort of identity crisis today).
    Thanks for all your effort here, as usual!
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    It's actually signed on my behalf, as one doesn't type one's own forum posts, I have an employee for that ;)


    (It's just a sig. short and sweet)
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  11. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I'm sure you don't pay them enough.
  12. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Yeah, I am. I have been mighty pleased with the new CPU. Logic dictates that since I switched from the i7 6700 to the 5950x and the problems in this game seem to be better, that maybe that was the difference. Certainly is NOT the graphics card - I believe I wrote about this but, to finish the machine I had to use an old AMD 570(which is the same era as the 1060 which was also in the 6700 machine I just came from) so that certainly would not help things.

    A newer more robust CPU will help things:


    That ~60ish frames per second is almost entirely CPU since the 1060 6GB I had could barely keep this game at 25 -45 frames per second with a 6700 and the 570 is not anywhere near as good. Openhardwaremonitor suggests that the CPU is utilizing tiny little pieces but that is not really surprising for this CPU.

    In any event, was just trying to brainstorm potential bottlenecks. This game being entirely voxel based causes the strangest of bottlenecks in the most frustrating of places.

    If you are curious, it seems the 5950x is back in stock in places... soooo, you could always try one(make sure you get a beastly VRM.) :D:cool::p However, it will be a year old in three months(not that it should matter.)
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Interestingly, my old build - 2600k + GTX 1070 - generally managed 60fps with a few setting turned down. Certainly GPU-limited. It's only when we started seeing these clusters of POI's that it seemed to struggle, though that did seem more GPU and CPU-limited. When moving to the 3900X - still 1070 though -things got a lot more consistent with less drops.

    It is funny though, when it comes to GPU load 100% isn't always 100% Makes zero sense. I know, but I might get a scene (talking generally here, not just EGS) that gave say 50fps at 100% GPU load on the 2600k, yet gives 75fps at 100% GPU load on the 3900X. Go figure.

    Regardless, 2600k to 3900X sees a generally much smoother experience in many titles. FPS might be the same - still on a 60hz monitor, so 60 FPS - but the little snags and glitches are gone. New tech.

    Can get a 3080Ti now for £1,300 or there abouts. The best price I've seen ever is £1,200. RRP starts at about £1,050 for something like an ASUS TUF card, but you don't see actual stock at that price. Thing is, I want a new GPU but really don't need a new GPU. Everything I have plays just fine, albeit with a few settings turned down for some titles. So, the combination of no dire need and excessive cost puts me off.

    Note: I was thinking of getting a 5800X to replace the 3900X - mobo is high-end and can take it - as this PC is mostly used for gaming. At the same time I'd pick up a budget 550 Mobo that can support the 3900X and build a decent work-horse PC for other stuff. Totally playing though, no need at all. Had planned to wait for Zen 3 originally before upgrading, but 2600k was misbehaving - totally fine since of course lol - so I jumped early.

    Note: Zen 3 would be a fairly solid upgrade - I seem to enjoy a number of titles that favour CPU over GPU - but not that significant in the scheme of things. If I can pick up a cheap 5800X/5900X or even 5950X at some point in the future I will, but no rush.


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