make a 2nd stand alone base with just a TP, fuel tank and gen to power it.. put in just a bit of fuel to turn it on, then TP to wherever then fuel runs out, no wasted fuel (or very little anyways)
I think, rather than trying to find ways to "fix" this, I'll let Eleon fix it themselves, and I'll just live with it. I've been able to build fully solar bases for quite some time, and typically only add generators when I need to add a shield to the base, and link the shield and generator to a shared signal, so I can turn on both the shield and the generator together and not suck my batteries dead.
@johnietoth1967 @IndigoWyrd You are both "right" but... I know about the second base method, implemented it but it feels like a workaround. Plus, I am an engineer at heart, so the urge to make impossible things work lies in my nature a bit.
What you really mean is "I like building things like this." ;-) It's all good - there is no "right" or "wrong" way here. Overly-complicated, sure, but that's fine. We're here to have fun anyways. I just prefer to expend my efforts on other things.
Did some more tests, but the results were a bit frustrating. The above setup seems to work, if - you switch the generator off - have a >75% solar battery (2 batteries installes) In this case the base runs on solar power and as long as there is enough solar power, the teleporter can run on that. It seems that the teleporter needs some power after that too and by some magic takes that power from your fuel storage even if the generator is switched off. (Seriously?) If the generator is switched on, every test resulted in the base running out of fuel. On the plus side, I can have teleporters in a base, but having to to rely on solar power defeats the whole purpose of devioulsy switching the teleporter off before using it. Oh well, you gotta take what you have.
The power consumption needs a rework - having to add a sensor to a teleporter should not be required. It is, after all, a very high-tech piece of equipment and you'd expect it to be a bit smarter out of the box. I'd suggest 2 power stages, 3 if we want to add a bit more immersion with the actual teleportation distance determining the power consumption on teleportation. 2 stages 1) Idle + Browsing/Scanning for teleporters in range 2) Actual teleportation 3 stages 1) Idle 2) Browsing/Scanning for teleporters in range 3) Actual teleportation @Dinkelsen - I can confirm that issue with the generator switched off in a small constructor base with solars.