Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. krixpop

    krixpop Ensign

    Jun 4, 2018
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    Been playing since Alpha 7
    (gifted the game to two of my friends)
    The one and ONLY thing that I "dislike" is the high GPU temperature I get after 1.8 (same after patch 1.81);
    I get 70°C (and growing), had to "emergency shut down" the game due to the worrying noise of my gpu fans.
    (my system: GeForce GTX 1650 4gb ; latest driver ; 16 gb system RAM, i5)
    No other 100+ games has this issue.
    tw-Warhammer 2 is running at medium/high graphic settings has 55°C..
    Running No Man's Sky at steady gpu 50*C-ish; which is the max temperature I get in all my games.
    Clean-Reinstalling EGS (removed all residue files then install), the issue remains.
    I run EGS at lowest possible graphic setting and resolution, with (or without) skeleton windows dedicated to gamming, but since the past update (only the past update...) my vide-card decided to take-off and take my pc with it... almost
    If this problem does not belong here, I apologies and please direct me to the right discussion-topic.
    While I know it will be fixed eventually, for the moment I am un-able to play EGS due to high temperature that keeps growing.
  2. rtracy

    rtracy Ensign

    Mar 8, 2021
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    Legacy taking over security systems in a POI is plausible. So I have not problem with that part of the game. But agree with the rest.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Allow me to suggest that you do TWO things:
    1.) I assume you referring with GPU Temperature to what WIN tells you, yes? Don't trust WIN on that. While my Win 10 tells me 70-75°C my Graphic Card Software says 59°
    2.) in reference to the Performance - Ability of your Graphic Card: - turn down the IN-GAME Resolution to 1600 x 900 and go through the settings (if you have not already).

    Here whats WIN says and whats my Graphic card says(EGS is running in the Background).

  4. Vary Pacific

    Vary Pacific Ensign

    Jul 23, 2022
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    Hi, the temperature issue is my issue as well. I'll try to make a bug ticket when I can besides this post.

    I have learned certain settings raise the temps of my CPU and GPU. I shouldn't be having these with my setup, and I don't with other games. I am absolutely loving this game but when it seems there is a memory leak or something weird happening with my system, it makes it hard to play without fearing it will melt my PC.

    AMD 5800x, RTX3070 Ti, 32 gigs of ram (ignore the 980 in the video, it is running my other monitors)

    Here is a video of me switching through the settings and how it affects my system. You can see that the biggest items that cause the issues are Vsync and Resolution itself. Windowed vs fullscreen matter as well. This is with the lowest settings for everything else, so they do not play a factor. I understand that they will cause issue but not the changes I'm seeing with resolution and if it is windowed or not.

    Unlisted video

    You can see my temps skyrocket for my CPU and GPU when turning certain things on or off. I would think my system can handle this game at max settings easy. And that is the thing, it does. The game runs GREAT! With everything maxed it looks and runs fine, however, my temps and just my temps are flying up. I can feel the heat coming off my system as well, so I knows it's getting hot.

    The other thing is that the GPU usage goes straight to almost 99%, which I assume is a correlation to what is happening. Again, I would think just changing the Vsync or resolution, not the graphic settings, shouldn't max out a 3070 Ti. No other game I've tried does what this game is doing. So there must be something behind the scenes that need to be adjusted.

    If anyone needs more info, please contact me. I hope I can help make the game even better! Thanks!

    The video is a direct OBS capture of the game on my main monitor hooked up to the 3070.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2022
    dr bob, Ranzeth and etmoonshade like this.
  5. Skeliliz

    Skeliliz Ensign

    Nov 14, 2022
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    1. Nothing should be able to 1-shot the player
    2. NPCs/Turrets seem to be able to see you without line of sight. peeking around a corner and getting headshot before I can even try to do anything is the worst
    3. Crafting anything useful requires loot items in all cases. I hate this.
    Ranzeth and ZipSnipe like this.
  6. Skeliliz

    Skeliliz Ensign

    Nov 14, 2022
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    4. Admin Cores. in single player NOTHING should be completely invulnerable. Even story POIs should be destroyable.

