Feedback Required V.1.10 - Main Story Mission

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    The start of the main story mission has been reworked and most parts of the story arc has seen several fixes and refinements.

    Feel free to share your general feedback right here.
    Please report actual bugs in the bug forum:


    Most important changes:
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Totally Overpowered' updated to new settings and faction references. Dialogues updated to reflect context changes.
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Glacial Grave': Reduced Log content (amount of text) found on the system consoles down to 1-page logs and made several other refinements on procedures.
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Ancient Revelations': fixed issues with opening doors too early, changed creatures to variants that better fit some room sizes. Staircase now cleared when using shortcut from main access to upper level; added some additional markers in some places.
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Uncertain Outcomes': fixed several issues in mission progression; Set stations to civil + admin cores; removed Tier3 ores from mission asteroids.
    - Updated: Story Mission Interlude 'Meet the GLaD': added some skip areas to Dialogues and streamlined text info for summaries
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Sigma Fulcrum': Reduced clickcount on station console (each message now only shown once as long as player stays in the dialogue); Fixed a few inconsistencies with mission progress; Note the station is still set to Colonists faction you won't damage your reputation with. So first ask, then shoot.
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Unexpected Allies': Fixed faction settings to not break mission progress. Updated some dialogues; updated info + added more SKIP routes in dialogues.
    - Updated: Story Mission 'Wins and losses': Adjusted some text elements; Fixed progression issues. (Note, this is currently the LAST mission. Final mission might be added for 1.11 or 1.12)
    - Deactivated 'Murky Christmas' mission (as this is seasonal content).
    - General change on story mission factions & enemies: When there is no chance to proceed in a story mission other than to fight against a dynamic-RP faction, the opponents will be set to "Alien" to not forcefully ruin player reputation. If there is a choice, e.g. to trade, talk or fight, a dynamic faction might be used & the decision to ruin the Reputation towards them is up to the players themselves.
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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    So I finally got around to starting a fresh game to see how things are in Vanilla 1.10... and cannot seem to find any quests. I started on Akua, skipped the tutorial, and did not find any pathway to any quests. Giving up, I warped to the Omicron sector, and even landed on the planet. Still, no main storyline. Am I missing something? I don't see any avenue to the quests in The PDA either.
  3. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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    I realized I was running Multiplayer, which specifically disables story missions. Sorry for confusion.
  4. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    About Omicron:
    I don't know if this matters for the story missions, but in the playfield settings file for Omicron (Playfield_static.yaml), the special parameters contain a contradicting setup: The AllowHV and AllowBlueprintHV contradict each other and one needs to be changed depending on the intention, wether a HV can be used on Omicron and wether a HV from a library can be spawned.

    But maybe everything is ok as it is and it doesn't matter.

    I made a separate thread about it in this FAQ&Feedback section:
  5. Achenar

    Achenar Commander

    Jan 7, 2022
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    I responded to this in your thread. (For anyone else reading this in THIS thread)

    TL;DR: I don't see a contradiction, I think the Developers simply wanted to ensure you could not bring/spawn a ship to/on Omicron. Looks like they want to to force you to build/upgrade a ship by hand on Omicron.
  6. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    In the prelude "All Alone" the mission contact Kezzel in the cafeteria is not highlighted or indicated once you enter the cafeteria area except for a few milliseconds. First playthrough I thought the gambler was my contact as there was no indicator where the dialogue was coming from by the time I oriented and found my way to the cafeteria. The moving arrow indicating the contact needs to persist until you sit down. It seems to disappear when you enter the area at that moment so that is the wrong placement for the trigger to remove the indicator imho.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2023
  7. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    I'm missing what the story mission has to do with the tutorial because the tutorial failed when I was supposed to learn how to build a HV after entering the Nest. There was something about an invitation and I didn't get that. Who would invite me and would have the means to open the doors of this place? How did I get involved with the drug dealers whose ship got blown up by someone for unknown reasons shortly after I woke up, and what does all that have to do with the story? Some messages that show up on screen go away too quickly, and I missed some of those. The tutorial seemed to have stopped at that point.

    There are some references to things I probably should know about after finishing the tutorial. For those players who didn't finish it, it would be nice if they had the information they didn't get.

    As to Ancient Relevations, see here:
    It's not in any way a fault of the mission that foot combat sucks. It's an excellent story/missions like all others so far, and I'm impressed how well things are made and how much work must gone into making it. Even just the Ilmarinen alone is a wonderful build.

