[TOOL] eWPDA | Empyrion Web PDA

Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by RexXxuS, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That was really quick. And it works! :D

    Thank you!
    RexXxuS likes this.
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Apparently I found out that my eWPDA and eWSSC Tools Threads got unsticked and here and there censored.
    Asking Eleon it turned out that my tools got labeled as "HWS tools" by one guy.
    My HWS Logo Avatar and the fact that I have not enough money to host them on a neutral domain is apparently enough to claim them as "HWS tools", hence it's not allowed to make them sticky or have other official reference to them anymore.

    Without going in detail about that guy and with everything involved in it, I am very sad that my offer to help turned out yet again into something dirty, filled with envy and hate, because I spent the last 4 years of my life dedicated and all-in, day and night, into this game with full passion and dedication.
    A human with those efforts seems for many as a "cheater" and it is not granted to him that he has success with that.

    That being said I will only answer questions in the tool threads when needed. You will find the Changelog on the tool pages under "Tutorials / About".
    Those who used my tools can bookmark the websites or leave me a message. I keep them at least online available for now and update them there, because I still think they help Empyrion overall and they help you.

    Take Care,
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    That is unfortunate to hear. :( eWPDA is the only way I could make the PDA for my scenario (no way I have the time to make missions by hand with how much other work goes into making a scenario). I'm glad they will still be available because there's a lot of new things coming in alpha 12.

    Your tools are added to this official sticky post here at least:

    So I guess that's an official reference of some kind.
    Myrmidon and RexXxuS like this.
  4. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    This is better than sticky I think. All mods in one place and both Web PDA (eWPDA) & Web Solar System Creator (eWSSC) are in. :)

    So no harm done and both tools are recognosed by devs and players.
    Ephoie likes this.
  5. Dreuseff

    Dreuseff Lieutenant

    Jan 13, 2017
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    Hey RexXxus, I only recently discovered your tools. I am working towards being a modder and tool maker myself so seeing that the community is using your amazing work is inspiring! Whatever the reason that the sticky was disallowed does not remove the power of your work for this community.

    I would offer some unsolicited advice that I hope does not offend. You cannot make everyone like you and in fact there will always be some that hate you! so listen to your passion, not them. Also do not find value in your personal efforts based on how your work is received by a company because that is a recipe for inevitable letdown and depression.
    RexXxuS and ravien_ff like this.
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Wow, I did not expect so much positive feedback, also via private messages here and there.
    It motivates me and I decided to share more information in my threads again.
    Starting with huge updates and even more in the works.


    25.02.-06.03.2020 | v1.8.0

    • Properly adapted localstorage set page value to eWPDA.
    • Clicking on reset button does not remove the whole local storage now.
    • Restructured indexedDB key crawling (I recommend a re-import of your files).
    • Added jQuery into the project.
    • Added missing Task / Action detection! Empyrion throws exceptions if you don't have a valid chapter with Tasks and Actions inside!
    • Some fixes.
    New detection to prevent a corrupt export


    • Activated Alpha 12 additions:
    • Added Import of Dialogues.ecf for auto suggestion Titles for the new DialogOption check.
    • Dialogues.ecf is also imported when clicking on Import Scenario button.
    • New Action Check: DialogOption. Reference your Title from your Dialogues.ecf and control the player option check with the new Value.
    • New Check property "Value" for DialogOption. 0 = ESC, 1 = Option_1, etc..
    • Added inline documentation for Amount (since it's used also for WaitAction now).
    • Added more proper checks for properties when to show and when not.
    • Added InventoryOp Export syntax warn checker.
    • Adapted new InventoryOp syntax. New Syntax: Item#Count#Meta#MaxInventoryCount. Meta is only used for Tokens. Check TokensConfig.ecf. MAKE SURE TO ADAPT YOUR EXISTENT InventoryOps! I can't do this for now. Just do a Find + Replace over your PDA.yaml.
    • Preparation for more Alpha 12 changes. Wait before using ChapterActivation for now.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    You deserve this!:D
    RexXxuS and ravien_ff like this.
  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Awesome updates! I can't wait to start working on the alpha 12 missions with this. :D
    [BB]Drifter and RexXxuS like this.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I can't stress out enough that Alpha 12 will change the PDA in many areas. Prepare to rework your whole PDA. I tried to help you with eWPDA here and there but it's up to you to check for issues and update accordingly.
    I strongly suggest you work with a revision system aka "before" > "after" system.


    18.03.-24.03.2020 | v1.9.0

    • Activated Alpha 12 additions:
    • Big rework of ChapterActivation. It is now not dependent on Visibility anymore and accepts all Checks! Adapt your PDA.yaml.
    • Implemented TriggerDistance for few Checks. See inline documentation for info.
    • Implemented many missing Visibility and Activatable parameters.
    • Implemented new RequiredInventory property for Checks and ChapterActivation. It is a pre-condition for your main condition (Check).
    • Implemented a lot more conditional GUI switches.
    • Changed strings into proper integer and boolean values.
    • Added more inline documentation.
    • Fixed some bugs and added more legacy into the export cleaner.
    • Fixed Boost Effect never worked properly.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.