    a better solution would be to give them 99.9% damage reduction instead. that way you would shoot at something for a while and realize that there must be some reason you are taking forever to destroy it. but if you chose to proceed you do so of your own accord. it'll take a while, but you can still do it if that's what you decide to do. $0.02
    johnietoth1967, Ranzeth and ZipSnipe like this.
  7. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    You can use a multi-tool to see if damage is dealt at all. And if it's dealt, calculate how many shots / explosives you need to destroy the block.
  8. Skeliliz

    Skeliliz Ensign

    Nov 14, 2022
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    I rolled up to a random space station the other night. I forget what exactly it was called, but it's a Vermillion build (there's a crate out front named "Vermillion"). CV turrets set to generator only (for disabling/salvaging enemy CVs). My turrets let loose and waste a TON of ammo shooting at the station before I realize nothing is happening and turn the turrets off. Go for a spacewalk at 2Km away from the station and use the multi-tool to try to see if I could detect any damage. At that range, holy crepe, it was tough. Would a popup saying "The target facility cannot be damaged by your weapons currently" be so hard? I know they can do it, handheld weapons pop that message all the freaking time.

    I'm a new player and didn't know about the double carat symbol denoting potential admin core facilities. But I have always been a proponent of the "no indestructible game objects" philosophy.
    cmguardia and ZipSnipe like this.
  9. ForlornKnight

    ForlornKnight Ensign

    Dec 29, 2021
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    I started a new world after not having played for a while, and I am not liking the updated worlds at all.

    1: If devs want to put more linear story elements in, okay, but I was playing this like a sandbox and find linear constraints an annoyance. I've dumped several games in the past that did this same thing. Make the storyline optional or add a sandbox mode. Random starting planets would be nice for sandbox, cause the new starting worlds suck, and I don't want to have to unravel the storyline and start teleporting around to get my interstellar CV.

    2: The new dispersal of basic resources just bogs down early play. There is a tech tree already, so why have delayed access to resources, too? Why learn to make things you can't get resources to make? This is mostly an issue with promethium, which is a BASIC resource, required for anything above basic survival equipment. What civilization uses a rare resource only available on certain planets as the sole power source for their tech? Make promethium more common again or provide other power sources (Solar should totally be an option for vehicles, anyway). Biofuel simply takes too long to make; it's not difficult, just annoying, and irritation is not why I play games. While on the topic, sort of, why can't we power other machines, like water pumps/condensers, using solar?

    3: Maybe this was an issue before, but I never had much trouble with it. Since I started the new game, I keep finding holes in the world. There is one right outside my base, and I fell through it and died twice and lost a bunch of gear before I had to avoid the area altogether. I've found 3 of these holes in the short time since I started playing again.

    4: An extra for you. Some way to make building vehicles less irritating. You have to start with a core, but engines go underneath, and it can be a giant pain building something when you can't reach the underside of the craft. What about hover field or even a construction dock? A special build mode or hangar? SOMETHING?

    Great game, or was before the update, so I'm really hoping it doesn't get ruined.
    cmguardia and Searcher like this.
  10. DiMithras

    DiMithras Lieutenant

    Aug 26, 2022
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    It is optional. You may start exploring the system totally skipping Tales of Tash. Nothing holds you from building a basic CV and starting off to other systems. Thats's what I did. When it came to derelict ship, I just said NO. And started exploring the galaxy.
    Check Skillon moon. It has Promethium. Also Masperon and Ningues if I'm not mistaken. Anyway, it's plenty of it to start off and then move to other systems to get more either from asteroids or planets. Ohh, btw, the asteroid field in a starting system should also have some Promethium. It's enough. Being limited a bit on the starting system drives the game more interesting and challenging for the start.
    That's a known bug yet not fixed:
    Dig a hole under your ship or just build it in space. You may also use a base platform that will suit you as a construction dock.
    Anyways, the game does not encourage players to build in survival, but use factory instead. There've been some posts by veterans of this game mentioning there are some constraints on not using the factory :rolleyes: E.g. "We are punished for building in survival"
  11. blooddragon606

