thanks gonna give it And we have a winner. it worked as a charm. Now i just need to relocate to the right place, but that one i know
Yeah, That's a bug. Examined it today and I realized that there needs to be an option to empty the prefab field. That's the correct way it should be set up. Not possible though in EPD atm, as i initialize the prefab with BA_Outpost Akua. Will be fixed in next version. Then you will start out with an empty Prefab field, when you add a new POI. I just thought, there'd be no need for an empty prefab field, so I just prefilled it with Outpost Akua. /jmc
As i said before i got it to work. Scouting TONS of sites about random and fixed POIs tells that you can't mix fixed and random POIs. Clearly it shows that you can't believe everything you read, as i finally after 1½ day got it working with EPD. Thank you a ton. I would give you my firstborn, but the wife might not like that idea
That changed in Alpha 7 (I think), when they introduced UseFixed and especially UseRandom. Now you can safely use both of them in the same playfield. /jmc
Noticed this today. When a resource is edited in EPD, if it was "default" the program is adding the snip of code for SSSR type. In game this resulted in some very glitched AM only usable resources. It is also doing it when a default playfield is opened in EPD and saved in EPD.
Not to derail, but the deposits are not minable normally but do work with an autominer when they are set like that?
Was reading your guide on building Biomes in the old topic. Is this still valid or do you have a newer one ?
having a problem with Empyrion Playfield Designer. can't save anything. can edit , but can't save. - PreFlight found Errors: - General Setup: - TerrainHeightMapMax = null OR <= 0. - BaseLevel = null OR <= 0. - TerrainLevel = null OR <= 0. - Terrain level <= Base level. - Sea level >= TerrainHeightMapMax. - Terrain level >= TerrainHeightMapMax. - Base level >= TerrainHeightMapMax. Pre-flight completed.
Did you check the above values in your playfield that Preflight is complaining about? This is a pre-save check to identify problems beofre you load the palyfield into the game. It wonÄt let you save until you fixed the problems. E.g. is TerrainHeightMapMax field 0 or empty? is BaseLevel field 0 or emoty? ... If you think that all values are entered coorectly, you can upload your playfield renamed to text and I'll check it out. /jmc
Well, not really, the altitude section and dummy biomes is obsolete now. Instead only have to care about having a catch-all biome at the end of the biomes list, that has no selection criterai at all. This one is used, if no selection criteria is met to fill the rest of playfield. Special biomes (starter) have to come right before catch-all biome. /jmc
yea, load fine in game. was made with SolarSystemGenerator. even if i try to chage the value in EPD, won't save. set to 400 on base level. get this - PreFlight found Errors: - General Setup: - Terrain level <= Base level. - Base level >= TerrainHeightMapMax. Pre-flight completed.
Strange. saved just fine on my end. No warnings whatsoever. Tried save and also saveas. Can you tell me the exact steps how to reproduce this, if there are any? For now, you can always disable preflight for every playfield type in options. But I'm not sure, what's causing this. /jmc
Hello ! I did just now start to use this tool. I manage to do some edit on my server that are hosted at Hovac. I did change some minerals on planets ect. But where do you edit how many deposits ect. When you look on your map you can see the info very quick. Iron 0/19 as a exmple. How can I edit the planet to have Iron 0/44. ? I do see in the Tab *Resources* I can change a lot of things from min/max. But I'm not 100% sure what it all is. If I click add I get the window with Ore type ect. But what is the setting Count min/max ?? Its 10 12 on my planet.. but its 44 deposit on planet. ? Size min/max ?? Is this the deposit size, if so what is Small and what is Very Large . Depth min/max Its maybe easy to understand.. but the number say 0 1 - the number is then deffently not in meter's Drone Pro.. Is the chance for drone spawn abow the deposit? Max drone count . how many drones ? Thanks for any info! Keep up the good work.
Count minmax is what you want. On most planets deposits are scaled with planet size, so if you set it to 11 deposits, you'll actually get 44 on a size class 4 planet. It's an option you can set per deposit per playfield called isscalingcount or something like that.
Oh okay. So all the sttings on deposit ect is some how calculated later on to the size class of the planet. But I just need to play little and see what the diffrent settings do and effect. Last night i did start and stop my host server 10-15times. to test out small edit like. Deposits , drops , drop time ect ect. But I cant find any planet who manage to have planet size 5. Even when the setting say min1 max 5. When i edit size to 5 on example planet M35. The ground texture like grass and rocks get up in the sky. abow POI roof's ect. and the mian ground level i walk on is still the same. Do the planet size 5 work or some how it looks like it crash where POI areæs on the planet.
The InScalingCount flag will double the number of a POI or ore deposit for each size of the planet. Class 2 = 1x Class 3 = 2x Class 4 = 4x Class 5 = 8x To change the sizes of planets, you need to edit the Dynamic.yaml file where it says this: PlanetSize: SizeRange: [3,4,5] SizeProbs: [0.35,0.55,0.10] If you want all your planets to be size class 5, then make it look like this: PlanetSize: SizeRange: [5] SizeProbs: [1]
Oh ok So the tool Playfield editor can not change planet size? even when it have a tap that you can pick size? The playfield editor only edit the playfield.yaml Where is this dynamic file located. on my host server i get all my edit files from the scenario i made the dedicated.yaml to runn. Is it a dynamic file for the total server or is it one per planet? I ofc do not want all planets to be size 5. I want to ask you one more thing. but lets focus on one thing at the time! Thank you for the help so far!! amazing. EDIT: I mainly use this files on my server. Dedicated.yaml is set to runn scenario 'XXX' files i use then is : Content/Scenario/Playfield/Planet???/Playfield.yaml = at this location there is no dynamic file. But on Content/Playdfield/Planet????/ I found playfield.yaml and dynamic... Far as i know as long server runn scenario name in the dedicated.yaml. It will only use files and edits innside this scenario folder. ?? is that a bad setup. anyway the scenario playfield folder do not have any dynamic files.