I don't know if this was answered before, but would like to have the EPD in english, instead of german. I play the game in english and cannot really deal with the german terms I guess the program grabs the german language settings from my PC, but is there an ini or config file to change that?
Well, EPD picks the best fit for your OS' regional setting, so if your OS is german, then EPD will be german as well. There is no config setting, but I guess this could be hacked as follows: 1. Easiest solution should be to rename the german locale folder \data\locale\de-DE to e.g. \data\locale\_bak_de-DE Then EPD should not find the german files and use the english hardcoded fallback or the english loca, which should be the same anyway. 2. You could switch the locale files found in en-EN with those in de-DE. 3. Switch your OS to some english reginal settting. But that means everything else is english too. Haven't tested that though. /jmc
Is that LiveReload still working? I'm editing my playfield.yaml in Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games\<Name_of_SaveGame>\Templates\<Name_of_Playfield> and I have EAC deactivated. I hit Ctrl+S, then Ctrl+R (or press the refresh button)... Ingame nothing happens, if I change the position of a resource deposit for example.
I didn't even know there was a 'live reload'. I have always just saved the .yaml and then used the 'pf' command in console to reload a playfield. Try that.
Hmm, that's not working either for me. I edit in the folder mentioned above, save the playfield.yaml file and type pf in the console ingame. The playfield refreshes, but my changes on the Y-position of some resource deposits are not updated there. [edit] But hey, I don't want to hijack this thread for my concerns...
Yeah, sky color, water color, biome grass and deco, music, and some other things will, but not all things.
There is a new global special effect: ThunderAndLightningWhite Found it on the default LavaNascent planet.
Hello, For random meteors the minimum value starts at 3000. In the freighter setup " IsRespawnAfterDestruction: True" the line must be kept. Otherwise the freighters spawn away immediately. So only set False or True. Can you possibly add an option where remarks (#...) in the .yaml File preserved after the Save?
Thx for the report: Can't define a min here, because the input field is also for depletion meteroids, so 0-1 needs to be allowed as well. Will be changed to always emit. Thx. Sadly, reading and re-emitting comments on save will not be possible (for now). I'm using YamlDotNet API (the same Empyrion uses, to guarantee maximum compatibility), but as YAML standard does not officially support comments as part of the language itself, it is also not supported and thus ignored completely in YamlDotNet. This could only be chieved in reading and writing a yaml file block by block, and manually interfering in read/write process of YamlDotNet, but that breaks more than it is useful. So I gave up on the issue, as long as there is not better/newer Yaml API. /jmc
If someone writes the 3000 directly to the file, the other values for the Asteroid are no longer displayed in the PFD. 5000 often to much..
Thx, should be fixed in next version. Background: EPD 'guesses' based on set playfield.yaml values, if UI for depletion asteroids or always drop should be shown to user. If those values don't fit into the allowed ranges, EPD does not know what to do and acts up. I still had a min '5000' in the guess algorithm for 'drop always' detection UI, because that was once the minimum. Changed to 3000 now. /jmc
I would avoid using Random Meteors at all. The game doesn't handle them well. Only depletion asteroids.
If you despawn her before the next wave arrives, it won't work so bad. But I haven't had a long-time test yet.
The DemoMod is ours, it has nothing to do with EPD Its just a example how to use the modAPI It doesnt do much then say Hello to you