Troop ships attacking bases should be much harder to shoot down

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by japp_02, Mar 1, 2022.

  1. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    as the title says. In the vanilla single player game if you install any canon turret defending your base it will usually be a serie of shots lasting a few seconds and then troop ships will be shot down. In fact, I NEVER see any troops deploying from these ships, they never succeed to deploy.
    I actually cheat in favor of the game by keeping my turrets deactivated when troop ships arrive, so they don't get destroyed immediately. The simple reason is: I will get more loot from BOTH the troops and the ship when doing so :)
    This clearly indicates that there could be much more challenge in dealing with these troop ships, you should not play by cheating in favor of the game...
    One solution is to deploy the troops in every case, or at a certain altitude of the troop ship and independently of the state of the troop ship (what about a parachute sequence of the troops?).
    I don't know wether raising the difficulty settings in the Options will change this behavior, problem is: raising the setting will also affect other aspects of AI, especially all the hit points, but that's not a solution for the troop ships alone, thus my suggestion: Get this troop ship mechanic much harder please!
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022

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