[TOOL] EAH | Empyrion Admin Helper v1.61.x

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    hm sorry. I was mistaken. Its not the error I thought.
    I think the reason was just that there where still some wipeinfo.txt files with "all" left in the folders. In the latest logs you see that some playfields where never loaded and therefore the wipe option never removed/executed.
    Once they were visited the wipe all disappeared.

    But why it ran "wipe all" and "wipe player structures" again... hm. Best just delete that Timetable entry, even though it should not run.
    Could be that its due to the monthly setting. But if you remove them, and restart EAH they should not come back again
  2. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    I have an error constantly :
    Item 852 was not found in system.

    I replaced all files most time without success.

    Is there a solution ?

    I use EAH full last version.
  3. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    items are loaded formt he config of the game. Strange though that its not in there.
    Do you use a scenario?
    Germanicus likes this.
  4. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    No, only default multiplayer.

    Edit : Seems that it is missing on EmpyrionadminHelper/Items. No 852.png and missing on item.xml too.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
  5. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    You use the full right?

    It should read it from the game config. But I fear somewhere EAH might be missing the right one... I will check it and see if I can get the missing infos.
  6. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Thank's !
    For information, it seems item 345 missing too now.

    And yes, i use full version.
  7. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Quick update to fix the duplicate playfields after you wipe the server, as well as some small changes to fit to the latest Game version.

    Patch notes - (Game Version 01)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!

    • Added: New Items and Icons
    • Fixed: Duplicate Playfields in Playfield list
    • Fixed: Game Version changed to V01
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. Patwar

    Patwar Commander

    Dec 6, 2015
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    Thank you !
  9. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Patch notes - (Game Version 1.x)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!

    • Added: Read Export file (same name as epb file with .dat always from default prefab folder) when spawning blueprints
    • Fixed: CB:SetHome/CB:GoHome working on Instances/Event PF
    • Fixed: Structure log inaccurate and containing multiple deleted entries
    • Fixed: Ignore empty playfield in player
    • Fixed: Config reader not reading default config
    • Fixed: Renamed 'Docked Ships' column to 'Docked To'. Purpose changed
    • Removed: Wrong sector coordinates in player warning
  10. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    I just noticed I forgot the player file update in the last Version (also missing on steam).
    Please redownload the current Version from our website to be able to edit players offline again (Full and Lite).
    Sorry for the trouble
    Germanicus and Taelyn like this.
  11. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    just a couple of fixes, but they could have further impact.

    Patch notes - (Game Version 1.x)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!

    • Fixed: Removed old wipe functions
    • Fixed: Config reader not overwriting items from scenario folder
    • Fixed: Used server time not correct after server crash
    Taelyn and Germanicus like this.
  12. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Is it me or is anyone else having issues getting EAH to use config settings for the game on a server. We are trying to set the constructor times to instant on our private server and it is still set to default times. Is something broken?
  13. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    make sure to set it while the server is not running. the game (at least it did a while ago) overwrites the settings when it is turned of. I think that changed, but never tested it.
    Did you check what eah sets in the yaml and when it changes (start/stop of server)
  14. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    just a small update with a few fixes and 2 new options for the wipe commands.
    Also the last old Wipe function (Wipe area files) was now removed, since its not working with the database.

    Patch notes - (Game Version 1.x)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time. Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!

    • Added: Wipe: Added ability to wipe a whole Solar system (put "S:" infront of the Solar system name)
    • Added: Wipe: Added ability to exclude Playfields when option "All" is used (see description in tool)
    • Fixed: CB:Wipe not showing correct time for Wipe after hours
    • Fixed: Structure list Name column not frozen
    • Removed: Wipe Area files function
  15. Starscorcher

    Starscorcher Lieutenant

    Dec 23, 2015
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    i have just had similar after updating to the new version of EAH
    EAH deleted mh HV and said i stole it from my faction in the logs

    however, the option Structure-Control execution & Structure-Control Deletion are greyed out and cant be selected

    how do i stop this for killing my stuff?

    Also on restore of the HV the restored HV doesnt have any movement, this used to happen with older versions of EAH the only thing i could do was delete and re-create the HV
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2020
  16. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    This is always activated. It happens if you fly a structure from the Admin faction if you are not in that Admin faction.

    Either you have to export the information file with EAH before, or after restoring you need to set the rotation settings up ingame again (see control panel 3 or 4th tab bottom right)
  17. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Even when we were in the admin faction it removed our ships. I just disabled the feature completely, because even with everything apparently configured correctly, it removed our ships.
    I guess I need to make an admin faction that no one is a member of.
  18. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    quick update with a few new features as well as a fix.


    Patch notes - (Game Version 1.x)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!

    • Added: Config - Autominer: Adjustable max amount per level
    • Added: Config - Discord: Discord to game chat filter
    • Fixed: Playfield - "Belongs to alliance of" does not recognize its own faction
    Taelyn likes this.
  19. SylenThunder

    SylenThunder Captain

    Jul 30, 2016
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    Request: Ability to set permission levels for players to lock commands/features behind the permissions.

    i.e. Setting donor levels. Normal player permissions 1000, Donor permissions 100. Set permission level for Autominer or specific CB commands to only be able to be used by donors. Or lock playfields to a donor level.
  20. Jascha

    Jascha Administrator

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    Jan 22, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    quick update for the new Version. Sadly it did not make it into the steam download on time.
    If you can't open the gameoptions because you use the new property "DiffSpawnLocal", then please download this Version.


    Patch notes - (Game Version 1.x)
    Remember to stop the server, start the tool and then start the server to apply the Update.
    If you start a new game also make sure to restart the tool after you started the game the first time.
    Please turn off Autban before you update the tool or start the server. Then check for a few hours if the Cheater Check marks people yellow (Extreme = They would get banned) without reason. If so, please let us know and do not turn on AutoBan. If everything is ok, you can turn on AutoBan.
    In case you are using a slave tool: Be aware that using this version only works if you update master and slave!
    This Version will be available over steam and via manual download.

    Please deactivate "Detailed logs" and "Connection logs" in the Config\Debug section. These are only needed in case you have problems and need to send logs to us. Otherwise they will slow down EAH!

    • Added: New yaml files
    • Added: Structure list to "Warp to Coordinate" dialog

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