"To Good Business" Command Centre Feedback

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Scoob, Aug 22, 2023.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    Just doing this mission for the first time and, well, it's a bit of a mess!

    I proceed to the proximity of the Command Centre, as instructed, and allied ships spawn in (teleporting ships!) it'd be a bit nicer if they arrived conventionally, spawning outside of the player's view then flying to attack the Base.

    Anyway, I used this distraction to get close to the base on foot and that's where things started going really wrong... Firstly, I was regularly being shot by "Elite Soldiers" (I later found out) that were NOT visible. I could see the tracer fire, but not the unit. Later I had floating guns shooting me. Yep, just the Soldier's guns could be seen, floating around and shooting at me, not attached to a soldiers body!

    Once I'm being shot by invisible enemies, or by floating guns without the solider attached to them, I give up and enable God Mode. After doing this, I could see more clearly exactly what was going on, confirming what I report above.

    In addition to invisible soldiers, incoming Drones seems to spawn very close by too, it's a bit cheesy when there's no Drone (looking around) and suddenly you're taking fire from the direction you just looked as there is a Drone there now.

    This mission looks to be quite challenging on its own - my aim was to get inside a structure as soon as I could, to avoid troops - However, as I'm being shot constantly (really, it's nuts) by troops that simply are not rendered in, I see no point in attempting to complete this objective.

    Regarding the ships that teleport in to distract the base, they only last 30 seconds or so, a minute at most. I literally landed when the ships spawned in - hiding my ship using the terrain, so the Base could not fire on it - then sprinted in. Before I was 3/4 of the way there (only about 250 metres away in total) all three ships were dead. Ideally, they'd distract the enemy a little longer than that.

    Anyway, this looked to be a fun mission chain, the challenge being a bit beyond my current equipment level, which is always fun. However, with these Elite Soldiers NOT being rendered in, yet fully able to shoot me. Well, that's a deal breaker.

    There's little strategy to this one. Sure, the initial distraction is a great idea, I like that. However, it simply does not last long enough, then the player is facing invisible enemies that pop in out of nowhere - literally, invisible spawners on TERRAIN, not even on the base proper. This is cheesy at best. Having these guys spawn in on terrain AND not be visible is too much.

    Outside of the obvious bugs, I think the troop spawn rate needs to be reigned in a little (I had several soldiers spawning in a "clump", initially invisible, but I saw the weapons fire) and the spawns telegraphed a little better. I.e. have them spawn inside and exit through a door to attack the player. Not just magically appear in the middle of a field (the wide-open space between the building) that's pure cheese and not fun.

    Good start with this mission, but it needs fixing. I wonder if others have run into the same issue?
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Will check the spawning - but sounds like a bug I cannot adress content-wise. Were it really ONLY the elite soldiers that are spawned invisible?

    (Invisible NPC are a bug of course :D )
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Once I entered God Mode, I could inspect things at my leisure, rather than just die. It certainly appeared to just be the Elite Soldiers that were either invisible (but still firing) or just a floating disembodied gun.

    Even if they were visible, I still think the volume of spawns, and how they appear on terrain, rather than coming out of a building (which would be cool) artificially increases the difficulty.
  4. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Some additional feedback:

    I took the "free" CV on offer - the one docked at the base - making it my own. However, it suffers from the same issue many POI do, which are the hidden spawners which cannot be removed using the Multi-tool. This is of course actively blocking the placement of blocks in those places.

    When will we be able to remove such spawners when in Survival? I've proposed before that any and all such spawners should be destroyed the moment the Player places a Core. They are, after all, totally redundant at this point.
    stanley bourdon likes this.

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