Feedback Required v.1.7 - Mission: Murky Christmas

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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  2. Stamper

    Stamper Ensign

    Jan 5, 2022
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    Sorry to say, I've just attempted the mission and I only get between 10-20fps which makes it totally unplayable. Even on the lowest settings (which completely ruins all your new water graphics), whilst I was able to free the prisoners, I could not find the way back to the surface, and trying to jump/jetpack across gaps and get to the next area, with such a low fps rate, I kept missing the ledge/landing area, falling back into the dungeon with broken bones. Attempting to apply medic, instant death from the horde.

    This is the last chapter in the story for me, I will give it a miss.

    And whilst I am here, can you please revise the 'save game' procedure. Loading your save, only to have it instantly overwritten with your next death is frustration beyond belief.

    Aside: enjoying the game. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Stamper.
  3. Nazo

    Nazo Ensign

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I think the real problem is the mission is infinitely spawning the enemies. It shouldn't be doing this. It doesn't even make the slightest effort to disguise this either. They just pop in (in some cases above the ground, dropping down even) infinitely. My system handled it great at first and I'm normally a really good shot with my sniper rifle so can take on such enemies pretty well, but as more and more just kept infinitely spawning in it bogged down more and more and more until I couldn't really aim anything anymore due to being at super low framerates. What bothered me most though was that since they were infinitely spawning I couldn't really actually proceed forward since they'd just pop in behind me infinitely as well as in front of me infinitely. This felt more like an end-game scenario as it is, but the infinite spawns makes it kind of unrealistic even in end-game terms I think. Between the framerate destruction and how hard it was even to proceed I felt like it just was not fun and the only single reason I did it was to continue the story (so I can see a lot of people simply quitting in frustration there.) The spawns should definitely at the very minimum have limitations so that eventually you can clear the area out, but really, again it just seems kind of lame when you're watching enemies just pop into existence in thin air and it isn't even an actual ability of those enemies...

    I do know for a fact that I killed more than 500 of them before I finally got out. To be perfectly frank though, I got kind of fed up with the fact I couldn't even walk forward around the 500 mark due to the infinite spawns and eventually just used godmode.
  4. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    The Murky Hollow Village used in the Murky Christmas Mission was created as an Arena, a place the player goes, or several in MP go to see how long they can last

    The goal is not to kill everything inside but just to recover what’s inside and come out alive, in the Christmas mission the goal were the prisoners but there is also loot inside

    While testing I had no issues with FPS, but I reckon that that may vary depending on each player and hardware config, so the number of respawns may be a consideration for future implementations, if there’s going to be one, but they were a feature not an oversight
  5. Nazo

    Nazo Ensign

    Jan 28, 2022
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    Hmm. It seemed to be implemented as a story thing. I presume then the intent is to present it as optional, but I don't recall anything indicating such. I guess, if nothing else, maybe that should be a bit clearer.

    If it helps any on figuring out the FPS stuff, I have a Ryzen 5 2600 overclocked to 3.8 (just doing a light overclock right now) and a Geforce 1060 (back when I could afford to upgrade was when it became impossible to buy a card and now I can't afford to.)

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