To whom ever designed the Deep Space Radar Complex POI

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Reverb, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. Reverb

    Reverb Ensign

    Jun 8, 2022
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    There is a special place in hell for people who design levels with mandatory backtracking and infinatley respawning enemies (no teleport pads, just respawn entities).

    My backpack keeps getting further and further in and now it's pretty stuck in the large open complex that houses the shield generator and that room has so many spawn points it's always heaving by the time I return!

    Anyone else share my frustration with this POI or should I just git gud? :p
  2. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I ended any frustration with the backpack by selecting "keep everything" in difficulty settings. Masochism and I were never friends and never will become.
    Reverb likes this.
  3. Reverb

    Reverb Ensign

    Jun 8, 2022
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    Came back to it and managed to activate the teleporter shortcut to the generator room, that and a pocket full of C4 managed to solve my problems
    Myrmidon likes this.
  4. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Wonderful. I forgot to mention that strategy adaptation helps very much.
  5. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Glad you liked it.... :p

    On a serious note, the POI requires some different approaches, you can't just drop in, wearing your pajamas armed with a slingshot, you need to be well armed and armored

    Of course difficulty may also vary depending on the planet it is located, a hard barren metal with a gravity higer than 1 will have a very different experience then one in a planet with NPCs at level 2 or 3 with lower gravity

    That said, you can approach the POI in many different ways, and, the spoiler is, there are many different ways in, with teleporters in many different places, including some of the support defense towers
    Myrmidon likes this.
  6. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Also helps to remember your way towards the core, the core location itself.
  7. MelodicNL

    MelodicNL Ensign

    Jun 22, 2022
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    I did this POI couple of days ago for the first time. This is a really great and well designed POI and a real challenge for a newish player like me.

    After destroying all the AA and defence tower POIs in the area of the Deep space radar with my CV, I started bombarding the base with my CV which has mostly scavenged imperial laser turrets the ones that i stole from the AA towers ;)
    My plan of attack was the same as the AA towers. Hover close above it with my CV. And let all the guns fire with only the destroy generator setting. Retreat a bit when my shields are about to break.

    After a lot of ammo a few big explosions happened and the base was without power. Didn't make it that much easier to be honest. Sure all the sentries are offline, but that also includes all the LCDs and oxygen stations. So it was a total maze trying to find my way in the dark. Constant gun noise because the CV is shooting on the infinite respawning dudes outside. And because of the holes in the base, it lost protection against the outside weather, which was like 15 radiation and fire rain on this hot bare metal planet. I think i spend at least 3 hours inside and i definitely recognize the backpack story of the OP.

    Thanks for making my day :NewThumbsUp:
    Myrmidon likes this.
  8. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    If you know where to go it is not a maze. Also you can teleport yourself in from another Zirax close-by POI (I do not recall the name sorry). Shiled and running and jumping is a key towards the core and you will only fight some enemies in the end of the top balcony/catwalk that leads to the core room and of course any spawned in it. Explosives do marvels plus if you play RE and have a level 5 in miniguns or any other prefered weapon you like, it rewards tremendously. The only thing that needs time is through looting.
    MelodicNL likes this.
  9. GamlaStara

    GamlaStara Ensign

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Hi. I were wondering is there more this sort off POIs on this game. I ask this because i think that all endless spawning Enemy will ruin the game. I hope endless spawning enemy with out spawnpoint will be removed. Its unrealistic and just frustrating.

  10. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    So, you keep dying and coming back out of nowhere, but for the NPCs to do the same, from their own base, which has several teleporters by the way, is unrealistic....

    And, have you ever played other RPG games or FPS games?

    Or is it unrealistic for this game only?
  11. GamlaStara

    GamlaStara Ensign

    Sep 20, 2016
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    that's right...there are no spawnports at all in this complex. There are actual teleports that zirax doesn't use..but spawn behind you...without spawnports. Go try it if you don't believe it? :)

    Peace man, try to calm down...I've been waiting for the success of this game myself
  12. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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    Just so you know, the guy you're responding to is the guy that actually built that POI.
    So of course he's going to try and defend the design.

    At this point, I rarely run POIs unless it's something I've never seen before.
    But this one, yeah, hate it.
    Infinitely respawning enemies is a terrible idea unless there's a pretty clear indication of where they'll respawn so you can be prepared.
    But this POI has hallways and rooms with the thin plate spawners (invisible in survival) that can literally respawn enemies directly on top of you with no warning whilst you're provided no cover whatsoever.

