Help needed Turning off cruising mode

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Nugscree, Mar 4, 2023.

  1. Nugscree

    Nugscree Ensign

    Oct 20, 2016
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    If by some chance you enable the not in game documented cruise mode, there is no way to turn it off. Even after looking online for several hours now, I've found only how to enable it (with different key combinations) but not how to turn this off.
    Right now it is enabled on one of my ships (SV) and using any of the w,a,s,d,c or space keys just cruises you into that direction (or combination thereof), causing it to smash into everything in it's way because the ship becomes uncontrollable.
    I've read through the stickies but can't find the answer there as well.

    1. Why are things like this not documented in-game?
    2. How do I turn it off, because if you turn it on it stays on, even for your blueprint.
    Game version: 1.9.4
    Build version: 4019
    Game mode: SP Survival
    Scenario: Default Random
    Seed: 681729
    Mods: Emyrion Scripting mod
  2. TwitchyJ

    TwitchyJ Commander

    Mar 4, 2022
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    Sounds like maybe that mod is screwing with you, because you simply press any direction (w,a,s,d,space,c) to disable cruise in vanilla game.

    Ctrl + any direction button to enable cruise in that direction(s).
    Any direction button to disable cruise.

    So first thing to rule out is to take your game back to 100% vanilla AND then verify files through Steam, and only then test again.

    The devs won't bug fix mods. So for them to even look into this you have to first replicate your issue in a 100% vanilla game and scenario (meaning no mods).
    Hence why your first step is to test in vanilla first.

    It works fine for me in a completely vanilla game (and also still works in my custom scenario) meaning either that mod or something on your end is causing this.
  3. Nugscree

    Nugscree Ensign

    Oct 20, 2016
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    Took me a little while getting some time to get back to this.

    Brought the game back to vanilla and verified the files, there where 14 files that where reacquired.
    The problem did not go away, I use no modifier keys, press W to move my ship forward and cruise control turns on.
    No matter how many times I press another (navigation) key it does not turn off anymore, this time it happened with my capital ship that has been severely customized from when it was build and I don't want to have to do that again.

    Shut down the game, reload and cruise control is on and stays on do this 5x and on attempt nr. 6 it's off, so it seems like a random issue which seems like it randomly gets fixed.

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