Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    There is more to it than just that one thing. For example the way you set up signals is just weird and unintuitive. (eg I probably took 500 hours in game before I figured out what the middle row of panel switches were for, and they aren't signals as they have a partially-on state) The way The Take All is not always the same button in the same place. The way some things doesn't even have a take-all hot-key function. The way you sometimes use ESC and sometimes use F to exit a screen. The way the filters are set up on various screens and if, for example you re-enter the constructor it remebers some filters but not others. The way the Linked container can only be applied to the Left side container on the logistics screen but it doesn't look like that from the UI - the UI should make it clear. When you add more blocks, say concrete blocks, to a stack on your toolbar, they revert orientation and shape. Etc etc etc.

    I've learned it all and once you've learned and remember it, you can use it, but knowing a few things about UI and UX myself, this is one of the worst UIs and UX I've ever encountered. Sure you can learn it, but there is too much un-intutive about it. Hence it remains my biggest pet peeve about the game.

    My Nr 2 Pet peeve: How the Melee attack animation timing and range doens't match the time of taking/dealing damage, making it impossible to dodge.
  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Utter bollox! - Ive heard that excuse a lot in cowboy outfits that produce buggy and inconsistent software.

    One of the purposes of unit tests is to lock down implementations such that when you make changes to the code base you can verify you have not unintentionally broken something else. Most good developers will write units tests as they write their implementations (or even before if following TDD) and actually implement and integrate new/changed features quicker and safer.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    To be fair, not many developers have hundreds of dedicated "playtesters" like Empyrion... This has an effect on the amount of problems that can be detected, but also on perceptions ( 10 players report one bug =/= 10 bugs). If Eleon was to follow a very strict and "failsafe" procedure I bet the development cycle would be so slow that no one would still be around here waiting for Alpha 3.3 in 2021.

    There are many AAA titles that have the benefit of HUGE staff in all domains from sound editing to hard coding and yet they ship their games with many very obvious bugs that never get fixed. Their forums are full of players talking about this, but they do nothing about it. Here we have a developer that assured us he will continue to work on the game, add new stuff and fix bugs, and still listen to us, while they could have stopped all this many versions ago.

    And kicking a dog doesn't make it smarter, it makes the "kicker" look dumb.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
    cmguardia likes this.
  4. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    1. Universe feels static/sterile - factions do not interact or fight between each other.
    2. Weapon and ammo balance and implementation in general leaves a lot to be desired in terms of better balance, variety, and common sense. Especially for SVs/CVs.
    3. The legacy feels like a clone of the flood. And in general feels meh. But I've never been a fan of body horror/magical bio weapon trope.
  5. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Personally, I absolutely HATE such a concept (in terms of lore).
  6. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    1. Unable to dock a vessel that has docked vessels - makes small CV/SV carriers (for carrying HVs) too much trouble to bother with.
    2. Unable to walk around on moving vessel - prevents boarding operations
    3. Unable to dock to hostile vessel - prevents boarding operations

    I know this is 3 things, well the 4th is related:
    4. PVs should be capturable (as victims of boarding operations) and usable as CVs.
    Wellingtoon likes this.
  7. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    Still, in regards to creating science fiction lore I'd have to say Larry Niven (winner of the Hugo, Locus, Ditmar, and Nebula awards as well as the 2015 Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award) probably has more experience building a huge, chaotic and yet internally consistent universe where his stories take place. I'd bet you a buck he has more practical and documented experience developing lore than any five people on this conference and has spent more time in a line signing books than most of us have playing this game and that's saying something... 8^)

    My point was that finding a way to, for lack of a better term, compile a completed structure into a single mesh would probably reduce rendering costs and combat calculations at runtime; I was using a GP hull as an example of the rubber science that could prop up that sort of thing. Tales of Known Space is a pretty fun collection of short stories and IMO still worth a read.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. vik.martinchuk

    vik.martinchuk Ensign

    Dec 29, 2021
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    1. Sounds and lights. The sound system in the game is awful. Absolutely impossible to understand is the enemy near you or 2 rooms away behind several walls. The sounds are the same. Too loud sounds of water extractors, thrusters, some vessel`s machinery. The one have to hear that constant noise all the gaming time. I always put water extractors very-very long distance away from the base, as their low frequency noise is really irritating. And lighting system needs remaking. The light is either too bright with glare or too dark. It is impossible to make a base/ship evenly lit, regardless of the light settings. Lights go through walls, etc.
    2. Lack of sorting on the galaxy map, lack of possibility to make markups, no normal filtering. That is why working with the galaxy map, history of visited planets, search of necessary POI, resources - is a pain.
    3. Bugs and glitches. Falling through objects, ships, indestructible rocks, shooting through walls and many others.

