EPD v2.34.0 Build 5831 is out bugfixes and more Highlights: - added saving and restoring of last selected tab on close and reopening of EPD - added saving and restoring of last playfield tree expanded states on close and reopening of EPD - added ScenarioSelector to ImportPrefabs/Block/Items via Menu. Now you can select from which scenarios you want to import prefabs and blocks/items. - added Filter to ItemSelectorWithPreview Full Changelog Download /jmc
Awesome. Does it have the new deco in it yet? Will there be any documentation of how the new deco works for people like me who like to create new planets?
Hey there, Strange, I'm not getting that error. Something went wrong with inserting items into EPD's EGroups database from EGroupsConfig.ecf. The "CyborgsDamagedHerd" entry apparently didn't have its comments removed for whatever reason, and I'm guessing that causes the insertion error here. But it works fine with my original EgroupsConfig. Did you create your own or modify an existing EGroupsConfig.ecf? If so, can you please upload your modified EGroupsConfig here, so I can check if there's something wrong with the ECF parser or maybe your EGroupsconfig? When exactly does this happen? On start of EPD or when you click somewhere in EPD? EDIT: You could try to delete the user.dat in EPD's \data folder, then restart EPD. That will cause some other SQLite (about 'Main Game'...) on first startup error as well, but that's ok, just click ok to proceed, then EPD should start reimporting all configs. Maybe something's broken in the database. /jmc
im using the default EGroupsConfig.ecf and have not changed anything it happens on startup of EPD then EPD just crashes when i try to save my work
Strange, imports just fine with me. Are you using the latest version? 2.34.0 experimental https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0oixo8y6dqbwsr/EPD_v2340b5831_public_exp.zip?dl=1 Please try again with a fresh installation of this version. /jmc
That is odd... The version you just sent me works perfectly fine and isn't the same as the one listed as the current version on the website
Hi JMC, have you a complete tutorial for your tool. I have a problem with the dronebase config in the static.yaml for planets. I become an error in the game. I think i make some wrong.
Sorry, no there is no tutorial. Have you checked the +ExamplePlanet in the game's content\playfields folder? EPD is basically just a visual representation of the yamls. So everything explained in there should also work the same way in EPD. Other than that you can upload your zipped playfield folder here (yamls & terrain.ecf). Maybe I can find the problem. /jmc
Here's the fixed version. At least I could teleport there without errors and I saw the PlanetVessels and the DroneBase. Compare with your submitted playfield files for the errors. Most important errror was, that you haven't set a position and DistanceToGround for the PlanetVessel(s). That made the Dronebase also not spawn, which caused the COQ. Secondly the PlanetVessel in the PlanetVesselBase didn't even have any GroupName selected. So there was no PlanetVessel to spawn. You just selected the Stock, but no main ship. Other than that, In DroneSpawing group, you set the POINameAsPositionRef to 'ThatAwesomePOIOfMine'. That's just the placeholder from the Example File. That wouldn't work. Hope that helps. btw.: found a bug in EPD, when you set up more than one POINameAsPositionRef. Will be fixed in next version, but in your case it didn't matter, as you have only set up one. /jmc
Hello jmcburn My friend and I recently wanted to do localization of EPD, But we found that the files in the local folder are different, Where can I get a file with the full language key so I can localize it? thx
Hi, The folder with the german loca files (de-DE) is the most extensive one for now. data\locale\de-DE But there are still items that cannot be localized yet. /jmc
EPD v2.39.0 Build 5977 is out Highlights: Regarding 'New Deco': It is not supported yet that you can edit the new deco format in EPD. There is no documentation about it and it is not supported by the devs to use it in scenarios, so I can not offer the possibility to edit the new deco presets (yet). But now EPD will at least read the new deco, you can select existing predefined presets and it will save it back out to the file unchanged. That way, at least playfields that use the new deco won't become broken anymore, as it was until now. fixed: RandomDroneSpawning allowed only one POINameAsPositionRef and import (YamlTypeConverter) did not recognize multiple POI Names. fixed: PlayerItems import did sometimes delete the PlayerItems table which caused an SQLite error about a missing table. added: 'Main' Faction to faction selectors added 'DenyLeaveSV', 'DenyLeaveHV', 'DenyLeaveCV' properties to playfield.yaml and static.yaml Full Changelog Download /jmc