UPDATE (v1.61.1 b1844) HOTFIX CHANGED: changed EPD's first start. Now you have to really select Empyrion.exe or EmpyrionDedicated.exe FILE in first file dialog instead of the folder. Also changed FirstStart message again to reflect this change. FIXED: playfields could not be opened anymore via menu or toolbar. I've tried openening mutliple playfields in default game and in scenarios successfully. Seems to work, but please let me know, if there are any (other) regressions. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyk75l53l5sg1d0/EPD_v1611b1844_public.zip?dl=0 /jmc
UPDATE (v1.61.2 b1856) CHANGES: added missing Alpha 9.5 items (trade commodities and others) added new BarrenMetal's special SplatMap Stamps input boxes for Texture IDs. Only use for new SplatMap stamps (end with _sp). See description of properties in EPD. For now, technically you could enter those values for all splatmaps, but as those values ONLY work for splatmap stamps, this might lead to a COQ in game. So be careful! Thx a lot to @Needleship for an explanation how this works. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vjledrxvmcocl3j/EPD_v1612b1856_public.zip?dl=0 /jmc
I wonder how "Delay before first creature spawns in game hours " work? I set up creature spawns at 100 game hours. But creature spawns right away when I've crashed on the planet. This is bug or I have misunderstood ?
The notation in the example planet states that the delay is "# Time in game hours during which no creatures will spawn after a kill". So it looks like you have 100 hours before a new one will spawn after it is killed. But that doesn't delay the initial spawning. If you are looking to make a safer area for start, look at Spawn Zones (rate).
Thank you, I have misunderstood. I do not want safe area, I wanted to set the time, for spawning.I have to think about some other option.
Lookin nice dude! I am pretty excited to be able to work on static and dynamic separately. My custom worlds are all finished playfield.yaml because of the workflow I settled into, which means far less replay-ability and makes me less likely to share them on the Workshop. I hope your tool helps others get their work up on the Workshop too. Thanks for all your hard work man.
Sorry, forgot to add them there as well. UPDATE (v1.61.3 b1863) HOTFIX FIXES: added missing Alpha 9.5 items (trade commodities and others) also to TraderEditor. DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s2ah8b8d0cv71hd/EPD_v1613b1863_public.zip?dl=0 /jmc
UPDATE (v1.61.5 b1874) Alpha 10 ready CHANGED: - added 'CloudsNightZenithColor', 'CloudsNightHorizonColor' property to general characteristics - added new A10 playfield music tracks - added 'Discovery' property to POI properties - added 'DelayBeforeSelfDestruction' and 'IsRespawnAfterDestruction' properties to freighter setup - allow 20 texture slots in TextureEditor (0-19) instead of 16. Slot 0-11 can be used for surface textures, slots 0-19 can be used as resource/underground textures. FIXED: - some minor playfield cleaner fixes DOWNLOAD LINK: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hvqotw7batcnp9s/EPD_v1615b1874_public.zip?dl=0 /jmc
Great work and ty for coming out with an A10 update so quick. As usual EPD speeds up my process of updating my yamls from patch to patch for the server. Did find a few minor bugs: 1.) POI - Spawn near drop down does not display all POIs ahead of POI being currently edited when there are several POIs. *restarting program sometimes fixes this. 2.) When editing the dronebasesetup file paths are shown under groupname in the dropdown. 3.) Patrol Vessel Entry is not being written to the yaml. Request: In the POI edit window would it be possible to get another entry for “PlaceAt:” so that “terrain” and “OnWater” is possible.
1) Will take a look. Maybe a bit hard to find, if not reproduceable. Do you have a playfield.yaml where this happens. 2) need to check, if Groupname or filename should be used there - not sure. If groupname, I'll change the FileBrowser to GroupNameBrowser. But I'll have to check first. 3) Will take a look. Might be some cleaner error. Not sure though. Request: You mean terrain and OnWater combined into the same entry (TerrainOrWater or sthg like that), so that a POI gets placed OnWater or Terrain? Not sure this is possible. That's not really an EPD request, but a game request, or do you know of a way to achieve this in yaml by hand? If yes, then I might be able to replicate that behavior in EPD. /jmc