I have made the Asuran(Ancients). Asuran Scout ship, Asuran Warship and the Asuran puddle jumper, will be making the Orion, the Asuran Crusier. building an Asguard ship currently, building alantis to .5 scale after new planet update. will be making the Wraith Hive ship as BA. i play on the minnins of survival server currently and that is where i am spawning in my completed ships along with ones other people have made to decide if i want to remake them. Asuran-Scout Asuran-Warship
Asguard Jotunn Class System Lord station: project has started although it will be made up of a few base blocks, as it is 600Lx421Hx577W this is it in another game that I am porting it from. as I just made it over there. Once its ported over I will be smoothing out the hull and coloring it Oh and here is a picture of my puddle jumper