Actually I've got an idea... if you (or anyone else) can help me find a good name for it I'll share it public ship 1: same goes for this CV and its baby clone ship 2 (+3): so ppl help me name em
Hmm, personally I go with a theme usually... Like my current line of RGC warships have names from Dark Fantasy creatures (Goblin, Kobold, Gremlin, Satyr, Ogre, Centaur, Scarab, etc.) So my advice is find a good theme to work with and go from there
I know how to build crazy looking stuff and tight fighters... but when it comes to naming stuff the I SUCK! and finding a theme? have u looked at my ships.... I design different stuff for a living so following a straight line ain't my thing guess your German, I'm danish and had german as my 3rd language so know what it means, and actually sounds promising nevertheless, as soon as I get my workshop sorted I'll make 'em public (just noticed that I lost the editable link to them, and if I subscribe to my own ships I can't update them... so a re-upload it is.... DARN!
Hello my fellow galactians, I'm fairly new to the game, bout a week now, and i set up a server for me and friends to play / fool around / discover what this game has to offer. So here are my first creations so far. Gotta try out the creative mode yet, so i can really let it flow The HV is called Pharao. The SV is called Nocturne (or Noc for short) Really loving the work you guys put up here btw !!! Hats off ...
I really like NOC. I'm kind of a sucker for well designed small vessels done strictly in survival mode... and NOC is very nice indeed!
Ahh, forgot to think about that. For Ship 1, how about "Space Nautilus"? (Looks like a Space Submarine.) For Ship 2, how about "Space Shotgun", cause to me it seems like the Ship Silhouette looks vaguely like a Shotgun. (FYI I don't consider myself epic at Naming Stuff too, so know how ya feel on this.) Swords... Eww...
Pshhh sword names are often! Definitely one of the most overdone naming schemes, but whatever Hey the ships don't have to look anything alike. I can't really say my ships follow a visual theme (well, other than triangles, dark materials, and the occasional rounded corner or curve splice) but they still follow a naming theme By the way, this site helped me a ton: Check out the list of ideas on the right. Each one is a category with multiple entries in it. Been using it since KSP (used Greek God names for various Canadarms, Shuttles, and Rovers ). Some of them would seem silly when applied to spaceships (for example, I'd never use Diseases, but I'd totally use Classical Composers)
actually I've just found my "theme" in ship names..... unpronounceable names gotta be my thing now that I noticed that i lost the link to almost every ship on my workshop I gotta re.upload them, so that will be with new names, more pictures etc... and if I can figure how to do it. put in to categories (fighters, frigates, gunships, destroyers, concepts, etc.) some of the names I'm gonna chose from (guess from who I got my inspiration): Y'laq (by Tina Pedersen, my fellow countryman (woman)) Ev'lt Kneiq'eoksi Criv'yx Kruax'uks Chux'igh Dauk'elt Jouq'ym Zuyx'ent Tev'ehx Iz'ymt Qlax'umt Er'ex Truar'oth Gah'ugho Eok'ush
Heh, I saw a bunch of unpronounceable names with apostrophes in 'em, so I assumed But that makes more sense I suppose. Are they from a work of fiction, or just off the top of your head?
No, I mean in regards to Swords themselves. I think they're arrogant, stuck up, prissy, better-than-thou, pretty boy weapons. *Proud Member of Axes for best Melee Weapons* As a matter of fact, Tyrax Lightning is my Primary Screen Name. My 2ndary Screen Name is "Axe Garian". Oh, that's the kinda name ya like? In that case, I once planned a Khaajit Run on Skyrim & was gonna use the name "Do'Rahl" or something like that for him, but seems like i'm never gonna get around to it now, so ya can use the Name if ya want, now or in the future. (He was gonna be a Heavy Armor wearer that would snipe the Pugilist Gloves, Enchant them onto Heavy Armor Gauntlets to combo with the Heavy Armor Perk for stronger Unarmed Damage & the Khajiit having the strongest Unarmed Attack in the game stacked all together to make a sort of "Fists of Steel Assassin Build"... but I never got around to actually trying it.) I think I also researched & made that name have meaning in the Khaajit Language as well, but I can't remember what it is anymore & i'm too lazy to look it up. Edit: Now that I think about it, my Old Build could only run Skyrim at low Settings... i'm suddenly curious how well the New Build could run it... yet i'm afraid to try... Skyrim has a way of sucking you back into it...