You can put multiple options into the yaml so a given POI can be set to spawn both onwater and terrain like this: Placeat: OnWater, Terrain (not at pc so can't see exact syntax) I don't know if you can combine onwater and underwater though.
Ok I see, found it in the example. Did not know that this was a list type property. Will be changed. /jmc
Hope this helps out... 1.) The POI dropdown for "Spawn Near" I have not been able to reproduce since re-downloading EPD. Hopefully that was just a fluke. 2.) This is the dropdown with the filepaths I was referring to. This can be a simple fix by just making it a text field, the most common entry here should simply be "DroneBaseSetup" and same with the Planet Vessel section. This is the only spot where "Groupname" does not refer to a POI groupname. 4.) This is an example of the mixed PlaceAt option I was referring to. Used it throughout A9 for a planet with several floating POIs. Ravien_ff is correct, it is the only possible combo.
Whatever name you entered in a POI setup in the DronebaseSetup/PlanetVesselSetup section will also show up in that groupname list (at the very bottom) But groupnames are also allowed, so I think this works as intended. /jmc
Seems to be working for me. The only thing I found was, if you don't specify the BaseType in EPD, the whole PlanetVesselBaseSetup will not be emitted to yaml, but that's intentional, as it would cause errors otherwise. /jmc
Ty for the quick responses. Helps out a lot, the most common bug among any software is end-user error lol.
Dear landlord, I found a bug when using the tool. I want to add a plant vessel . Then I opened the tool. The interface is as follows. The SSG is used the group name .And The tool use the blueprint name. But the group name contains different blueprint names. How can I determine which blueprint I used as the mothership I use? And if I use the blueprint name,vessel will not be generated!
Hmm, wouldn't be a problem at all to switch the property to the groupname list. But honestly I don't know for sure. I always thought it was the blueprint name. Can anyone of the veterans in here confirm, that Planetvessel should use groupnames instead of blueprint names? Then I'll gladly switch it to groupnames. /jmc
As @Taelyn said, you should be able to use both. EPD supports only blueprint names for now. I COULD add a NEW usercontrol though that displays all the blueprint names AND all the groupnames in one list. But that might take a while, as I would have to think of a way to present the data, so you will see at first glance, if it's a blueprint name or a groupname. If this is requested and needed, I'll be happy to think about and try to implement it. But if you use the blueprint name it should work nevertheless and with blueprint name instead of groupname you will always know exactly which blueprint will spawn. With groupnames it's not clear, which blueprint will spawn, but it adds variety to the game, so both have their pros and cons. But apparently they should both work. /jmc
Only difference is when you use the group_name it spawns a different vessel after each generation. When you use BP name its Always the same vessel. Personal i Always use the same vessel and not each time a different one So for me it doesnt matters much
What do you mean by 'generation'? Does that mean the next ship in the group_name spawns after the first one is destroyed?
UPDATE (v1.61.8 b1908) CHANGED: - added missing V10 items (shields, ...) - made PlaceAt POI property a list property to allow combining of OnWater, Terrain, UnderWater - ItemBrowser: Now showing english locale name as default (and itemname only as additional info). So now e.g. 'Projectile Rifle Round' instead of 5.8mmBullet, as some of the Items got renamed drastically in Empyrion, and this will maybe help you find the right item faster. You can now search in the filter box for BOTH item names OR locale names and you will get the same results. - Added and updated some previews of items FIXED: - some minor bug fixes DOWNLOAD LINK: /jmc
@jmcburn Just an idea as a possible time saving solution for similar situations such as using patrolvessel groupnames or blueprint names... A checkmark box for "user input" so that the user can skip the dropdown and type in the prefab. This may be useful to for when the user does not have the custom POI built yet. As always, thank you for the hard work. The time you have invested in EPD is much appreciated.
Hmm, would be doable, but I'm afraid, that this might be confusing to new users. They might think that they can enter whatever they want. As these are standardized usercontrols, I reuse throughout all of EPDs GUI, it would be rather difficult to only show the textbox for specific properties, where it doesn't break stuff immediately. So I'd rather vote against this. But nevertheless, I implemented it as a test for now and it would work like this: Textbox always overrules dropdown and changing dropdown fills textbox with dropdown's current SelectedItem. ON save textbox value gets emitted to yaml instead of dropdown value. Is this really necessary? What do others think? Opinions please. /jmc