    If perhaps there was a distinct visual cue like a flash of light, accompanied by a noticeable sound when the spawn near you, then it might work. As it is, due to the sound design, the spawn sounds overlap with enemy growling from three floors below you, so you have no idea if that noise was something at the bottom, top, or other end of the POI, or whether the thing that just spawned is currently breathing on the back of your neck. You'll only know if you stop to do a full room check every time you hear the sound, which can become constant as you progress. Or you wait until you take damage and then realize you're surrounded.

    And that's another part of the problem. It's not like the spawns are clustered so you know where to check when backtracking or returning to a room or hall. They're just everywhere. You can and will be halfway down or through a room and suddenly be completely surrounded.

    It's not "challenging," because that doesn't present a clear threat for the player to prepare for. It's total RNG just dumping sometimes unavoidable damage onto players without warning.
    It's just plain a bad design.
  13. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    You don't have to do any specific POI unless it's a mission POI, so if you don't like a particular POI, just don't do it, there's plenty of choice to go around

    What you classify as bad may be fun and challenging for other people, you know what's an arena game, ever played one?
  14. GamlaStara

    GamlaStara Ensign

    Sep 20, 2016
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    Mission.. default multiplayer on paid dedicated server didn't have missions. Dull exploring and fighting against same drones different ai small vessels.. Anyways....i moved on. Next try on coupe of years.

  15. Insopor

    Insopor Commander

    Oct 17, 2021
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    Yes, many.

    It's such a shame that the enemies and a few notable hiccups cause EGS to be all but incapable of handling fast-paced arena-shooter style FPS combat. Trust me, I'd love to see it. Serious Sam or Doom style traps and monster rooms; great. In this game? Not so great. (I will note that RE handles it a bit better, but it's far from ideal.)

    But even still, my above points still stand. The elements which stand out for this POI are ones that are widely considered to be poor design. And it's not just opinion, there's good reason, which again, I think I explained above.

    It's less a matter of whether or not I like it. It's more a matter of that it doesn't do what other POIs do. Like 99% of POIs when you clear an area, it's clear. Thus, the player is ingrained with an expectation. This POI changes that up without warning or indication. There's nothing to distinguish this from any other POI other than already knowing what it is. Thus it becomes trial and error. Even still, once past the trial and error part, it most often devolves into a chore of slogging through endless enemies that might respawn in front of you, on top of you, or behind you.

    Trial and error, learning as you go. Those are fine. I personally believe the best approach to design is to always give some semblance of an indication to the player of what they'll encounter. Thus, falling for a trap doesn't feel cheap because they had a way to find out it was there. It's the same difference in films with twists. Some films just have sudden twists that may shock, but have no foreshadowing or warning or any hint; it's completely out of the blue. But the best twists come when the film hinted at it, so that when it happens, you realize what that previous plot point truly meant.
  16. GamlaStara

    GamlaStara Ensign

    Sep 20, 2016
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    I have a idea. Make two POIs for deep radar complex. Easy Lvl players get endless spawns and medium and hard Lvl players get visible spawnpoints.

    I played medium Lvl, so need to make game harder with unfair spawns.
  17. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    There's currently no way to spawn different POIs depending on chosen difficulty, only way of having different difficulties is increasing NPCs level, so hard POIs will generally spawn in hard Planets like lava and barren and the NPCs within will vary depending on game difficulty

    Again, that is a matter of personal opinion, what you don't like other may appreciate

    That said, we currently have no way of improving NPCs AI so, in order to have NPCs ambushing the player in their own base is having them spawn when the player least expect them, like it or not it's what we have at the moment so, what you can do is adap how you approach the POI

    You have several ways of reaching the core room, you can even use the base teleporters to ease that approach, basically it's just a POI you can't use the same old techniques to win
  18. Jimmy McG

    Jimmy McG Ensign

    Nov 16, 2022
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    Interesting discussion. I'm currently in the middle of clearing it, and it's well above my usual abilities, but have to agree with Kaeser, that it is refreshingly different, even through the frustration.

    Am forced to try a few new tactics, which may or may not work.

    One being keeping my backpack stuff in the CV within WiFi distance, and only downloading a clip or two of ammo at a time. Hud is now spammed with abandoned backpacks....

    Enjoying the challenge despite myself, but please don't do this to all the POIs.

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