this is an awesome game! a poll and here's a little wishlist:

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Kahn Bloodbane, Feb 3, 2020.


would you like more game tweaking options?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Kahn Bloodbane

    Kahn Bloodbane Ensign

    Feb 3, 2020
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    I would love to be able to drill with a handheld drill in space pehaps a special kind of drill that could be made for such thing like space laser drill or something like that. mostly because my dream is making a very nice looking base inside an asteroid that I drilled to carve a base inside.
    Also I would love to see more asteroid-related things like abandoned alien-infested bases like in the main quest line. Also I would love some asteroid resource or planetary resource mineable such as ice (that works like water to produce water and hydrogen).
    Also, I am saddened at the fact that hydrogen alone cannot be used anymore as fuel, I felt it very real. Pehaps lowering it's efficency for balance purpose or allowing to choose if hydrogen can be used as fuel or not in the game options.
    will there be allowed mod api to change the way the game works at all? I would love to implement a much more complex resource-crafting system and energy-fuel and shield system.
    Also a POI designer for players who wants to create challenging structures or fun to salvage debris and then allow to download such POI from the workshop to add to the generation would be nice, as well as some way to improve the density of POI generated for more content.
    Most of my point however is not to change the game for everyone like I want but more like give more freedom of options to the players so everyone can choose the way they like to play.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Many of this is already possible through various means. :D
    Ephoie and Kahn Bloodbane like this.
  3. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    Hand drills, all of them, work on asteroids. Not the ones in a ring around the planets, because those are static models and not volumetric structures. Nothing can mine them, they're indestructible. Resource asteroids exist and your drills can mine those, they can have any kind of ore. They will appear on your minimap and HUD when you find them.
    There are alien-infested and pirate-inhabited asteroid bases.
    Hydrogen has very poor energy density in anything but a fusion reactor. Which we don't have (yet).
    You can change recipes by altering/creating the config files, along with item, food, block and weapon performance and the energy density of fuels.
    Players can build POIs all they want. They can even be submitted to the workshop and subscribed to. Making them spawn is currently not possible without editing both the workshop file and the playfield yaml. Though I suspect this will be all automatic in future, it would still require a fresh world for new imported structures to spawn since they won't generate in an existing game.
    Ephoie and Kahn Bloodbane like this.

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