    Important Note: After the Alpha 12 release I will remove the EXP mode again. It takes too many hours for me to do the extra work. I am currently on my (unpaid) limits already.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you for the awesome update!
    RexXxuS and Needleship like this.
  11. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I guess we can not test it yet....Thank you for the update though.
    Ephoie, RexXxuS and ravien_ff like this.
  12. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Yes, a lot of new stuff is coming and I plan to make new Tutorial videos about everything.


    28.03.-02.04.2020 | v1.10.0

    • Activated Alpha 12 additions:
    • Implemented a new feature to show/hide a "Copy to Clipboard" Chapter ID button. Press CTRL + ALT + D to toggle it. This feature is handy in combination with Dialogues.
    • Implemented Meta checks for more properties. RequiredInventory, Dropbox, ToolbarContains, InventoryContains, InventoryCountOfItems.
    • Added 2 additional pre-conditions for Chapter Visibilities (Playfields and PlayfieldType). Checkout the documentation for it.
    • Added more export legacy cleaner.
    • Some style fixes.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
  13. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    06.04.2020 | v1.10.5

    • Massive Performance Boost if working in eWPDA for hours and switching between Chapters a lot...
    • Implemented some dependency checks for user convenience.
    • Implemented new Chapter Property: ActivateChapterOnSkip.
    • Fixed Export / Validate bugs.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
    Ephoie, ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    A big and time consuming patch this was. If no issues coming up, it will be the last patch before EXP A12 coming. Then I merge everything Experimental to the Live version.
    If you are not a hardcore PDA user, those changes might be overwhelming and you probably have to rework your whole PDA, like I have to do.
    But I can guarantee you it will be worth it and no big change is coming anymore - hopefully.
    After the Alpha 12 stress is over, I try to make plenty of PDA videos.

    06.-12.04.2020 | v1.11.0

    • Added new Feature: rearrangement of Array Objects. Drag and Drop your InventoryOp in different order for example.
    • Added StartMessage for Chapters. It is now consistent matched with the so called "Flex Message" type. It gives you a lot of new combination possibilities. Make sure to read the inline documentation about it.
    • Added new Flex Message Display type: Dialog. It will display a Dialogue window instead of the regular blue/red/mbox popup. Make sure to read the inline documentation about it.
    • Total rework of ChapterActivation. It is now consistent matched with the so called "Flex Message" type. It gives you a lot of new combination possibilities. The old properties are still possible to use but not advertised in eWPDA anymore.
    • Reordered some Properties for faster consistency.
    • Redesign of eWPDA Shortcut page.
    • Added a lot of new documentation.
    • String keys have now the prefix "pda_xxxx" for better differentiation from the Dialogues.
    • Fixed Delete object button. It never worked properly...

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    You also have to clear your local database cache and reimport everything for this patch, to properly import the new ChapterActivation syntax.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
    ravien_ff, Ephoie and Germanicus like this.
  15. Ephoie

    Ephoie Captain

    Jan 27, 2018
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    @RexXxuS Nice work! Always happy to see this tool get refined and updated.
    If anyone has used this tool and seen how much time it can save, you should throw @RexXxuS a few bucks for their efforts and time.
    ravien_ff and RexXxuS like this.
  16. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sometimes it's good to start from scratch!
    Thank you so much for this tool. I look forward to sitting down and remaking my PDA with it. :D
    Ephoie and RexXxuS like this.
  17. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    I had not time yet to create Tutorial videos but finalizing the tool. I'm also thinking about releasing a Dialogues and Token Tool...
    As written, make sure to read the previous changelogs about the new stuff. I tried to document it as good as possible. Most of them is straight forward though.

    23.04.2020 | v1.12.0

    End of A11 version. Experimental is now Live. Make sure to read all previous changelogs!!
    • Merged the Experimental Branch into the Live Mode! Since A12 changes so much on the PDA and if you still want to do PDA stuff for A11 you have to do it manually in your yaml file.
    • Added more knowledge to the documentation.
    • Added more cleanup if user leave fields empty.
    • Added Kriel and Pirates Faction to Reputation Reward.
    • Fixed more and important export keys.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    You also have to clear your local database cache and reimport everything for this patch.
    [BB]Drifter, Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Awesome! Thank you for this amazing tool! So many new features.
    RexXxuS and Germanicus like this.
  19. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    27.04.2020 | v1.12.2
    • Fixed 0 exports.
    • Fixed boolean wrong exports.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  20. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    06.05.2020 | v1.12.5
    • Added Chapter ID, when you hover over chapter in left sidebar (to identifier the Chapter faster with the "pda ls" command).
    • Dramatically improve performance when you are working with Dev Tools in Google Chrome (Blink Engine). From 15 seconds for a page reload we are back to < 1 second.
    • Fixed empty input fields like PDA Log got polluted with generic CSV keys, when you duplicated them. Thanks @ravien_ff for the report!
    • Fixed little style issue in Firefox.

    You have to press F5 (reload the page) every time a patch comes out to apply the changes.
    Last edited: May 6, 2020

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