    But in general the game is awesome! Just needs some polishing.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  9. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    1. Same as above: Sound and lights.
    2. solar and constructors not working (on server) while offline
    3. long travel in sectors. maybe make a micro jump feature to friendly entities, or a cruise drive that cancels when you get near an enemy.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  10. TrashMan

    TrashMan Commander

    Jan 10, 2018
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    I couldn't care less how many rewards he got, since to me none of those institutions have any credibiltiy whatsoever. Like the Oscars. Or the MSM fact-checkers.
    Magical indestructable super-hull (trademark) is STUPID. Everything about it is stupid. Impervious to everything except (conventiently) visible light (so people can see). Trademark, impossible to copy, made by one corporation. STUPID. Human behaviour around it is unbelievable. Either way, any effort to change my mind on this is wasted, so don't even bother.
  11. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    I wasn't trying to change your mind; clearly you know how you feel. I'm curious, is there any science fiction author, contemporary or vintage, that you consider intelligent? No worries if reading isn't your thing.
  12. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    This has now been changed in one the the last two (three?) patches. If a block is in a hotbar slot and more are added to inventory, then it doesn't reset the selected shape. If you pick up the hotbar stack and replace it, that still resets the selected shape.

    Protip: when dealing with complex slopes and forms, keep multiple stacks of the same block in the hotbar, select a different shape for the stack in each slot, and then they can be quickly alternated. This is now made easier because the first stack will no longer have its shape reset (I always used the lowest slot as the default cube shape to minimize the issue).
  13. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I'm going to have to try this later today as I thought the issue persisted, I even reported it as a bug recently.

    In 7dtd the shape of each stack on the toobar can be seen as the icon of the stack changes to the shape selected, I hope that works the same way here now.
  14. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    No, it doesn't, and that is a good demonstration of the sort of feature refinements that Eleon continues to fail to consider or at least implement in a timely fashion.
  15. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I misread what you said here. Yes, the issue is still there. When you add more blocks of a time toa stack on your hotbar, the selected shape of that stack reverts.

    If there ever was an issue where adding blocks to your inventory caused the ones on your toolbar to also revert shape, I have never noticed. I am pretty sure I was always able to build and keep building even while intermittendly removing recently placed blocks, and could always keep building with that shape as long as I did not try to move the blocks from my inventory or connected container to my toolbat, for as long as I've been building. So I don't see anything in this regard that has been fixed recently, but perhaps it is subtle enough that I just never noticed.
  16. VulcanTourist

    VulcanTourist Lieutenant

    Dec 9, 2018
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    You're still misreading. The new feature is that, if you have a certain block type in the hotbar, then reclaiming or otherwise acquiring more blocks of that type no longer places them in the backpack and instead adds them to the (first) stack in the hotbar. If that stack is then full, then the remainder would still go to the backpack.

    Also a new feature is that this process does not reset the chosen shape for that stack.

    I was not referring to manually dropping more blocks to a hotbar stack. That probably still resets the shape, but there's no longer a need to even do it unless resetting the shape is the intent, so that may now be a feature.
  17. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    I see.

    I just tested this and it does indeed work, but not for the Logistics Connected toolbar. I rarely use the normal inventory connected toolbar for building, so I didn't even notice the change.
  18. Brehon

    Brehon Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2019
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    1. Lack of a local chat (local chat, frequency chat, playfield chat).
    2. Lack of ability to walk around on ship while it is in flight (full access/interaction with that movement)
    3. Lack of ability for players to have a log out spot on a ship so fellow players can keep playing.
    4. Lack of Pistons and Rotators
    5. More usables for RP flair / Sitting on an object gives you the same camera view even if the seat you selected was facing another direction
    6. Lack of character creation
    7. Having to use a steam name vs above character creation with a name.
    8. Usage of sqlite for such a large MP game.
    9. Lack of more interaction types (not everything needs to be kill kill kill).
    10. Lack of ability to chain automate construction of repetitive items (fusion fuel for example).
  19. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I've got one...

    Constantly dying of bellyache!
    "Dammit Jim I'm an Explorer not a Doctor" :Leonard 'Bones' McCoy
    idx64 likes this.
  20. Addy

    Addy Lieutenant

    Apr 12, 2017
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    1. Better more precise options to alter the challenge of playing, more available food difficulties and numbers of enemies, and animal and plant life levels.

    2. Better tec tree with many more branches and possible research options. For instance more types of radar and mining lasers shilds and armor.

    3. Random planetary disasters like volcanos and meteor strikes that can be turned on or off.

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