    I'm excited to see how the story goes on and will keep following it :)
  8. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    I'm back on the Ilmarinen after getting more supplies and am supposed to find a Purge Console to purge a container. Yet again, the marker disappeared way too early, and now I can't find the console. In the PDA it says to follow the lines on the ground, but there aren't any lines to follow. I have no idea where the maintenance area is.
    There's only crew quarters and a mess hall on L3 ...

    Maybe I found it after a door had opened that was closed when I checked earlier. Now I have enemies standing right on front of me, clipping through the ceiling, with clear line of sight, and I can't hit them:


    When will that be fixed?

    I walked sideways until I could hit them. I can even walk in a straight line from where I was standing to where they were standing. Yet there was an invisible something in between that prevents shooting them. Now that they're dead, I can shoot them from where I took the picture.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2023
  9. shortName

    shortName Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2023
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    The Sigma Fulcrum mission is not doable. Suddenly the whole place started shooting at me while I was trying to find the traders I'm supposed to talk to which are nowhere to be found. My SV was in the docking bay and started shooting pointlessly; that wasted like a lot of ammo :(

    When you do something like this, you must change the place to a non-admin core so it can be disabled. And turrets shouldn't automatically shoot something they can not damage anyway.

    I had to go in in god mode to retreive my SV and I'll probaby be going through the place also in god mode. Anything else would only be ridiculous. And the Free Colonists turned hostile because I had to shoot thier turrets. What do they expect when they suddenly start shooting at me? How do I switch that back?

    There's no elevator in the quartermasters office. Which elevator is he referring to? Which 'lowest level' is he referring to? There is no red door on the lowest level of the building.

    So where's the station console I'm supposed to access? I can't find it.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2023
  10. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    Omicron location, raptors appear to have been the devs idea of how to make players happy.

    Currently they fall through the floor when you kill them about 75% of the time and you can only find the corpse if you dig them out. This plays like a bug. Corpse should stay on surface, visible and lootable.

    They're very cheaty as they can strike while the avatar is evading unlike other hazards which do that kind of high damage and dodge with ridiculous digital alacrity, while the game freezes and stutters when they approach to attack which is obstructive. Shotgun does not work well with grouped raptors or closing raptors at close range when one feels it should work well at close range and damage groups more effectively. Sniping at a distance is the most effective counter with the current weapons balance.

    Why do you keep making weapons disappointing? Why does the game freeze and stutter at critical moments? Why is my graphics fan always 100% in Empyrion when my drivers are set to limit FPS?
  11. boolybooly

    boolybooly Commander

    Aug 28, 2015
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    OMG it gets worse!

    The Ancient Tower location, you are offered a flamethrower which as you would expect, inline with Empyion's current weapons balancing is ABSOLUTELY USELESS for killing spiders, of course it is, its a total red herring and bum steer, which is not how devs should treat players. You are given 80 rounds and it takes 22 rounds direct flamethrower fire to the head to kill ONE spider... 22 ? ! And there are half a dozen more.

    Flamethrower is completely useless, unless you are trying to remove grass from the landscape which is all it is good for and frankly can be done quicker with the survival tool or fine resource setting on the miner and you have to do this to fight the spiders because tee hee hee, the devs have made the spiders smaller than the grass, so you cant see them to aim.

    That might work if the flamethrower worked. Thing is the flamethrower does not provide credible area of effect damage, so the whole thing fails because the flamethrower is nerfed. If it wasn't nerfed and did devastating damage to biologicals, you could spray and pray and count yourself a hero. If persistent damage also cleared the grass you might also be able to find the corpses again to loot them, which you can't unless you use the above mentioned methods of clearing it. It would also be funny if you harvested cooked meat if killed by flamethrower but that is just my sense of humour, though I think it is funnier than a specialist weapon which simply doesn't work. That is not funny at all.

    So in summary the flamethrower is not powerful enough against spiders, it should be much more powerful than the other weapons against spiders because this is the weapon you are given to hunt spiders but currently the other weapons are much better at dealing with them, which is the wrong way round.

    It does not appear to do any area of effect damage and ideally I would suggest it should and that should persist a few seconds and accumulate. But if that is not possible then just make it a very effective one shot short range kill.

    Weapons balancing in Empyrion currently has a problem with ascetic masochism and needs help. Be kind.

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