If you want, load it up as txt and i'll check it. Also to rule out a bug in preflight system, although I did not change anything lately, but who knows. /jmc
I think I found the wrong. When removing the resource the little sign" @ " that remains, so I had added resurce and now it works.
Good to hear. Although that doesn't really explain the preflight error message then. Alternatively you could have also deleted the whole SpawnZone entry. Just delete the whole line 'Overseers @ Always @' directly there in the in the SpawnZones list, as it doesn't have any zones attached anymore to it anayway. If you still have the unfixed playfield that still has the error (maybe a epd backup?), it would be great if you could upload it anyway, so I can check if there's also something wrong in preflight, as the message doesn't really match the actual error. /jmc
Thx, checked preflight with your playfield and it seems to work fine. Although that yaml file did not have any errors anymore, so I guess it is the already fixed version? But i tried reproduce it by adding and deleteing referenced biomes and got preflight warnings as expected. /jmc
it's fixed version, you remove the resource in Spawn Zones from the NPC and the little "@" left on the end. I think it should not be left.
Found a bug: When creating new Resources in a Planet Playfield, it ignores all your settings but the resource (only when you make it for the first time). Works fine otherwise.
Hmm, maybe I don't understand, but it seems that I cannot reproduce the issue. I created a fresh playfield by selecting type 'planet' and hit new. Then I added a new RandomResource edited then clicked OK: Now resource has been saved to list: and finally after reopening the resource: Everytrhing seems the way I set it up. But maybe I got something wrong. Could you please post the exact steps to reproduce the issue, If you can get it to happen again. Thx. /jmc
Sure, realize I wasn't quite clear: 1. Adding a new Depletion asteroid: 2. set to something different: 3. Hit ok, and it exists: 4. On edit, I get this:
Ah, I understand now. This is actually not a bug but some form of known issue. I'm not sure how to deal with it properly within the limits of EPDs core structure and the way asteroid resources are defined in the game's yaml. If you take a look at the ExamplePlanet.yaml, that comes with Empyrion, the amount in asteroids can be set in two different ways. If you have a depletion asteroid, amount needs to be set to values between 0 and 1, whereas 'always drop' asteroids have an amount based on integers, where 5000 is the minimum value. So in EPD I decide based on the set values of threshold and amount, if I show the mask and input fields for depletion or always drop. If you enter 0.2 for threshold and 2000 for amount, the code can't handle that and doesn't show the right fields respectively also empty fields. Let me see if I can improve something about it, but that situation gave me some headaches already. /jmc
I have a game going that I customized the asteroids in, and now that game has invisible things in the air that are causing collision problems. Could setting the asteroids, (both random and depletion) incorrectly, have this kind of unforeseen consequence?
Honestly, I don't know how the game handles incorrectly set up asteroids. I think a COQ would be more likely or no asteroids dropping at all. But only a dev can answer that for sure. /jmc
So... Instead of trying to recode anything, it would be more easier just to fix this: Change this tooltip to say what it should actually be: # Float [0, 1] - amount to restock (compared to the total amount of ore at game start) A lot of other fields don't even have tooltips, it would be *really* nice to have these updated so we at least have a clue what's causing a problem.
Hi there Im having a bit of trouble getting a fixed cords poi to load in the playfied any help would be great just don't see why its not working
IIRC, it's the other way round. In the top list you need to select the EPB by name: CFG2A War Base In the 'Prefab' selector you should choose 'BA_Player'. I think that should work. /jmc
HEHE no i have it right what i was missing was a Orbit for the event space /facepalm man getting everything right is hard sometimes .
Why is the prefab selector showing me all the BP files and not the classes? Shouldn't it only display BA/SV/CV/HV_<insert entity type here>?
No, there are some cases, where you still need the Prefabs in that selector as well. Eg. Asteroids - and some other cases as well, IIRC. Now that there is an EPB reader, at least I COULD distinguish asteroids from others, but I'm not sure I'm gonna invest much more time in this version of EPD. I'm always just applying band aid fixes for fixes that might or might not break the code on a different end. The current code has grown into something extremely difficult to debug, maintain and especially enhance/improve. These days I've started taking a look at the code and I'm pretty certain that I will slowly start over with a more fixed approach of EPD, where every property can be treated individually and can have conditions and dependencies of other properties. Of course, that also means that every property and it's behaviour NEEDS to be treated and coded separately, which means a lot more coding time in general and more time to update/fix. But applying a fix for one property will not break any other properties anymore that easily. But not sure, if this is ever going to be finished though, as the SSG is constantly growing and will some day become the editor of choice. EPD was basically only filling a gap as there was no other tool available. Let's see what the future brings. PS: As a heads up: One of the next public game updates is going to break EPD. I'm thinking about a fix already, but will take some time. /jmc
I don't think the ssg will ever compete with your tool they shoulda just adopted it imo Never give up and great job !