The Ship Sharing Thread

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by WolfAmaril, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Always been a big fan of the Stargate series, except Universe anyway. And yes Tyrax is right, Goa'uld favour Egyptian theme colours (in general) so plenty of golds, yellows, and reds/blues for highlights.

    On a separate note I decided to try my hand at building a big CV, specifically a type of carrier. I say big, it's still only around 50 blocks long so not a monster compared to some I've seen. Judging from the size in the screenshot compared to my gunboat I'm going with the smaller light carrier designation, probably going to hold between 4-8 SVs if I get the interior dimensions sorted the way I plan.

  2. Redinhead

    Redinhead Ensign

    May 31, 2016
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    That look's really nice, and I was just thinking when reading your post.. is there any limit to how big a ship can be?
    Tyrax Lightning and Neonin like this.
  3. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    According to the wiki the current limit is 250 horizontal and 250 vertical. They plan on expanding the 250 horizontal but the vertical limit may be a bit trickier to change.

    A bit more progress, I've mostly done the outer shell minus any further greebles etc. Haven't even started on the inside or thinking about texturing yet though!

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
  4. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    so now a newer build from me what ive build in moment :D (not finished yet)
    the USC Osaka from X3 Terran Conflict

    what did you think about it?

    usc osaka.png
  5. CrazyEd

    CrazyEd Captain

    May 23, 2016
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    Back in 2523 one of Wolfworx Mining Consortium Capital vessels was attacked and boarded by aliens. The vessels chief engineer was the only member who managed to escape alive.
    He managed to launch himself towards the planet Omicron in a poorly maintained escape pod.
    Upon his semi safe landing on Omicron he began the arduous task of survival as well as finding a way to get back home.

    He was well aware that the CEO of WwC (aka Wolfworx Mining Consortium) would not take lightly to him sitting around on his ♥♥♥♥ waiting to be rescued. Infact it is common knowledge in the company that CEO Brian "CrazyEd" Edworthy had dealt severely with such lazy staff before. Non were seen again.
    But we digress, engineer "Bad Luck" Burt Digler set himself to building a small ship. Scavenging parts here, trading for other parts there, he finally cobbled together a small SV he dubbed "Roadkill". Held together with the finest duct tape and cable ties that space credit could buy (if he had had any) it certainly was not a pretty ship, but it did allow the WwC to ultimately find and rescue him.

    The rescued "Roadkill" SV was destined for a home in the WwC museum, but the CEO so enjoyed flying the rather nimble vehicle, that he claimed it as his personal planetary runnabout / parts chaser.
    Offered here is the "luxury" model whis uses actual duct tape and cable ties, not bits of string and vegetation to hold the thrusters in place.
    It also has:
    1 x Small constructor
    1 x Fridge
    1 x Storage box
    1 x O2 Tank and Dispenser
    3 x Cube Lights, because sitting in the dark is so last millenium.
    (Basically perfect for those little hunting trips)
    An RCS, fuel cell and a generator round off the equipment list.

    As always, have nice day !
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  6. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Fun & spiffy lookin dude! :)

    Wolfworx Mining Consortium 0/10, would NEVER work there. Long live the Grey Market Traders! :p
  7. CrazyEd

    CrazyEd Captain

    May 23, 2016
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    HEYYY!! We are a great company ! (of evil overlord wannabees) hahahaha
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. CrazyEd

    CrazyEd Captain

    May 23, 2016
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    The second SV to come out of the Wolfworx Consortium Factory, and probably the best mid size SV we have made to date.
    The WwC Reaper is an athletic all rounder, with its (nose mounted) twin gatling guns and twin rocket launchers, it can deal some serious damage to enemy ships and bases alike. It is perfect for the busy miner / builder / hunter who need quick access to all the ships features without having to dirty up the cockpit (and his "P"da)
    The best part is, it does all that while still being quite cheap to manufacture. A recommended upgrade, and one all our personal Reapers undergo, is replacing the gatling guns with rail guns, especially if you intend to take on drones and bases.
    In standard trim your WwC-Reaper comes with the following equipment installed:
    2. 1,8MW generators.
    2. One fuel tank.
    3. Small Constructor
    4. Dual ammunition containers
    5. Dual 15mm miniguns
    6. Dual 135mm rocket launchers
    7. Dual RCS' for responsive handling
    8. Two oxygen tanks
    9. One oxygen set
    10. Two Small fridges.
    11. Two Storage containers.

    The sleek design allows you to access the constructor, Fuel tank, O2 station, O2 tanks, Fridges, Containers, and Ammo boxes from outside the SV. Each of those items is protected by hardened steel armor positioned to deflect enemy fire, but still allow quick and easy access, these access bays are also lit for ease of access in the dark.
    Recent upgrades saw the installation of a second generator to help cope with the extra side and front thrusters installed.

    Maneuverability is good, the Reapers relatively light weight coupled with potent thrusters should keep you out of harms way.

    Typical roles for this vehicle are close air support, light air assaults and general purpose roles.

    The vital stats..