    blooddragon606 Captain

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Bravo Delta six zero six, I have been playing since pre-alpha 2.8 or so. I'm in my 40s now...
    When I first played Empyrion, I had the crashed ship, half busted, with a limited amount of fuel. On survival, I had enough rope to hang myself. That is to say, the first few times you played the game, you ran out of fuel, oxygen, or both, and died.
    Three things I hate:
    1. The survival constructor runs on unicorn farts. Don't tell me it's solar, it works in caves. So, Please. No magic power. Challenge me, and challenge the Fortnighters that we may run them off.
    2. The bloody speed limit. I know, I know, voxel soft-body physics, skip the lecture, I hate maxing at 100-odd m/s. I want ships to have the speed to slash and/or run.
    3. What is the oldest, cheapest way to move about? Wheels. Please oh please, give me wheels. Space Engineers has wheels, and they are a lot better than they were.

    Most of all, I miss that raggedy old ship you crashed in.
    Searcher likes this.
  12. Wanev

    Wanev Lieutenant

    May 19, 2021
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    I will also +1 the resource sucking and GPU/CPU heating of EGS. As older games go, EGS is right up there with Kenshi as my two biggest resource hogs. I spared no expense on my new computer. It can handle just about any modern game out there. Even at that, I don't need a heater in my office during the winter as long as I am playing EGS because the fans are blasting a steady stream of hot air.
    Frelix Arcadia and cmguardia like this.
  13. drog007

    drog007 Lieutenant

    Sep 8, 2016
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    1) Lack of walking on moving ships
    2) Inability to move ships if someone inside a docked ship
    3) Inability to take offline players with you when a ship/base moves
    4) Proton support being turned off in EAC
  14. Garrik

    Garrik Ensign

    Dec 14, 2022
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    1. Not being able to walk around a ship that is moving.

    2. Only one person able to access inventories or the control panel at any one time. I play with my brother and it just creates a clunky experience sometimes when we play together.

    3. Lack of content to do end game.
    Ranzeth likes this.
  15. Gary Artik

    Gary Artik Ensign

    Dec 16, 2022
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    0. The friendly NPC ships look amazing but I wish you could hail them and do something with them.

    1. The turrets are not smart enough, like how does anyone actually beat NPC ships? You have to sacrifice a large ship to get anywhere near them and they keep going in circles and the end reward isn't very good for the effort and resource use to bring one down.

    2. The NPCs are boring - I hoped they would be more... alive. :D

    3. I wish there was more richer automata and environmental events.. the game feels empty to me now that I spent a few hundred hours.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
  16. Nullex

    Nullex Ensign

    Jul 30, 2022
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    I loathe not being able to rebind the unequip from 0 to something easier to hit with my left hand.
  17. Darkwhistle

    Darkwhistle Ensign

    Jan 10, 2023
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    1. Enemy can 1 shot you at extreme range before you know they're there.
    2. Long load times for playfields.
    3. Hard to locate npc vendors.
  18. OG Pops

    OG Pops Ensign

    Feb 5, 2023
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    1. Binding the most basic of keys "F" hard locked. Left handed player and have to use middle of keyboard for a function that should be able to be mapped anywhere.
    2. key binding locked for 3rd party software remaping i.e. logitech/razer etc
    3. Key binding all keys not available.
    4. Did i mention the key binding? Would love to play this game but its a pain in the a$$ for me been trying for 3 yrs...let me know if you ever get it updated.
    Peter Conway likes this.
  19. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I'm sure that devs hard lock binds without thought, I know that if I ain't comfortable with keybinds I play less, and that does affect my DLC purchases, and any micro purchases I might make.
    I knocked Elite Dangerous on the head for nothing more than I couldn't be bothered to rebind all the keys and controller settings when they got wiped out with an update, for me keybinds and control grows and develops over time and I wasn't prepared to do it all again.
  20. Brandinimo

    Brandinimo Ensign

    May 28, 2021
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    1.) AI - so stupid. Give us something more realistic and challenging.
    2.) Physics. Add in rag doll.
    3.) Textures are too shiny. We need some different material types. Everything looks like it was just freshly polished.

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