    Like anything, please enjoy responsibly
    Neonin and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  9. CrazyEd

    CrazyEd Captain

    May 23, 2016
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    Really neat and tidy, with a suitable "deadly" look
    Neonin and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    deadly look? :D ok your ship is nice and get pvp support. is it customizable?

    some ,,deadly ships,, from my newer fleet ;) :
    20160529192624_1.jpg 20160529192726_1.jpg 20160529192934_1.jpg 20160529193033_1.jpg
  11. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Your CV looks rad, but those SVs calling themselves 'deadly' make my Tyrax Dragonet laugh! :p
    Dead8Eye likes this.
  12. Mr. Badger

    Mr. Badger Captain

    Apr 24, 2016
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    Neonin, Tyrax Lightning and Dead8Eye like this.
  13. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    you dont know what for weapons be installed :p and yes, them are really deadly!!

    btw the Titan MK II Carrier [Civil] (a Special as thanks for the first star-level ship in the workshop) is on the workshop aviable!

    thanks for every vote, download, comment and like!

    Titan II.jpg 20160602164813_1.jpg 20160602164801_1.jpg 20160602164755_1.jpg 20160602164639_1.jpg 20160602154603_1.jpg 20160602154554_1.jpg 20160602154541_1.jpg 20160602154513_1.jpg
    Cavadus, Neonin and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  14. CrazyEd

    CrazyEd Captain

    May 23, 2016
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    Deadly as in "Kill anything that moves" hahaha, you do great work!
    If you are asking if you may customize it, hell yes, have fun. Roadkill was never meant for PVP tho, its for running around safe planets.
    The Reaper ... well it will probably be ok in PVP, maybe a little slow .. it is heavy (all hardened steel apart from the wings)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  15. Redinhead

    Redinhead Ensign

    May 31, 2016
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    That looks so freaking awesome and badass :D you have a good imagination.

    Also, what cube is the pink ones from?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Neonin

    Neonin Captain

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Almost ready for primetime, the Phoenix-class Escort Carrier, first ship pictured with her sister ship the SCS Gryphon:


    Just need to do a little bit more internal texturing work and then a few field tests to make sure I didn't miss anything or make any mistakes! :)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    IT'S DONE!!! WOOT!!! ^_^

    Front View:
    Not sure if I overdid it on pulling back for the Screenie taking.

    Right Side View:
    Doh! Forgot to move that other dude outta the Screenie! >_<

    Rear View:
    This Screenie contains one of the main reasons for me to build a Personal CV... the HV Hangar. :) (Though in hindsight it mighta helped if I had lit it up a bit before Screenieing... I plead Post CV Build Brain Fatigue. :oops:)

    Left Side View:

    Top View:
    Theoretically some of this Top Middle Space here could be used for Guest SV Docking... in practice, I dunno if i'll recommend it. I stuck Passenger Seats on my dude in case I ever need to give anyone (I trust) a ride but really this dude's mostly for personal use. Also, my SV Hangar (Partially visible in the 2 Side View Screenies) is really meant for my Tyrax Dragonet to have it to herself.

    Bottom View:
    & no, I do NOT think I overdid it on the Landing Gear. :p

    Know what ya mean. Near the end of my CV Build I suddenly realized I nearly forgot to add any Medic Stations... ALL CVs should have at least one Medic Station no matter its purpose... :oops:
    Dead8Eye likes this.
  18. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    hehe :) in the next puplic update (we testers testing it in moment) we get small specific things, where we can take better avionik to the ships. sry i can´t tell to much because nda. its a surprise ;)

    thanks for your feedback! :D

    ive build much of newer ships but i think i understand why some guys can´t fly with some builds from me. the problem is, if i build ships, i take the mouse sensibility to the maximum! so you get the best control ability of each ships. i think that some people take the sensibility down.

    if you fly each of the newer SVs, you get a rly deadly aspect but the control options be the other one before we can say ,,its deadly,,
    i hope the devs will change the ship controls. in moment it is only bad :( i think and for pvp not perfectly optimized.

    but let´s wait how the next updates be ;)
    Tyrax Lightning and Redinhead like this.
  19. Redinhead

    Redinhead Ensign

    May 31, 2016
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    Again :v what are the pink cubes from? :p

    I have another problem, quite the opposite from what you describe. I usually have to lower my mouse sens, when I'm flying my CV. When I pitch upwards, moving my mouse forward, the whole craft simply flips upward with such speed that its not very practical.

    What am I doing wrong?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Is this gonna obsolete my Tyrax Dragonet SV & just finished Tyrax Dragon Transport CV? & should I wait on this to come out before starting my next Hover War Tank HV Build I was gonna start eventually?

    I tried Max Mouse Sensitivity Setting in the Options & it works spiffy for Ship & HV work, but makes my turning on my Character on foot too fast & intense to control properly so i'm screwed into having my Sensitivity at roughly 80ish - 85ish% power & having to stick a couple more RCSs on my Creations to compensate.

    Wow, I wonder if your Mouse has a hell of a high DPI... for reference my Mouse is running 1600 DPI & this seems to be the most I ever need when running either my Monitor's Native Res of 1920x1200 or Super Virtual Res of 2560x1600.
    Redinhead likes this.

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